React Live Conference | all topics!
Jos Gerards
Organising DEVWorld Conference | Creating the most Valuable & Unique Conference for Tech Teams | Bringing over 30,000 Developers, 9000 Teams and 300 Partners together since 2018.
React Live is a unique opportunity to watch React & React Native experts Live Code on stage, working on a 500m2 screen.
13 Presentations from the World's React & React Native Leaders covering all the new terminologies, principles and tools to apply when building components with React. Topics presented on will relate to React TuneUP, Next.js, Coding SVG Animations, State management with React Hooks, Advanced Patters, React 16+ and more.
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Topics & Speakers and Workshop
Kitze Talk & Workshop
- Topic: Advanced Patterns, React 16 & Beyond and Hooks
- Company: React Academy
- Keywords: #ContextAPI #statemanagement #components #reacthooks #useState #useEffect #useContext
- Workshop: Advanced Patterns, React 16 & Beyond and Hooks (buy your tickets here)
Kitze founded React Academy to teach React and GraphQL around the world. He’s documenting his journey on YouTube. He made products like Sizzy, Twizzy, OK Google, JSUI, etc.
Kitze will be doing an Advanced Talk & React Workshop exploring advanced techniques for making flexible and maintainable React components.We’ll see how using popular patterns like Compound Components, Controlled Components, Render Props, Function As A Child etc. can help us in simplifying things, making our components more reusable and our apps more declarative.
React 16 comes with some major changes and an update to the core algorithm. In this module, we’ll explore some practical use-cases for Portals, Fragments etc. React.lazy and Suspense will help us to easily code split and lazy load components in our app in order to reduce the final size of the bundle. And finally Classes are so 2018, so we’ll start by learning everything about the biggest change that happened to React: Hooks. Combined with Context, they are changing the entire state-management game. We’ll cover useState, useEffect, useContext, etc.
Eric Bishard
- Topic: State Management with React Hooks
- Company: Progress Software
- Keywords: #React Hooks #State Management
From the USA we will have Eric Bishard who is a Javascript Developer, Public Speaker and Developer Advocate working for KendoReact with Progress and Eric Loves Amsterdam. Eric will be guiding us through on how to maintain state with React Hooks, React State. Eric already gives us the spoiler alert on never run a hook inside a loop, condition or nested function — Hooks set the top level of your component — Only call hooks from functional components and never call hooks from a regular function.
Yoav Niran
- Topic: React TuneUP — Measure your application’s performance health, fixing performance and handle media at scale.
- Company: Cloudinary
- Keywords: #ReactNative #Ignite #MobX-State-Tree
Yoav is a senior Frontend Developer at Cloudinary, when he is not writing code he is busy writing sci-fi novels. Yoav his talk will discribe that Performance is like health. You don’t want to overmedicate. But when you get sick — how do you treat yourself and how do you prevent getting sick again? The same issues are relevant for your applications and performance: You don’t want to pre-optimize or over-optimize but how do you know if you have a problem and once you do, how do you go about fixing it? This talk will focus on three major areas: How to measure your application’s performance health, how to go about fixing performance issues and finally, how to handle media at scale.
- Topic: Building a design system
- Keywords: #Design Systems #Design Tokens #component libraries
Sid builds tools and services for frontend developers. He’s the author of bundlesize and shelf, before this he used to work on the design systems team at Auth0 and was the Frontend architect at Practo. At the moment you can follow him on youtube where gives a full tutorial on building a Component Library: Badge Component, Accessible Breadcrumb, Buttons, Button Group, Input Group, Forms, Tabs, Spinners and more. Sid Will be Live coding what goes into building a design system.
Elizabet Oliveira
- Topic: Coding an SVG Animated Cat with Reactjs
- Company: Elastic
- Keywords: #Animation #SVG #UI
We have got Elizabet Oliveira from Portugal living in Lisbon. Elizabet is a UX/UI Designer & Developer. She will be talking about Coding SVG Animated Cat with Reactjs. Of course the most fun part of SVG animations is the possibility to animate individual paths, shapes and texts. Let’s try to recreate a React Animation
Emma Wedekind
- Topic: Livecoding a Portfolio with Gatsby.js
- Company: LogMeIn
- Keywords: #Component Libraries #Gatsby.js #styleguide #designsystems
From the USA living in Germany Emma Wedekind will focus on Component Libraries. Emma first worked with Gatsby Images and will now move on how to build a Gatsby Theme for a Style Guide that can be used for when you are building a design system. Emma has Spoken at React Girls London before and at React Live talking about Specialize in transforming a component library to be accessible or building your style guide with Gatsby.
Sara Vieira
- Role: Master of Ceremonies — MC
- Company: CodeSandbox
Currently Living in Germany from Portugal we welcome Sara Vieira who is a developer a CodeSandBox spoke at Frontend Developer Love, GraphQL day and many other Conferences on topics like, Preact, GraphQL, Apollo and more. We know and love Sara for her energetic way of interacting with the audience, funny jokes and ability to communicate with literally everyone.
Alexey Kureev
- Topic: React Native Codegen
- Company: Twilio
- Keywords: #React Native #CodeGen #Fabric #TurboModules
Senior Front-End Engineer at Twilio. Previously Facebook. Passionate about React, React Native and their ecosystem. Co-author of “react-native link”. Occasionally blogging about React Native bridge, Apollo and React Native Network Layer.
In his talk Alexey will describe how React Native goes forward with a new architecture. Fabric, TurboModules, CodeGen — soon enough, these concepts will become a de-facto standard for the community. However, is it ready for it? Some of the related changes like a new TurboModules architecture will implicitly affect the way we write our native modules. Hopefully, CodeGen is here to help.
Tim Neutkens
- Topic: Next Level Coding
- Company: Zeit
- Keywords: #Next.js #Nextjs9 #server-rendering
Tim Neutkens from The Netherlands is the Lead Maintainer of Next.js and Co-Author of MDX and Next.js. He leads the Next.js team at ZEIT and has a passion for Creating scalable applications and improving developer experience. Next.js is used to build server-rendered applications, static websites, and more. Recently they have released Next.js 9.
David Den Toom
- Topic: Microfrontends
- Company: Passionate People
- Keywords: #microfrontends #React #TypeScript #Kubernetes
Co-Founder of Passionate People and Develops platforms based on modern technology stacks to increase performance, ownership and development speed. Technologies used include Node.JS, React, TypeScript & Kubernetes.
Karan Thakker
- Topic: Code Splitting with React Native
- Company: Skyscanner
Karan works as a Mobile Engineer at Skyscanner, building the React Native infrastructure enabling other teams within the organisation to use it. Previously, he led the Web team at Crowdfire.
Karan will walk through the existing landscape of bundling techniques for React Native, followed by a detailed introduction to an alternative idea of code splitting that he has worked on. Karan will look at Current techniques with a Short intro of Regular and RAM bundles and how they are loaded and the differences between each in terms of underlying implementation, performance, startup time and more. Code Splitting, Comparison to traditional bundling techniques, Explanation of all the different parts needed to make this work.
Max Gallo
- Topic: MobX — How does it work with and within React?
- Company: DAZN
- Keywords: #Mobx #library implementations #RxJS
Currently living in London, originally from Italy working as a Principal Engineer for the video sports streaming service DAZN. Max has spoken before at Frontend Love together with Luca Mezzalira on Micro Frontend Architecture.
At React Live Max will show implementations of Libraries you use daily. You can think of MobX and RxJS with React.js and a look behind the scenes ;)
Lydia Hallie
- Topic: Advanced React Trivia
- Role: Software Engineer & Thought Leader
- Keywords: #Advanced React
Live on stage we will do a massive Advanced React Trivia! Take your phones out and play along!
21 year old full-time remote software engineer who mainly works with GraphQL, Serverless and React, currently working as a contractor for a San Francisco based startup. She also helps a lot of developers by creating educational content on her website, makes quizzes on her Github and Instagram stories, creating coding courses, and shares her passion for coding to over 80k people on social media.
Jamon Holmgren
Topic: Build an iOS and Android app in 15 minutes using React Native
Company: Infinite Red
Keywords: # React Native
From the USA we have Jamon Holmgren, a software developer, business owner, husband, and father of four, located near Portland, Oregon, in SW Washington state. Jamon will show you how building apps should be easy. I go to my 14 year old son’s basketball games regularly and would like to track his individual statistics, like shots, points, rebounds, and assists. As a programmer, I want to do this on my phone. For my live coding session, I’m going to build a React Native app that allows the user to track sports statistics. I’ll use React Native, Ignite CLI, MobX-State-Tree, and live-code a useful app from idea to completion!
Will we see you there? Follow us on twitter for the latest news on #react
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#reactjs #javascript #frontend #coding #angular #angularjs #vuejs #vue #reacthooks #advancedpatterns #microfrontends #react16
Almost cancelled my vacation for this one. Well, almost ??. Will absolutely be there next time!
Saw what you did there