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The React Newsletter is a weekly email newsletter that covers the latest in React.js development.
Each week, we hand-pick the best content from around the web and deliver it straight to your inbox.
Let's look at some of the things React developers have been talking about lately.
This Week in React
CloudDev Clarity | Episode 9: React Hooks
In this 9th episode, Andrew & Julie join the great debate of #React class components or React hooks. We define what the differences are and make sure we address some listener questions submitted to our...
JavaScript To Know Before Learning ‘How To React’
By Ifeoma Imoh
This post covers concepts every JavaScript developer should be comfortable with before learning #React. Although there are still many concepts you should be familiar with to be a better React developer...
Smooth animations with React Native Animated 3
By Hussain Arif
React Native Reanimated allows for granular control and performance over animations in apps. Let's see what's new in v3. #reactjs
React: How does useDeferredValue and useTransition work ?
By Linh Bui
As we know that Concurrent was enabled by default in #React 18. To implement this feature, there are new 2 hooks that come into the game: useDeferredValue and useTransition. In mount phase (first rende...
React vs Angular Comparison: Which is Better and Why?
By Jessica
Our reality is one that is mediated by technology. This makes a creative apps. Speaking of the same, Talking about famous argument of #React vs Angular Comparision. And the quickest thought in our mind...
Flutter Vs. React Native: Which One to Choose?
By David
The major market players and development frameworks – Flutter and #React Native have develop into best contenders competing to demonstrate their truly worth across cross-system cellular application adv...
How to Use Desktop Notifications with React
ReactJS vs. VueJS: Understanding The Differences
By Code Condo
Today, most companies are willing to invest in developing tools that help create high-quality web solutions in a short time. ReactJS and VueJS are the... #reactjs
React Pro Tip #2 — How to Type `this.props` to Include `defaultProps`
By Deckstar
This trick is for those occasions when you use a class component, and don't want TypeScript to complain about optional props being possibly undefined, despite definitely being included in defaultProps... #reactjs
Will React Hooks Replace React Router?
Routing is a necessity when it comes to single-page applications. Developers use various routing libraries to implement routing for their apps. For #React, React Router is the go-to library to handle r...
React Nesting Components: Rules to Follow
How React works behind the scenes
By Amr Tawfik
React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's declarative, efficient, and flexible. But have you ever wondered how #React actually works behind the scenes? Let's take a look ...
Creating a simple React App in Ionic/Capacitor
By Aristos Markogiannakis
So this week I had a Hackathon week at work, so I though hmm is there is something I wanted to try for a long time but didn’t have enough… #reactjs
How to Efficiently Work Together in Big Teams Developing React Native Apps
Managing big teams is no easy feat. Everybody has their own preferences, working style, and characters, and yet all those aspects need to come together to create a team of people dedicated to.. #reactjs
All About React’s Proposed New use() Hook
By Jonathan
First-class support for Promises is coming to #React — here’s the proposal on how it’s expected to work.
7 Useful GitHub Repositories to Become a Pro React Developer
By Adarsh Gupta
React Serverless SSR: A discussion and lightweight framework
By Max Rohde
Explores how to implement #React Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in a serverless way on AWS using a lightweight framework.
Five best practices for React developers
By Educative
There are many ways to structure your code so it’s readable, and everyone has their own way of getting there. The question becomes, is… #reactjs
Dynamically Wrapping Strings in HTML Tags Using ReactJS and Regex
By Coner M.
Whether it’s adding code tags to titles or something else, wrapping strings in HTML tags can be a helpful tool. Here’s how to do it in… #reactjs
5 Web Accessibility tools for React Applications.
By Adarsh gupta
Web accessibility is one of the most significant, but least considered, topics by web developers #reactjs
Summary of React India — 2022
By Alok Raj
It’s been a wonderful experience of witnessing #React India live in Goa. Here are the summary and keynotes from the event.
Building a Notion-like system with And React ??
By Nevo David
We are going to build a knowledge system like Click-Up and Notion. You will be able to add posts, write comments, tag other users and show it in their notifications. In notion users can see what other... #reactjs
Why You Should Learn ReactJS
By Ankur Tyagi
What is ReactJS? is the first thought that comes to mind. #React is a javascript library that is used for building great user interfaces. . It's open-source and maintained and developed by Facebook. . ...
How to Build a Web3 Game eShop with React, Solidity, and CometChat
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a decentralized web3 eShop for selling game items using the native ethereum currency. This app comprises the smart contract layer, a front end where all t... #reactjs
Ink: React for TUI
Managing types in React Typescript, the right way
By Ahmed Mawia
Typescript is just a development tool, and it can use the typeof operator to get the exact type definition of a variable. When writing #React with Typescript we often deal with types spread across mult...
Create cool page navigation animation in React with Framer Motion
By Kyle Le
Framer Motion has a lot of components, but to do a simple animation with motion, we only need the motion component, so let’s import it . As a gaming enthusiast, I love animations effects, so I tried t... #reactjs
In conclusion, React is a powerful tool that can help you build amazing applications. If you're looking to become a better React developer, make sure to check out the resources we've listed above. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the community for help.
Next Week
The React Newsletter is a handy tool for keeping up with the latest in React development. In each weekly edition, we hand-pick the best content from around the web and deliver it straight to your inbox. This helps you stay informed about new features, differences between frameworks, tips on becoming a better developer, and more!
So whether you're just starting with React or a seasoned pro, be sure to subscribe to the React Newsletter!
Thanks for reading & see you next week!
The React Newsletter Team
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