Reach Out
“ St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta once identified what she called “ the great American illness. “ It is not heart disease, diabetes, or even cancer, she said. It is loneliness.
How many times throughout the day do we look into another’s eyes? Into other’s eyes that yearn for acceptance.
We pass lost souls on our journey. How many times during the day do we pass these souls and hear the cry of the poor and aching souls?
Do we allow ourselves to be touched by hearts that ache for love?
Do we allow ourselves to be fully human in service of love for others?
Today, during your day, especially your workday, let your eyes smile, and see beyond appearances, into aching and poor souls. Take time to notice those around you. Don’t be so quick to ascribe the worst of motives to others. Usually the kindest interpretation is closest to the truth.
Let your heart touch and beat with other hearts, and help them feel accepted.
Reach out and be the hands and heart of God’s love in service to others.
Help make God present today. “
And, if you get the opportunity, send a title order over to Kingdom Title Solutions. You can send it directly to me: [email protected] or to my orders email: [email protected]
Have a great week!