Reaching the top in any profession, you breath, sleep, and eat your goals.
Ultimately you love what your doing and when your working at it, it doesn't really seem like work, its actually fun! I learned something from my son and watch him working hard at his goals for soccer watching him try, and try, and try. He sweats and doesn't give up. Talking about it all the time and making goal lists.
I asked him simply why so much? He said, If I give it my best, I have the best shot of succeeding and making it. My goals are set high and I will make it. I asked him how he keeps it from becoming painful or mundane and he told me he comes up with creative ways to mix it up. Something new and fun. He gave me several examples and suggested I help him with the latest. Making a video of him (my contribution), editing it, adding music, and eventually publish to see what others thought. Even if they didn't care for it, we had a blast and spent a few hours making it and sharing the moments.
I could see how it became something new, fun, and still reaching for his goals.
That is why in my previous post I published my coworkers video of shared vs dedicated internet. I thought, wow, she is reaching for the stars and making it fun. I give her cudo's to try things like this and not give up reaching for the best. We should all try and keep our moments fun and fresh, sometimes it seems like more fun than work like in my son's video. It keeps us going.
Enjoy the video- Just a few touches every day!