Re-position Failure | The gifting of mistakes, mishaps and misfires
Catherine McNeil, MA - I.O. Psych, BBA, LSSGB.
"Award-winning Author of Lead from Within" | Helping professionals #ADD | Creating Intentional Interchanges | Materializing Concepts | Where Process Improvement & People Development Meet
Before I burrow head first down this upsetting rabbit hole, make sure you catch the "An Equation for Personal Empowerment | Applying the Principals in the book" LinkedIn live replay...
Let's jump in -
Yeah, that won't be attempted again....
These are just the failures of the last 30-45 days; there's a litany of stories and shares that we could discuss over coffee or tequila pending your relationship with everything outside of a WIN.
I say, YOURS, because these things don't bother me. I'm comfortable here!
I learned a long time ago that the lessons that come out of our not so great lived experiences are areas of opportunities. Similar to how we choose to leverage the term, "areas of opportunities" instead of weaknesses in the workplace, we're using it here.
We sincerely mean, they are areas of opportunities:
Mistakes - actions or judgements that are misguided or wrong, according to who? In the moment, the actions or judgements very well are not the popular, preferred or right choice!
Memorial Day weekend we attended a number of family/friend events, most were milestone celebrations from birthdays to graduations. Because of this, I found myself looking through years of photos attempting to create a "then vs now" moment.
In the search for personal memories, I traveled through a catalog of early branding and concept failures. Early logo designs. Dissolved organizations. Etc.
At the time, these things appeared to be great ideas. I thought that I was responding to a need. However they didn't work. I was faced with the option of either trying something different based on feedback and professional development, or quitting.
I accepted the mistakes and opted to turn them into opportunities.
Mishaps - an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate, for who?
In the moment, the outcome was not what you intended or wanted!
We host events, across both CHBM Services and Disruptive INC collectively; we've hosted over 25 community facing and based events. The virtual ones, between 2020 and 2022 produced up to 1K views. In the realm of social service impact, every unique view equates to a household touch. We could then multiply that by 3, to determine the total number reached, however, we don't follow that process. We literally count the # of attendees.
That's what's landed us at 7.5K over the last five years.
Every event was not a success.
It was not a success in our eyes. It was not well attended.
The way that we turn lemons into lemonade is how we salvage the resources invested to make a failed community event work.
In 2022 we hosted a series monthly where we reserved rooms at a Southside Chicago Library, passed out purchased fresh fruits and vegetables and career development tips in our nifty branded totes bags.
We promoted. We included community partners. We posted on social media.
Over the course of the 9-month campaign to support a known food desert, less than ten unique people walked into those library doors.
We eventually not only changed the on site schedules but we started standing in the streets, at the stop lights, in traffic, handing out the resources.
We leveraged the area police station as a drop site as well.
We closed out the series with a career and resource fair, at another south side library, in another low income community.
Misfires - failure to discharge or fire properly (a gun or missile), how are we using this HERE?
We're definitely not talking about weapons, we're referencing products and service launches!!!
We started this edition referencing three recent failures in the last 45 - 60 days...
Even with market research, a market an expressed interest - a product or service can fail to launch. It may not be the right time. It may be an oversaturated market. It may not be hosted by the right entity.
Whatever the case, when that idea does not materialize or land the way that you intended, what do you do?
You turn them into areas of opportunities by asking yourself the following:
It's only a failure when you never try.
Some ideas will turn into the next best thing while others will help you course correct and continue the build towards that next best thing.
You won't accomplish anything if you refuse to #ADD.
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