Reach out to connect, seek-help and help others who are struggling
How to reach out to seek-help and to help-others

Reach out to connect, seek-help and help others who are struggling

In this article - we will learn about

-17 Qualities of the real-brave and courageous people

-24 Reasons why we need to reach-out to others

-40 tips on HOW TO REACH OUT - when you need help yourself

-When try to reach out to others and don’t know what to say - try using these 7 sentences

--36 ways you can reach out to others - When Others need your support

- Try using these 9 sentences - when reaching out to others to support-help-cope in their crisis-time

-18 ways to reach out to people you admire

All of us need to reach out to others for various compelling reasons - sometimes for ourselves and sometimes to help others.

I am sure that you have always been told and conditioned with these sentences - to be strong, brave, self-reliant and independent.

But we have been taught the - biggest lies about - the qualities of brave and have been instilled with the wrong notion of independence.

How many of you went through this inner-turmoil of wanting to share something but you could not summon up enough courage - and kept suffering silently.

There are strong emotional-psychological reasons why all of us should seek and reach out for support in our difficult and challenging times - even if you feel uncomfortable, ashamed, embarrassed or scared.

17 Qualities of the real-brave and courageous people

1.     Who can cry - when they are in pain or they are hurt

2.     Who can admit their mistakes

3.     Who can apologize - when they have made any mistake or done something wrong

4.     Who can seek help - whenever he or she needs it

5.     Who can accept their weaknesses and flaws

6.     Who is not bothered about what others think of them

7.     Who can accept that they don’t have the needed competencies and pro-actively enroll someone who has better expertise

8.     Who can accept that they have made the wrong choice and decision - then move on

9.     Who can accept the consequence of all their choices-decisions-actions-consequences

24 Reasons why we need to reach-out to others

1.     To apologize and make-up for the wrong and hurt we have caused others

2.     To take initiative to mend a close relation

3.     To resolve the conflict and clear misunderstanding - to rebuild the relationship

4.     To seek help when we are unable to do something on our own or when we have tried and failed

5.     When we have reached at our hope’s end and need help

6.     To seek help of others in fighting back to create resourceful emotional and mental states

7.     When your loved ones are suffering and you have to support them

8.     When someone is struggling or depressed

9.     When you need to connect with someone with power and influence to get their weight behind your mission and goal

40 tips on HOW TO REACH OUT - when you need help yourself

1.     Because nobody can read anyone’s mind - by reaching out you are letting them know that you need them for whatever that may help you come out of helplessness to move on towards being hopeful.

2.     Many times even if you want to seek help and support - you may feel very-very uncomfortable and uncertain

3.     Make a list of people - who always make you feel good about yourself - just being with them

4.     Choose one person whom you trust implicitly - go with your gut-feelings on making this choice

5.     Although many times we do lean on our friends and family for advice - BUT - in few situations they may not be the best people to approach - as they might have biases

6.     Why Is Reaching Out So Hard - sometimes opening-up with your family and friends can be more dreadful than talking with complete strangers

7.     Think through your issue and divide them into small-small part

8.     Verify the person - whom you have chosen to approach - by mentioning a small part - to check if their response fills you with confidence to share more

9.     Ask yourself - what's stopping you from asking for help

10. Choose a good time and place you feel comfortable and preferably distraction-free - to have uninterrupted conversation in a relaxed environment.

11. Practice your script - write it down - how will you start and what all you would say at the first go

12. Identify why you are seeking help - what exactly you want from talking and sharing with this person - do you simply want someone to listen OR you want something done for you by this person involving their time-efforts-money-connections-whatever

36 ways you can reach out to others - When Others need your support

1.     If your learn that your friend or a family member is going through a very tense and very stressful phase or situation - just say that You are there for them and will support them

2.     Many times for the other person - it can be immensely comforting just to know that you are there for them

3.     If you can - make them feel relaxed - ask them to share their feelings and issues - by telling them that you will just listen - to help them vent out

4.     While listening - don’t offer any solutions or explanations - not yet anyway - just listen with care

5.     Yes you can ask questions to clarify for them as well as yourself - to show that you really care and that you are paying attention

6.     Don’t worry about asking the wrong question - if you really care - it would get communicated to them

7.     But try not give outright solutions - at least not in the beginning

8.     Don’t force them to talk - Be aware that they might not want to talk about it all the time - Ask them what they want to do

9.     Sometimes someone has something they want to do

10. Let them know that they are not alone, and that we all go through tough times and that It’s OK to ask for help

11. Take their feelings seriously - Don't accuse, threaten, blame, or make light of what your friend is feeling. Let them know that you are there to talk about it.

12. Identify their genuine talents and celebrate their successes

18 ways to reach out to people you admire

1.     Learning from people who you admire is one of the best ways to connect with them - because they are celebrities - you can’t expect them to have time for you or to respond to your email from the blue

2.     You need to get into the sensory-radar - how to do this - go to an event they are present - ask meaningful questions or make genuine appreciative comments - join the discussion and participate and then you may casually introduce yourself

3.     Later you may follow them on social media - and instead of just liking - ask questions and write comments that shows your mettle too

4.     If there are any mutual-friend seek their help to get introduced

5.     But never stalk them OR follow them like a puppy - without adding any value to them - it is irritating

6.     Do lot of research about this person’s likes-dislikes, views, sensitive-issue and what they stand-up for

For complete article please read "How to reach out to seek-help and to help-others" in the blog section of Success Unlimited Mantra - link in the 1st comment

Subhashis Banerji

#OvercomePersonalChallenges #EffectiveBusinessSolutions, #EffectivelyHandleCriticalLifeissues, #ResultsFocusedSolution, #OvercomeBusinessChallenges, #SimplePracticalDisruptiveSolutions, #MentoringCoachingCounseling

3 年


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