RCL Reflections
I’m not a fan of martyrdom. Death is not an aspiration or goal of mine. And Peter was right to be upset to hear Jesus talk about his coming suffering and death. Yet Jesus apparently knew that his great gain for humankind would require his own sacrifice. It’s not a word we use much anymore, outside of military leaders, coaches and some athletes. When was the last time you heard that word [sacrifice] on the lips of a politician, pastor or corporate CEO? What would it take to pay off the national debt, provide universal health care or provide clean water to populations around the globe? Great things are doable, but even great things done in love require commitment, leadership and sacrifice. “If any would follow me,” says Jesus, “Let them pick up their cross and follow me." Great things can still be done in love.
See: Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16, Psalm 22:23–31, Romans 4:13–25, Mark 8:31–38