React js
Darshika Srivastava
Associate Project Manager @ HuQuo | MBA,Amity Business School
What is ReactJS
The powerful, open-source JavaScript library is used for building user interfaces*, developing single-page application* and mobile application.
It aims to provide speed, simplicity, and scalability. GitHub is the repository*, in the open.
All these can be provided only with the?features?that are unique to React JavaScript-
Pros and Cons of ReactJS
Pros of ReactJS
Cons of ReactJS
Top 6 ReactJS Features
Data Binding
The way properties* are transmitted to a component from a parent in ReactJS is called binding.
The ReactJS follows one-way sending of the data, which gives a strong control over the data transfer.
This also helps in understanding the code in an easy way, than the typical 2-way data binding.
If the value of any property changes, the React JS component will allow the display to be rendered.
The better control over the flow results in application status, which is contained in a specific store and loosely packed components.
Server-side Rendering
The purpose of Facebook introducing a new language was to not depend on the rendering of all the components and increase the speed of page load.
Since the browser is the receiver of the page that is ready to be rendered, ReactJS lets the browser render without waiting for all the JavaScript to be loaded and executed.
The page loads faster because ReactJS allows pre-rendering the initial states of React components at the server-side only.
The architecture of ReactJS is such that it uses languages other than HTML, which is JavaScript.
Virtual DOM
For an elevated visual interface, ReactJS introduces VDOM(Virtual Document Object Model) from the typical DOM like in other frameworks.
?VDOM?is a visual abstraction of a structured text. It makes it easy for the react developers, since it is in HTML code, after which it is called as HTML DOM.
ReactJS uses VDOM lists elements and its attributes of the node-tree as objects, contents and their features.
This is known as the in-memory data structure cache, which results in ultra-high performance.
JSX is short for JavaScript XML.
The pre-processor that adds XML syntax to JavaScript files to standard JavaScript objects.
JSX makes React elegant and easy to understand.
With this [HTML & JavaScript] file, embedding JS in HTML or HTML in JS is easy which directly results in boosting the performance.
In React, everything is component* for instance-Header, sidebar, message box, and so on.
ReactJS is concerned with components and uses the best of both languages i.e the interactiveness of JS and a template syntax like in HTML.
All React components must act like pure functions with respect to their properties.
Declarative– The codes are written in ReactJS to view the components.
The codes are declared in a simple understanding way.
The declarative views make the code simpler and easier to debug.
React renders and updates each component separately when the data changes.
The codes are written in ReactJS to view the components.
The codes are declared in a simple understanding way.
The declarative views make the code simpler and easier to debug.
React renders and updates each component separately when the data changes.
Why ReactJS? Or Top 10 Advantages of ReactJS
Things not to be expected from ReactJS
Differences or Myths of ReactJS
Fundamentals of ReactJS
You may have come across a few terms that might have seemed alien, which is why we made an extra effort to make those terms familiar to you.
User Interface The platform or space where maximum contact between humans and website or application takes place is called User Interface.
Interaction between software and humans is the User Interface, which is brewing in the development field now.
Development of any programming language i.e the code formation, references, codes, testing is saved in a central space, called repository.
The repositories change for each language.
The major purpose of the repository is to evolve a language, making it faster, easier to use and develop in the best possible way.
A repository can be either closed or open.
The difference is that in an open repository, more than a single person can develop a particular language, whereas in closed only the assigned people can work on the language.
The pure functions, which are customized with different parameters to customize the components are called properties.
The elements to be built on a website or page are called components.
These are coded in JavaScript.
A component is present on every page, for instance, Header, Sidebar, Message box, and similar ones.
Each component in React directs to a DOM object.
Single-Page Application
React specializes in developing Single-Page Application.
These are the smaller versions of a web app or site that fits in one page.
These are used for email clients, where there are very few page loads in the actual page.
To showcase better performance, the single-page application provides flexibility and desktop-alike-user-experience.
It also is smoother and controlled with respect to User Interface, while developing a complex web page.
There are a whole lot of applications, which allows user to enjoy convenience.
It is important for every individual to know and understand various aspects of REACT JS to enjoy maximum mileage of the feature.