React Native VS Google Flutter
If we are going to develop a mobile application it is important to select an appropriate technology stack.we have to focus on scalability,stability and how that technology helps to solve complex business scenarios. Many Companies investing to become the best in mobile application development and increase their sales against other companies.
As the mobile phones are getting smarter and launching with the higher performance features users willing to use best apps on their mobile devices .
Users are getting smarter day by day while using the smart phones.So many of businesses think over how they can give good feeling to their users.That means businesses think about how they can provide mobile applications with superlative User Interfaces and best User experience.
Businesses trying to develop mobile applications which compatible with multi-platforms with less development effort.
When we are considering about native app development (android and IOS) it gives full access to device hardware features(Camera,GPS,etc..) then that app can offer best performance.
When it comes to pure native development(IOS and android)it gives best performance to the application and it gives full access to the device hardware,But if the businesses want to use that application in both( IOS and android) platforms we have to build two different apps,because of that developers has to put extra effort and resources(cost)for develop the application in both IOS and android.Because of these businesses try to provide apps those compatible with multi-platform and focus on a one code-base. Then React Native and Flutter entered to the mobile Development field.Both of these are cross-platform development frameworks.
React Native
React native is a JavaScript code library developed by Facebook and Instagram in 2013. React native uses fundamental UI building blocks in normal ios and android apps.
It has growing community on Facebook,github and twitter.
Google Flutter
Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development sdk. It's free and open source platform.Flutter was introduced by Google to develop applications for both IOS and android platforms.
Flutter was released in 2017.
Differences Between React Native and Flutter
- React Native uses JavaScript and Google Flutter is based on Dart which implemented by Google.
- React native supported all available IDE’s but Flutter is supported by limited IDE’s like Android studio,VS Code and IntelliJ Idea.
- Both are open source but react native is a open source language and flutter is a Google’s open source sdk.
- Flutter code structure is differ from react native structure because flutter doesn’t need to separate styles,data and templates for the developers and also in flutter all required tools are easily accessible from the same location because of this flutter saves developers time but in react native is behind from the flutter.
- In react native look and feel interesting than the google flutter.
- React native uses native components for creating the blocks for the user interface ,In flutter it uses set of proprietary widgets.(proprietary widgets helps to get comprehensively customized UI designs with good interoperability but there is a lack in iOS-styled form components).
- User experience in react native is much better than flutter.
- React native uses JavaScript and flutter users dart.Many of developers familiar with JavaScript and many developers are not familiar with dart because of that if any error occurs by developing using flutter it will take more time to fix that issue rather than if there is a error occurred in JavaScript.
- Flutter performance is higher than react native because of the dart frame.
These are the main differences between google Flutter and the Facebook React Native.
Best Apps that uses react native
- Facebook and its ads manager app
- Tesla
- Skype
- Airbnb
- Walmart
- f8
Apps built using Flutter
- Alibaba
- Google Ads
- Reletly
- Tencent