React.JS Developer Salary Range in India

React.JS Developer Salary Range in India

The average developer compensation for work in React.JS is INR 733,000. Those with less than a year of expertise in the field can expect to earn a starting salary of roughly INR 400,000 per year for their efforts in React.JS development. Developers with 1 to 4 years of expertise in React.JS may expect to earn a salary of roughly INR 540,000 per year.


The average salary for a web developer in India is INR 1,300,000. This is the salary of a middle-level developer with 5-6 years of experience. In India, a senior-level ReactJS developer can expect to make about INR 1,700,000 a year as a result of their extensive experience and expertise.


There has been a rise in the number of "full-stack" developers; these professionals have expertise in both the front- and back ends of a website. Both large enterprises and newer businesses can benefit from Full Stack development since it helps employees comprehend the design and development process and eliminates unnecessary repetition.


React.JS Developer Salary India: Based on Location

Jobs for React.JS Developers and their average yearly salaries in India are best in Hyderabad, then in Bangalore, then in Mumbai, and finally in New Delhi.


Since these two cities are often regarded as the centers of India's technology industry, they also tend to offer the highest pay for React.JS Developers. In Ahmedabad, a React JS developer can expect an average income of Rs. 3.6 lakhs per year.


The percentage difference in salaries for the position of React.JS developer is listed below.

●?Hyderabad: 27%

●?Bangalore: 25%

●?Mumbai: 12%

●?New Delhi: 5%

●?Pune: 0%


React.JS Developer Salary in India: Based on Experience & Skills

In India, the starting salary for a React.JS developer with one year of experience is around Rs. 350,000. Salary can go up to about Rs. 1,300,000 with enough expertise.


Learning new user interface (UI) best practices is an integral part of developing professional expertise and preparing one to make sound judgments that have a real-world impact on the success or failure of enterprises.


Developers have been working hard to improve the user interface and front end since the introduction of Android 5 and Google's Material Kit.


React.JS Developer Salary in India: Based on Recruiters

Listed below are some of the most sought-after employers for React.JS and web developers, as reported by Payscale:

●?Accenture: Rs. 476,000

●?Amazon: Rs. 1,000,000

●?Directi: Rs. 678,000

●?Tata Consultancy Service(TCS): Rs. 420,000

●?Cognizant: Rs. 390,000

●?Infotech: Rs. 292,000


From the data presented above, it is possible to conclude that product-based corporations like Amazon and Directi, as well as several product-based startups like Yulu, Ola, Uber, etc., are more likely to pay a high salary than service-based organizations like TCS and Infosys.


There is a current average annual compensation of Rs. 5.6 lakhs for a React JS developer at TCS. In India, React.JS developers can find some of the best salaries in the cities of Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi-NCR, and Hyderabad.


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Why Should You Become a React.JS Developer?

Work in this industry is in high demand.

The skill of developers competent to handle frontend duties is in high demand due to the ever-increasing number of apps and the ever-expanding number of companies. Currently, there is still room for new entrants in the industry. Even Microsoft's SDE-2 Tanay Pratap encourages his followers to learn JavaScript by sharing real-world examples and advice.

React JS has been adopted by thousands of businesses, including a small but notable number of Fortune 500 organizations, for use in their mobile apps and websites. There is a rising need for this type of technology. Several well-known companies, like Walmart, Tesla, and Airbnb, have produced mobile apps with the help of the React Native framework.


Positions with High Pay and Diversity

Developers with expertise in React.JS are in high demand, and they can find work in a wide variety of fields and professions within the web development industry. The pay is high, as you can see, and they can go even higher if you improve your performance.



Versatility is one of React's most exciting features. As a result, if you're a developer with experience in React JS, you may simply create apps for several platforms, including mobile, desktop, online, and many more. With the aid of the React Native Code, you can also distribute your apps for both Android and iOS. As a result, not only do you have the freedom to go from developing a web app to a mobile app, but you can also try out brand-new types of app development without having to start from zero.


In charge of enhancing the current product portfolio

Improvements to the user interface (UI) have become an increasingly important aspect of expanding and refining the product line as updates and new features are released. A skilled programmer will know how to improve the product's user interface and user experience, making it more appealing to customers. This is a challenging role that calls for a developer with excellent technical and aesthetic skills.


Final Words

This was about today's article on React.JS Developer salary in India. If you are into it, then full stack development is the best career graph for you. Skillslash can help you make a successful career out of it. Apart from being the provider of the best Data Science Course In Chennai, Skillslash?has an exclusive Full Stack Developer Course In Bangalore?that will help you learn and master the concepts, work with top AI startups, and as a part of the 100% Job Guarantee program, you receive an employment opportunity. Get in Touch?with the support team to know more.


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