Re-create the Past, Present, and Future
After over one month of summer vacation, including tourism traveling and a great time with family and old friends in China, (I attached some photos of our summer fun and adventures at the end:), I returned with a more balanced lifestyle, but also a more relaxed mood and much less momentum for business, feeling a little guilty. Does it sound familiar to you???
Almost every entrepreneur knows that Momentum is everything
So I feel a little worried about my mind state, or more accurately, my faith state.
In the past 14 years of my exploration and development in coaching, I felt led by a strong faith that I am an anointed daughter of God, and I am blessed with a great mission to empower other entrepreneurs
I know this current state is not what I want, or what I could stand for a long time. How long, I’m not sure yet. It’s an experiment to me now, how long I could stand to be mediocre, living like a “normal” person.
But one thing I promise myself is that I must be honest, with myself, and my connections and networks.
Do you sometimes think that without you, the earth is still spinning, and the world is still going forward? Doing or not doing what you do, things seem not to change much. And eventually, we will all die. Then you feel how small and trivial you are. Then you do not want to do anything. Then you just want to cherish what you have in your hands, repeat a daily little routine, just live by every day… Such thinking could repeat for quite some days…. Online searches said our human beings could have 6000 to 70,000 thoughts per day (I hope they could make better research and more accurate results). Anyway, it means a lot of thoughts. And we could repeat the majority of it the next day. I remember Tony Robbins said 80% repetition. It seemed like true with my recent spontaneous experiments, approximately. Could I still come back? I know the answer is YES, but just when, and how?
So I decided to do this exercise, to RE-CREATE my stories and my life, by reviewing and rewriting my past, present, and future. Sometimes our listening to God’s guidance may not be very clear or strong. I just know that I must do it first, no more waiting, as I have started to get bored with my current “relaxation”, which is not what my life is meant for. The guidance is always there, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes weaker, sometimes stronger. As a born creator, like God, I must create something meaningful to feel right. So here we go.
The Past:
1.???? An Abundant Childhood:
I had a blessed childhood, in a poor county in southwest China, but simple and abundant, I just loved nature and my studies in schools. I loved reading books, and became an excellent student, feeling I had a big drive to fulfill with my life. My major faith was my genuine belief in myself and in life itself full of mysterious hope and possibilities. I was good at sports, singing, and leadership activities as well. ?My versatility and excellence in almost every aspect of life gained respect and favor from my parents, teachers, schoolmates, relatives, and my parents’ social networks. My first dream and passion was to become a teacher to teach and inspire others. Years later, I found out how close I have been to that dream throughout my life and career.?
Special Meaning:
My abundant childhood was where my fundamental confidence came from, where my optimistic character was cultivated, and where my life’s fate was initially shown and guided. ????
2.???? Started to know Intimate Relationships and Marriage Disasters:
Then my parents got into many quarrels due to their character conflicts and their low-educated and complicated social environment which had much negative impact on their relationships. After my sister went to college, I was the only child with my parents. When I got into a prestigious university and left home, before the first winter break, my father left my mom for another younger woman with a child and asked for a divorce. Upon that bad news, I locked myself in the dormitory room which I shared with another 5 girls, while they went to attend an event, I forced myself to drink a half bottle of white wine and got fully drunk and vomited, then fell into a deep long sleep with tears, only woke up the next day with headaches, deep sadness, and guilt. That’s my very first time to drink wine and get drunk, also the very last time, as I learned that stuff did not help at all, but only made me feel worse after a big mess. I felt alone in the world and lost a lot of my interest in studying, especially since I was not fond of studying computer science, even though it was a new and popular major at that time and promising for a good career.
However, I still managed to gain A-level academic performance and scholarship and also was active in other cultural, arts, and leadership activities at the university.? But I was not happy anymore. Even though I had quite some romantic opportunities, in my heart I tried to stay away from all boys and men and did not trust romantic relationships. ?Now I appreciate that experience which brought me into a complicated adulthood world and gave me deep emotional struggling so that I could handle life’s next stage challenges. I am also proud of myself that I waded through that dark stage, managed to graduate with honor, and found a great job in a national bank’s headquarters. I got to be financially and emotionally independent and also became the major emotional support to my mother as she was miserable at that time suffering from the shamed divorce and abandonment. She left our hometown and moved to Beijing to stay close to me. My positivity and respect have been encouraging her through the whole journey. She got remarried and built up a new social network. Now my mom kept herself young and positive as well.? I am so proud of her, of my sister, and of me as well for getting out of that disaster of our original family’s marriage change and rebuilding our lives toward the good side.?
Special Meaning:
It prepared me for early adulthood and helped me see the challenging sides of relationships. I realized that my mind could be stronger than emotions, and I am reliable to myself, to my parents, and to others as well.
3.???? Love Changed Everything:
I fell in love with the boy, after rejecting a couple of boys who chased me, no matter how much I tried to depress my emotions and even wanted to become a nun. The love just could not be depressed and eventually grew crazy. It’s so deep and strong that I would wait for him for over 10 years after he left my university as an exchange student and returned to the USA to regather with his family. I never wanted to come to the USA, except for him, I would do anything.
So after years of studying English, preparing for and testing TOEFL and GRE, and applying to American universities, I was accepted by Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania for a Ph.D. degree study. The big hope was ahead! I had to resign from my bank job to gain my passport, that job was a pride for my parents and was admired by many others.? I excitedly and nervously went to the American embassy in Beijing to apply for my Visa. I was rejected! And again! My world was like being shut down by a big dark force! All the years of missing him and hard efforts were rejected outside of the American door, the door toward my love.? That’s like the end of my world, especially as a plus I found that he had got a girlfriend in the US. I was like being hit on my head and kicked to the bottom of the hell! Now I was jobless and could not go to Columbia U’s Teachers College to pursue my PhD in Education. I had to restart in Beijing from scratch.? Being at the bottom of life’s valley, I had to collect every ounce of my energy to fight for a new start. I found an admin job in an international company’s branch in Beijing where I developed through different functions and higher positions over 5 years.
Only years later I learned that the end of the world could mean the beginning of a new door being opened.?
Special Meaning:
It brought me my lifelong true love, the sweetest and also the most struggling stage of my youth years. It stimulated my best learning power and capabilities. Even with limited English skills, I could reach the world’s top IVY universities with my intelligence and ambition. Even though the outside conditions limited me to fulfill the initial dream and plan, I was not ruined. And I always have the power and resources to come back.??
4.???? Emotions and Mind decide Health:
I lived and worked a total of 8 years in Beijing, from beginning level to middle management level. Most time, from the outside I looked young, active, and ambitious in my career. Only I knew inside I was beaten down, sad, and hopeless for my love and dreams. I did not know how I could act or perform so well, and my mind was very strong to manage my emotions.? But the two big parts fought so hard inside me for years, I got sick, bleeding a lot with pain during my periods, and then the doctor found a 10 cm fibroid on the top of my uterus. ?I had to have surgery to get rid of it and recovered for quite a few months with my mom’s care. In my memory, that’s my first big disease, as I had excellent health through my earlier student life.
Special Meaning:
For the first time, I learned that negative emotions especially sadness and depression could cause severe sickness. Health is not just on our body, but an integrated work and result from mind to emotion and spirit as well.
(Some supplement, while trying not to spoil too much of the time sequence of the stories: My later health challenge and healing through my marriage crisis, and my daughter’s eczema healing journey through the pandemic proved again and again that our mind, emotions, and spirit are fully responsible for our health, and are fully capable to take this honorable mission. For this topic, I could even write books and create more programs to teach in addition to my current program Abundance of Healing, Mediation, and Activation.? I have a vision that my daughter may carry this mission better than me in the future. We all have different calls. Mine is illustrated in the following.)
5.???? The Breakthrough and New Door:
With the never-ending and ever-growing love, I found a new opportunity and possibility to go to America, by studying EMBA with Rutgers University’s international presence in Beijing while I was working. I graduated with all A grades and honors. ?And I finally came to the US to attend my graduation ceremony on the campus in New Jersey. His girlfriend has left him. After 10 years of long-distance missing him, I gathered and reunited with my love. I learned that, after all, as long as I want it, no matter what the outside is holding me, I could still make it happen!
Special Meaning:
It showed me how the impossible could become possible.? Rome was not built in one day. And there could be different ways to reach Rome.
6.???? My Love, Marriage and Family:
We dated for two years after the 10 years of long-distance and finally got married. Our new family embraced two beautiful babies, a boy and a girl in two years. I felt the true blessings of our decade of long-distance relationship, from pure friendship to love. It’s the premier time of our lives, for a few beautiful years…
Of course, it’s also full of life’s challenges, in Chinese words: firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea, life’s daily necessities, also meaning the mundane life, that could consume and weaken original love, no matter how strong it was, especially with little kids, being parents could be the biggest challenge for romance, especially for male side, I feel, as the mom was fully engaged and “trapped” into baby caring and the honorable family duties, especially in traditional Eastern families. Any man who is not mature and wise enough could not sustain through this toughest life stage: the most responsibilities, busy work, financial challenge, little sleep time, and the least romance.
Then one day I found out he cheated on me, was addicted to gambling, valued money more than my life’s genuine qualities, and distanced himself from our family. It’s such a devastating time, that I thought I could never pass it! Through a few years of darkest days and nights, and countless tears and prayers, I bought sleep pills and also tried to suicide on a Long Island railroad station. The train stopped for me in the middle night of that frozen winter. It was a miracle time. I believed that God saved my life for a later time and for a more important unfinished mission to fulfill.??
I learned that the real killer of romantic love is not babies’ mess or life’s mundane needs, but the immaturity and unwiseness of humans ourselves.? I had my mistakes and lessons, and so did he. We grew from na?ve ambitious and aggressive youths to middle age who are most time rational and calm now. The only difference is, that through consistent learning, reflection, mentoring, growing, and coaching practice, I woke up and gained my abundance of power. Unfortunately, he seems still not to wake up in his self-centered and mundane world. It’s been the hardest lesson of my life so far. I learned to let it go and trust that everyone has their test and time, and I regained my peace, freedom, and faith in myself.
Special Meaning:
This love and marriage journey through disasters helped me grow into a mature and wise woman and a stronger God’s daughter. I found how quickly and gracefully I could forgive others, but how hard I could be on myself.? I learned that I should and could love myself more, never give up my freedom and joy for whatever reason, and trust my inner guidance to survive and thrive through any disasters. I am free now from old fears of losing anyone or any relationship. I claimed freedom in love.
7.???? My Career, Pursuit and Entrepreneurship:
I worked for 8 years in Beijing for national and global companies. After I came to the US, I found my first job in a Fortune 100 company as its Director of Performance Management. After 4 years of hard work, I could not feel personal growth
Then the 2008 financial crisis started, and we were in the center of the volcano. I lost my job after the maternity leave and a few short months of returning to work. Instead of finding another Fortune 100 company job, I decided to take that chance to seek what’s meaningful to my life, outside of the corporate world. Through months of research, reflection, and exploration, plus career coaches’ help
My marriage crisis made me struggle for a few years in my coaching career. Eventually, I discovered the abundance of power from the deepest inner pains, crushes, ashes, resurrection, resilience, faith, and transformations. I re-innovated my coaching into abundance, entrepreneurship, and thought leadership coaching, to empower visionary entrepreneurs to step up for their unique call and stand out as confident experts and thought leaders to impact many more lives and fulfill their best dreams and values.? I help entrepreneurs develop their Golden Triangle: their simple and powerful Solution, their N.B.C. Marketing (Niche, Brand, Content), and their Automated System. Then I help them create their Abundance Movement to Launch with their maximum service values to fulfill their abundant income and impact.?
Now I’ve been practicing in coaching for 14 years. Entrepreneurship is the second hardest test and challenge of my life, following the test of love. I’ve had countless struggles and frustrations, sometimes I even wanted to give up, or sometimes I wanted to slow down or live a normal mediocre life like most others, like what I described at the beginning about my current status after the summer vacation. But after all, I am driven by my bigger purpose and call, nothing could stop me anymore, before my last breath on the earth. Any slowing down is just temporary rest and preparation for the next bigger stage. My step will not stop, and my climbing will never finish. It’s a blessed mission my life carries.? ????
Special Meaning:
It’s the journey itself toward my purpose and dream that matters. Efforts are more important than the results. As I recently reflected, entrepreneurship is not just what we create, how much money we make, or even how many people we help, but eventually who we become. Through this journey, I found myself and became more of myself, a person who could be more valuable and meaningful for others and this world as well. I claimed freedom in my work.
?? ?
Our Past is full of tests. We may complain a lot about our past, we may get stuck in it for a long time and not get out of it, and we may keep using it as our excuse for our present or even future if we do not realize our goals. It could become our wall, closet, or mask for us to hide behind, to have self-pity, to stay in our comfort zone, to not challenge ourselves, to not try new things, to not dare to dream big and to not make big changes and take massive actions.?
But as you can see, I just had the reflection and re-creation of my every past story, giving them appreciation, pride, deeper meaning, and faith. Every test is necessary, and valuable. Just like history is precious, our past is our strength and the source of power. The past tests could become more meaningful with our abundance attitude and re-creation practice (rewrite, reframe, change your story… no matter what you would call it), so the present and future tests could be more welcomed and embraced, for us to become who we need to be, and for us to do what we are uniquely called and meant to do.
The Present:
The present decides the future. Doing nothing creates no future. The present is the current future. The future is the amplified present. What we do today creates what our future could look like. So make every day meaningful to its full size. That means, I could not waste time anymore, as it’s wasting my future as well.? Time is the magical compounding factor, the most precious natural resource we have.
My current focus is on:
Re-creation of my stories and meanings.?
Keep daily learning, growing, and creating for my purpose and vision.
Innovation and optimization of my solution and offers, niche marketing
Building and strengthening the Abundant Entrepreneurs community, mastermind groups, and strategic partnerships. ?
Last but not least, I take good care of myself, my kids, and my family; stay a loyal and valuable person to my friends; and have fun through nature, arts, traveling, and unlimited opportunities in life.? Sometimes I could put this part as the first focus as well. As Randi Zuckerberg wrote, Pick Three. I could balance work and life’s different aspects in the long run by picking any three focuses in any day.?
The Future:
My vision has been to build the Abundance University, to create and empower hundreds of thoughts of entrepreneurs and thousands of thought leaders, further, I’d build the Abundance Centers and the Abundance of All Foundation to enrich and empower millions of abundant lives.
As a baby step, I would open my Abundance House and Book Club to serve, offline and online, from the local to the world. Never find an excuse to wait just because the dream and vision are too big.
I want to grow into a world-class speaker, author, coach, and thought leader who could impact millions of lives into abundant beings, and contribute to world connections, sustainable peace, and prosperity.??
I believe I am back.
Thank you for reading this article, the re-creation of my past, present, and future. I appreciate your precious connection, time, and support through this growth and transformational journey. Among over 8 billion people on this earth, our connection and our time being together even virtually through any distance is truly a blessing! I believe we have met, in our minds, our hearts, or even our souls.
I’d invite you to join this abundance journey to discover yourself, re-create your past, re-focus on your present, and dream and act bigger for your future. I look forward to meeting and hugging you on the top! ?
With Abundant Love and Blessings…?
Sincerely Yours,
Spring Yan Zheng
Welcome to connect with Spring through her YouTube channel, Abundant Entrepreneurs Groups and Newsletters, with accesses included on her Link Tree, in her brief bio as below.?
Spring’s Brief Bio:
Abundance, Entrepreneurship and Thought Leadership Coach
Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs to Stand Out as Confident Experts and Thought Leaders to Launch Your Ultimate Success and Make Greater Impact!
*#1 Amazon Best Selling Author of “Abundance Train”
*Award-Winning Transformational Speaker (Featured at Nasdaq, Harvard Clubs, and other media)
*Rated a Top 15 Coach in New York in 2023 by Influence Digest
*Founder of Spring Magic Life Society Inc. and the Abundance of All Movement
Email: [email protected]
Spring Link Tree:?
Spring's Motto: Love Never Fails. Live Every Day in Love, Faith, Passion, and Abundance!
A peek of our 2023 summer adventures: