Re: PhilGoesDeep
Thanks to anyone who has managed to tune in , there's a bit of a back catalogue now and I thought I would just outline some of my thinking including some of the feedback I have received. Also apologies to anyone who is expecting anything too much, this is a work in progress/POC.
I will be test driving a few different show formats, and the one I have been working on so far is 'Community Service' where I go through the ServiceNow community ( ) and try and solve issues. When I first started working on ServiceNow, and throughout my time, the community has always offered huge help.
'Community Service' has so far been focused on two main areas of the Community: GRC and Covid-19/Emergency Response Management. I also go into the main forum and try and answer general platform queries. This freestyle show is aimed at allowing me to explore various features of the technology (OBS, Mic, Lights, Cam, etc) I am using and find a structure that works. At the moment they have been between 1 hour and nearly 2.5 hours. I have built a few 'stinger' transitions and invested in some very basic hardware (e.g. USB Mic). Most recently I picked a few posts to focus on before I actually Go Live, I feel like that worked OK and is something I will do more of.
Some of the feedback I have received includes: audio quality, energy levels and confidence. Other things I have picked up on are my introductions/show structure, …remembering to check if the mic is on(!)… and also taking notes/providing links in the description for reference. I could try and make excuses for some of these points but my main aim is to work on them and improve everything gradually.
Other ideas for shows include 'DiscoTech' (Discover Technology) where I can explore new or existing features in more detail, be it latest application releases or maybe some Javascript/Glide API methods. I also want to hook up with other contacts, and have spoken about doing some stuff with team members from Wrangu as well as other people active on the ServiceNow Community. Think Virtual Hackathons, or gamifying Community Service. Regarding scheduling, this is really ad-hoc but as it evolves should improve. I have to be sure never to clash with LCCH as what those guys do is really nice and important. (Link to channel:
Again, I am just testing the water so any further feedback or if you want to get involved please give me a shout!
A link to the PhilGoesDeep channel: As the name suggests I intend the shows to be technically focused and allow me to really drill in (go deep) to areas of ServiceNow. As I work for Wrangu the focus will be on Integrated Risk, Security and Data Privacy topics.
Shout outs to: Raf, RJ, Ben Forrest and Lewis for all the comments and feedback. Also thanks to G?ran for a few pointers on OBS when I was first working it out.
Wishing everyone all the best. Stay safe, take care.