React JS Development: Key Benefits for Startups

React JS Development: Key Benefits for Startups

Whenever your business needs a web promotion tool, you will most likely turn to a JavaScript framework. However, among all the currently existing JS libraries, React is the most popular. He managed to prove his effectiveness in development.

The main advantages of React are clearly visible when developing user interfaces for sites and applications: in other words, where the user can directly try and evaluate the product.

In today's article, we will talk about some of the advantages of React in the context of JavaScript programming.

Relationship principle with HTML

The React JS framework has a unique property - the virtuality of the Document Object Model. What does this mean in simple terms? DOM provides access to the entire tree of an HTML document, allowing you to interact with them and modify it. Such interaction significantly loads the web resource, and in general is quite inconvenient for the user, however, React JS creates a virtual image of the model, which is much easier to work with.

Updating the Virtual Object Model

In the cases described above, the DOM update occurs only when the content of the virtual object model has changed.

The advantage of this feature is that the resource consumption of a website or application is noticeably reduced, saving developers and users from additional waiting. The method has been experimentally tested on many projects.

Subsequently, we will also be able to experience the benefits of the virtual DOM: all the procedures for updating and reloading the site will be optimized. The performance of the website or application will not drop even if the HTML data is updated online.

Copy content and code components

This principle especially affects the work of developers: with its help, they can use those developments that are already embedded in the code itself, so as not to prescribe all the elements again. For example, in websites and applications, some pages contain repetitions of structures and blocks that are almost identical.

The principle of copying components will be useful in cases where the project needs to be developed in the shortest possible time, which many companies use.

Interested in React JS? In the next article, we will talk about other advantages of the framework. For more articles on developing websites and applications with JavaScript, read our blog.

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