Sunny Kichloo
Database Architect at Nutanix|Ex-Oracle ACE ?|Database Migration Architect
Conventional Relational databases are the result of years of research, best practices and decade of stress testing done on it. They are design for reliable transaction and proper structure of data to be stored on them. Yet having so much benefits they have some limitation which have given birth to NOSQL databases.
As data generation increased overtime and lot of application/website expecting to provide response to customer/user in few seconds start using NOSQL database because of two important reason which is High transactional speed and flexibility of storing different type of data. In terms of scalability also as data load increases for RDBMS system we have to scale up our existing system by upgrading our Hardware whereas if we have NOSQL system we can easily distribute data on multiple node.
Relational database management systems (RDBMS) is a great technology for storing structured data in many web-based applications. Relational databases provide a variety of features and strict data consistency. In an RDBMS data is broken into several tables which can be accessed by many applications. Operations like join, aggregation, addition, creation, retrieval and deletion are easily performed in relational databases and it is also very easy to extend or modify existing tables.
NOSQL stands for Not only SQL.NOSQL databases are open source and therefore anyone can take source code and update it as per there requirement. Below mentioned are the some of the important point because of which NOSQL database came into existence:
Below mentioned table give information of business usecases for which NOSQL is better alternative then RDBMS: