Reach you Potential!
Ryan Botner
Professional Speaker | Facilitator | Performance Coach | I help stressed out professional men and women connect their why with their way, so that they can start living a life of significance.
P = p - i
Performance = potential - interference. Can we all agree we are NOT living up to our full potential? I care less about the GOAL anymore. (Still Important) But I focus on the journey of GROWTH. Am I better today than I was yesterday? Last week? Last year? CHANGE is a four-letter word to most. Please ask yourself are you in an environment that promotes GROWTH and CHANGE? If the answer is NO. You NEED to do some self-reflecting right after you read this!
If I want to live up to what GOD has planned in my life. I have to be constantly challenged and embrace a life of GROWTH. My Environment must be inducive to my growth. If it is NOT, I may change and grow in short term, BUT I will go right back to my old ways because I have not set up my surroundings to continue my GROWTH JOURNEY.
Love y'all