Reach Your Peak - Video Clip and Case Study

Reach Your Peak - Video Clip and Case Study

Ask yourself…why coaching? 

Do you have that niggle, a feeling that something has to change, something that keeps you awake in the early hours or takes your focus away from where it should be?

Where is your starting line? 

Can you imagine yourself in 6 months’ time after taking action today – How does it feel? Or do you remain where you are, with that niggle, just sitting there…not shifting. 

Want to see what happens when action takes place? 

Here is the link to the video

In September 2018, 9 extraordinary delegates took part in the inaugural ‘Reach Your Peak’ event. This event contained three intensive days of personal development, business coaching and guest speakers, followed by an endurance challenge which saw them climb 5 consecutive peaks in the Scottish Highlands over 44 hours with no sleep.

Business Skills

What we found was a significant shift in self-belief, and more than that, a personal recognition of their own skill and abilities that they had previously felt lacking in, or simply did not see as strengths. In just 5 days both delegates return to their working environments with a +100% increase  in adapting to change, attention to detail and communication skills, plus an average +75% increase in organisation and networking. Can you imagine the impact this would have on you or your teams? 

How does this compare with the average of all the delegates?

The delegates took a Wheel of Life assessment before the event and after the event. The purpose of this assessment is for the delegates to honestly measure key areas within their personal lives and their satisfaction, comfort or effectiveness in them.

What we witness above is an opening of the mind, a shift from what they had perceived their personal life to be, and the true reflections now visible following their coaching and endurance challenge. Taking off the blinkers that prevent change, as they couldn’t previously see the problem! This allows for further coaching in specific areas of pain for each delegate, to allow their coach to focus on areas to grow, align new strategies and bring further success to reflect those being gained in the business world. 

Delegates quotes on their participation in the event: 

“Intense but massively rewarding. Just sign up and go….. I never believed this could make so much change for me personally”

“This was a once in a life time experience….go in with an open mind and come out with a mind full of passion, drive, love & direction” 

What you’re seeing are results obtained through a short term structure of: pre-framing work in the run up to the event, an intensive 3 days of personal growth and business coaching workshops, and 2 days in the mountains working as a team in an endurance challenge. This is then followed by aftercare sessions and the potential for each delegate to continue contracted business coaching and further embed both personal and business strategies and financial success  

Can you imagine this for you? For your teams or for your company? What could be achieved in 6 months?  

Ask yourself again – Does change matter? 

Stevie Kidd Business Coaching and Strategy..


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