React: Newly Launched useTransition hooks.

React: Newly Launched useTransition hooks.

Hi there,

Here are below snippet shows how to execute the useTransition hook in React.

mport React, { useState, useTransition } from 'react';

const MyComponent = () => {
? const [showContent, setShowContent] = useState(false);
? const [startTransition, isPending] = useTransition({ timeoutMs: 300 });

? const handleClick = () => {
? ? startTransition(() => {
? ? ? setShowContent(!showContent);
? ? });
? };

? return (
? ? <div>
? ? ? <button onClick={handleClick} disabled={isPending}>
? ? ? ? {showContent ? 'Hide Content' : 'Show Content'}
? ? ? </button>

? ? ? {isPending ? (
? ? ? ? <div
? ? ? ? ? style={{
? ? ? ? ? ? width: '100px',
? ? ? ? ? ? height: '100px',
? ? ? ? ? ? backgroundColor: showContent ? 'red' : 'green',
? ? ? ? ? ? transition: 'background-color 0.3s ease-in-out',
? ? ? ? ? }}
? ? ? ? />
? ? ? ) : null}

? ? ? {showContent && <div>This is the content to show or hide.</div>}

? ? ? {!isPending && (
? ? ? ? <button onClick={handleClick} disabled={isPending}>
? ? ? ? ? {showContent ? 'Hide Content' : 'Show Content'}
? ? ? ? </button>
? ? ? )}
? ? </div>
? );

export default MyComponent;

Brief Explanation: -

  1. When the button is clicked, the handleClick function is called, which triggers the transition using startTransition. Inside the transition callback, the showContent state is toggled.
  2. The isPending variable is used to determine if a transition is in progress. While the transition is ongoing, the button that triggered the transition is disabled using the isPending value as the disabled attribute. This prevents users from triggering the transition multiple times.
  3. Once the transition is completed and isPending becomes false, both buttons are rendered again, allowing the user to show or hide the content by clicking either button.
  4. The colored transition effect remains the same as in the previous example, with the background color changing based on the showContent state.

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Purvak Pathak MBA MCP


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