Reaching Out
Another year gone by. Another notch on the tree of life. Another reason to keep growing and moving forward. I’ll keep reaching out, sharing images and words, doing my best to be a positive influence in a world seemingly gone mad with negativity, hatred and fear. You’re cordially invited to join me in helping put the positive meaning of “social” back into the media we create and choose to share with others.
As individuals we are all far from being perfect carrying marks, inside and out, to prove it. Regardless of our circumstances, beliefs or environment we retain the freedom to choose what we create with the marks we’ve been given. We alone have the power to be an influence for positive or negative change in this world of ours. For better or worse everything we think, say, do, or share leaves its mark on others. Let’s strive to make this a power for marks of goodness as opposed to those of control and manipulation for misguided or misappropriated purposes.
As we reach out in the coming days and months what marks will we leave on the hearts and minds of those we touch as we move forward? How will our words and deeds affect this new year and shape our thoughts about the next notch left on the tree of life?
Seeing beyond seeing. It’s more than meets the eye. Discover both the how and the why at the The Photo Forum where image creation is only part of the story.
Email [email protected] for more information about opening both eyes and heart to the endless creative possibilities.
?2021 Michael D. Davis - All Rights Reserved - permission is hereby granted to share or publish but only in it’s entirety, to include this copyright notice
Tags: creativity purpose vision creativeconfidence mddaphotoforum seeingbeyondseeing photography art youpic