Reaching Goals with Purpose
6. Guaranteeing yourself a few small wins every day by doing things within your control (e.g., going for a run, eating well, etc.) does wonders for your mood and happiness. – Vanessa Fiorido, Content Strategy Manager, Purpose Investments
7. Doesn't matter how absolutely fine you feel and how easy you take it for a few days, don't ramp up things more than 10-15% a week. – Derrick Bathory, Software Engineer, Purpose Investments
8. I used to think that I needed to reward myself after a workout, so I'd end up eating my favorite dessert. In this challenge, I realized that I can reward myself during the workout by doing something I love and exploring places I've never been. – HD Dela Cruz, Learning and Development Specialist, Purpose Investments
9. I recently read the book “Atomic Habits,” and tried compounding a couple habits but fell off shortly after. With this challenge, I learned that waking up, writing your habits/goals, and pushing throughout the day works. The hardest part for me was meditating and eating well consistently but tracking my daily progress has been good for this. – Jared Blake, Head of Sales & Advisor Development, Purpose Advisor Solutions
10. That once committed, day 1 of any new challenge is the opportunity to build a better life— in this case a healthier one ??! – Jason Segal, Director of Sales Intelligence, Driven
11. I realized how much better and more effective I feel when I workout in the AM. – Peter Giglio, Business Development, Purpose Investments
12. A couple days of absolutely gorging yourself on doughnuts?? will undo a lot of cardio. – Owen Gabany, Graphic Designer, Purpose Investments
13. Small changes can lead to big changes! I'm not quite sure when the challenge became a habit but starting my day with a podcast is something that I want to continue doing, and now it comes naturally. – Liz Jaluague, Senior Security Engineer, Driven
14. Consistency is more important than distance/weight. –?Marcus Chalmers, Director of Financial Reporting, Driven
15. It’s important to set the right goals that are realistic but that push you to a higher bar because the feeling of achievement is very fulfilling. – Stephane Menard, Chief Technology Officer, Purpose Advisor Solutions
16. The 52-day challenge has taught me how easy it is to swing from days of success to days of not succeeding. – Jeff Bouganim, Chief Financial Officer, Purpose Unlimited
17. Having a team to hold you accountable definitely makes it scarier to not push for your goals…in a good way. – Haan Palcu-Chang, Crypto Content Specialist, Purpose Investments
18. Not keeping cookies in the house is easier than not eating delicious cookies that are in your house. – Adam Paslawski, Software Engineer, Purpose Advisor Solutions
19. “Misery” loves company ??. Chatting with everyone over their personal challenges this challenge has been a huge motivator. – Agnes Michalowski, People and Culture Business Partner, Purpose Advisor Solutions
20. Make sure to surround yourself with like-minded people who will motivate you to achieve and surpass your goals. – Jessica Palter, Chief Legal Officer, Purpose Unlimited
21. I used the challenge as a way to re-motivate me back into a routine that I have had going for the better part of the past couple years. Last year, holding on during the summer was really hard. This year too. I now see this as a fact about summertime. Even though I’ve fallen a few days behind on my goals, this challenge has really helped keep me on board. It has shown me I need to come up with creative ways every summer to achieve what I want, or it just won’t happen. – Darcy Forster, VP of Fund Operations, Purpose Investments
22. Progress never happens without accepting a hard challenge. – Mina Shahriarpour, IT Support Specialist, Purpose Investments
23. It's more fun to work out with a friend! ?? – Marcus Chalmers, Director of Financial Reporting, Driven
24. Prioritizing fitness and clean eating are attainable even with a busy lifestyle! Until this challenge I didn't realize how many small opportunities there were throughout the day for workouts; time that would otherwise be used unproductively for the most part. ?? – Morgan Fiddes-Waldon, UI/UX Designer, Purpose Investments
25. Accountability really helps stick to your commitments compared to when you do it alone with no one monitoring you. – Vinay Vaddiparthi, Data Engineer, Driven
26. The days where I work out make a huge energy difference. I’ll continue the program this summer and focus on those days/spots where challenged... – Jeff Bouganim, Chief Financial Officer, Purpose Unlimited
27. Take the time for personal well-being. – Linda Pauderis, People and Culture Manager, Purpose Investments
28. What I thought were easily achievable goals turned out to be trickier to reach! – Ian Lewis, Senior Security Engineer, Purpose Advisor Solutions
29. Small, steady, incremental changes done over a period of time can help us accomplish big tasks. – Yogesh Nivangune, Underwriting Manager, Driven
30. Sometimes life will throw things at you that make it very difficult to keep on track, but having goals will enable you to get back on track easily. – Andrew Guy, Chief Compliance Officer, Purpose Advisor Solutions
31. Writing down goals and setting targets was super helpful and it’s something I will continue to do after this challenge. – Emma Dagbo, People and Culture Business Partner, Purpose Investments
32. Commitment and accountability truly move the needle. – Stephane Menard, Chief Technology Officer, Purpose Advisor Solutions
33. A big lesson for me was that taking small steps leads to creating a habit and that being consistent creates a lifestyle. I feel so much better than I was a few weeks ago and for sure want to continue this journey. – Italo Silva, Operations Analyst, Purpose Investments
34. This challenge definitely helps you build the habit. Some days you just don't feel like doing it (e.g., go for a run), but once you start, it turns out great. – Kirk Smith, Head of Engineering, Driven
35. I’ve (re-)learned the power of having a compelling reason to act; too often it was easy to justify not getting active in lieu of other honourable pursuits (work, walking the dog, reading stimulating content, relaxing with my wife, etc.) but a tiny kick in the pants, in the form of not wanting to miss on this challenge, has motivated me to get going, even just for 20 minutes at a time. – Fraser Stark, President, Longevity
36. I learned that it is harder to do easy things over a longer period of time than it is to do hard things just for a few days. – Vinay Vaddiparthi, Data Engineer, Driven
37. I realized I am more disciplined on weekends, so during the week I need to stick to a stricter schedule so I can create better work/life balance. – Vanessa McGirr, People and Culture Coordinator, Purpose Unlimited
38. Overall lifestyle change has really proven to be the best approach. When you’re already exercising, choosing healthy options to eat seems a lot more attractive and vice versa. – Morgan Fiddes-Waldon, UI/UX Designer, Purpose Investments
39. I’m not sure if it’s the clean eating or the physical movement but my brain feels so much better than it did before the challenge. I find I’m far more likely to get up and do things now rather than put it off for another day, and I just feel like my general mental health is better. Had no idea these things were tied so closely together but physical health helps mental health. – Owen Gabany, Graphic Designer, Purpose Investments
40. This was a mental challenge. It was not only a physical challenge or weight-loss challenge. Accomplishing the list (with mindfulness as a bonus) each day was the goal. I discovered some findings for my body about how it responds to types of cardio, food, and sleep. – Mina Shahriarpour, IT Support Specialist, Purpose Investments
41. Commitment and collective accountability make a big difference. There were many times over the last 52 days where I felt like skipping a day, but the goals set out in this challenge gave me that extra push to somehow squeeze in an activity irrespective of how busy the day was. I always felt great afterwards and continue to appreciate that extra motivation to get me closer to my goals. – Gary Hsu, Head of Operations, Purpose Unlimited?
42. Shop and plan for a healthy diet. – Linda Pauderis, People and Culture Manager, Purpose Investments
43. That once the workouts become a habit and are built into your routine, they almost become another automatic part of your day (like eating breakfast and brushing your teeth). The accountability from the group certainly provided that extra motivation to get it done. –?Nick Kuriya, Vice President, Platform Strategy, Purpose Unlimited
44. When you’re planning your goals, you have to consider the contingencies. – Yogesh Nivangune, Underwriting Manager, Driven
45. I learned how much of a mental boost you actually get when you consistently hit the gym and properly fuel your body. – Melanie Emberly, Office Manager and Executive Assistant, Driven
46. I’ve always struggled with self care. This challenge helped me to stick with a fixed routine. I've now made working out a priority. – Shruti Kanyal, Underwriter, Driven
47. Plan your cheat half-days; it helps you avoid cravings because your next cheat half-day is always just x days away! – Adam Paslawski, Software Engineer, Purpose Advisor Solutions
48. Setting measurable goals was a great way to keep consistent motivation throughout the challenge, as well as sharing the small numeric accomplishments on a daily basis! – Morgan Fiddes-Waldon, UI/UX Designer, Purpose Investments
49. The added boost of accountability from the group helps to form a habit for sure. – Kirk Smith, Head of Engineering, Driven
50. Above all else, diet had the biggest impact on how I felt and performed during the day. I knew diet was important intellectually, but sometimes you forget how much trash you eat when you are not being conscious about what you are putting into your mouth. Once the diet is down, everything else comes pretty easily. – Haan Palcu-Chang, Crypto Content Specialist, Purpose Investments
51. Wellness and health are not all or nothing; it's really about balance. There were days that I met my targets and there were days that I didn't, but just by doing this challenge, I've become healthier and feel better overall. – Emma Dagbo, People and Culture Business Partner, Purpose Investments
52. Cinnamon roll cookies?? are not a clean eat. – Derrick Bathory, Software Engineer, Purpose Investments
Global business leader | Innovating with Purpose
2 年Was a fantastic way to work together toward personal and collective improvement - I’m honoured to have been a part of this program!