Re-RAM - RAM and SSDs will unite!

Re-RAM - RAM and SSDs will unite!

As was born in the 1990s, seeing a computer is always identified as RAM, CPU, and Storage ( HDD, SDDs ). Throughout all of our learning related to computers, this was a basic idea that we have about it. We always imagine structures as they are presented to us from the beginning. We rarely can think out of it, and question why the hell it was made like that in the first place. But when you question it and try to explore it, that’s when a new level of shock runs through a body and you realize damn, it’s easy to understand how it began in the first place and how as humans we created and re-created different structures as we wanted. An urge to learn, and question what we can do otherwise and a passion for executing something which was never done before always led us to something which is more beautiful than ever before.?

RAM and FLASH are the 2 most amazing parts that we see in computers today, and though both of them are memory functions typically used to store data, their mechanism and use cases are very different from each other.

RAMs are the fastest memory that computer uses for their every instruction processing and due to their internal architecture, we cannot retain RAM after the computer power off itself. FLASHES are good, but it is much slower than RAM. The only thing we can do is use them both in combinations.

Internal architecture and the way RAM and flash are made are the biggest determining factors in how fast your device is. How RAM works is simple: transistors are connected in a grid pattern, which means it can store a lot of data in a small space. Flash memory works differently: instead of using transistors, it uses "memory cells" (like how we use letters in our writing). Memory cells can only hold one piece of data at a time—but unlike transistors, they don't lose their charge when they're not being used anymore. This makes them faster than RAM because there's no need for moving parts (like transistors) that can slow down access

But what if we can build something new which can do both??

There are always possibilities but maybe the timings were wrong earlier and technologies were inefficient.

Memristors or Re-RAM is a promising technology that is made for combining both of them. It is as faster as RAM but can also retain memory after it doesn’t have power. Also, we can make them in 1TBs of density.

?Resistive random-access memory is a type of non-volatile random-access computer memory that works by changing the resistance across a dielectric solid-state material, often referred to as a memristor. ReRAM bears some similarities to conductive-bridging RAM and phase-change memory

Memristors are also being used in various neuromorphic chip startups including Intel and IBM chips to develop special kinds of neuron-like chips.

Technological breakthroughs are always an inspiration of how we can figure out problems in the most amazing ways.

Pratik M.

Talks about Electronics, IoT, Wireless Networks

2 年



