Re-Create Your Reality
Amanda Green
Elemental Leadership? | Spiritual Intelligence | EQ |Transformation Coach | Design & Facilitation of Workshops, Programmes & Events | Entrepreneur in Residence at LUMS |
I like to remind myself of this and wanted to share with anyone who needs it today or any other day. The one consistent thing in this life is change!
I take responsibility.
I raise my vibration even in the smallest of ways.
I appreciate that everything is temporary.
Whatever I am experiencing, I can choose my perspective.
I can think a better thought.
I know my beliefs are reflected back to me in life.
I raise my expectation, of myself and others.
I let go of conditioning, old stories and illusions.
I breathe deeply. 4 in, hold for 2, 4 out.
I feel at peace and trust that everything is as it is meant to be.
I aim to maintain an inner state of calm.
With curiosity, I notice my internal reactions and I soothe myself.
I know the only power is in the present moment.
I focus on what I want to see, not what is missing.
I begin to feel grateful.
My consciousness expands.
There is more to existence than what the eyes see.
There is always so much I can appreciate.
I can see the gift and the lesson in every situation.
I am thankful and I smile.
I create my own reality.
I turn lead into gold, everytime.
I am my own alchemist and magician.
I am connected to universal energy.
I am fourth dimensional.
I am empowered.
I feel the love.
I share it too.
Be magical, because we really all are.
Namaste and Good Vibes, Amanda G x
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