Reaching Your Destiny "PATIENCE"
Kenneth Wilkins
Motivator, Marketing Consultant/Designer at Created To Design Marketing Studio
Reaching Your Destiny "Patience"
pa·tience - the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
Who likes waiting? When you begin to understand the quality of patience it changes the way that you wait. Waiting or patience does not mean that you are not doing anything. When you know that God is going to bless you with the best the way that you wait changes. You begin to prepare mentally and spiritually for what you are believing God for. Patience produces endurance, and perseverance which makes you stronger. Patience also develops your faith, and trust in God. When you learn the importance of patience you are saying to God that I trust you. You don't need to see where you are going so much physically, because God is guiding you spiritually. Sometimes we think we are ready for something when we are actually not. God delays the blessing for the right reason, and season. It's a terrible thing when a person reaches a place in life and obtain something, but their maturity, and character is not developed for where they are. We see this all the time. A person wins millions only for the millions to destroy their life. A person gets married to early only to discover that they still want to live a single life. When you learn the commodity of patience it takes you places you never dream that you could actually go. #patience #KennethWilkins #KtwMediaEmpowerment