RCA Biography 2023

RCA Biography 2023



BA MA DPhil (Oxon); Educator and Researcher; Educ.: DPhil, Oxford University, UK, 1987-1991; MA Political Science, Magna cum Laude 1985-1987, Tel Aviv University, Israel; BA Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology, Magna cum Laude 1983-1985, Tel Aviv University.


Nationality: Israeli, British


Academic Positions:


Olof Palme Visiting Professorship, Lund University (2023).


United Kingdom:

Professor and Chair in Politics, University of Hull (2007 - );

Distinguished Visiting Professor to the Faculty of Laws, University College London (UCL) (2019).



Fellow, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (1991-1998);

Associate Professor (2002-2007), Senior Lecturer (1995-2002), Department of Communication (1995-2006) Faculty of Law (1995-1999) Information Studies (2000-2006), University of Haifa;

Adjunct Lecturer, Hebrew University Law Faculty (1992-1995).



Visiting Fulbright – Yitzhak Rabin Professor, UCLA School of Law (1999-2000);

Visiting Professor, Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC (2003-2004);

Senior Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC (2007-2008).

Public Policy Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC (2022).

Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC (2022-2024).





Fields of Interest:

Ethics, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion



? Co-Founder, The Second Generation to the Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Organization in Israel (1982), Secretary General (1983-1985) and Chairperson (1985-1987) of this organization

? Founder and Director, Think-tank on Medical Ethics, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (1995-1998)

? Chairperson, Library and Information Studies, University of Haifa (2000-2003)

? Founder and Director, Center for Democratic Studies, University of Haifa (2003-2007)

?(Acting) Deputy Dean for Research, University of Hull (2008-2009)

?Equality and Diversity Champion, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Hull (2012-2015)

?Founder and Director, Middle East Study Group/Centre, University of Hull (2008 - ).

?Director of Research, School of Politics, Philosophy and International Studies (2015-2017)

?Chair, Faculty Ethics Committee (2017-2021)

? Vice President, The Association for Israel Studies (AIS) (2021-2023)

? President, The Association for Israel Studies (AIS) (2023-2025)


Other Public Responsibilities:

?Member, The Israel Press Council (1997-2000);

?Member, International Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy (2001 - );

? Advisor to The American Biographical Institute (ABI) Research Board of Advisors (2002-2015);

?Member, Public Committee on the Dying Patient, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem (2000-2002) (appointed to draft Israel’s Dying Patient Law 2005);

?Advisor to The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (2001-2002);

?Advisor to INTAS (International Association for East-West Scientific Co-operation) Young Scientist Fellowships (2002-2003);

?Member, "Crossing Borders", The Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research, Tel Aviv University (2006);

?Consultant, Israeli Parliament (education, health, and legislative committees) (2000-2007);

?Advisor to the British Council, Israel (2006);

?Review Committee of the Israel Council for Higher Education proposal to open a BA program at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya (2006-2011);

?Advisor to German-Israel Foundation (GIF) (2008, 2013, 2014);

?Advisor to ESRC (2010);

?Advisory Board, Centre for the Advancement of Non-Racialism and Democracy, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), South Africa (2009-2011);

?Advisor to The Israel Ministry of Science and Technology (2010);

?Advisor to The International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England (2010);

?Advisor to The Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2010);

?Advisor to The Israel Ministry of Health (2013)

?Advisor to European Research Council (ERC) (2013-2016);

?Advisor to Marquis Who's Who (2013-2017)

? Advisor to Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO) (2014)

? Advisor to National Science Centre, Poland (2017)

?Advisor to The Israel Science Foundation (2016, 2019-2021)

?Chair, Annual Ben?Halpern Award for Best?Dissertation?in Israel Studies (2016-2017)

?Inaugural Member of the Advisory Committee, Initiative on Youth-oriented Online Hate, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University (2014-2019)

? Chair, Shapiro Prize for best book in Israel Studies, Association for Israel Studies (2017-2019)

? Advisor to KU Leuven (2018)

? Board Member, The International Association of Israel Studies (2017 -)

? Board member, Global Listening Center (2017 -)

? Ethics and Policy Initiative, Durham University (2017 - )

? Media Policy Index panel of experts (2018 -)

? Advisor to The Newton Prize (2019 - )

? Advisor to The Swiss National Science Foundation (2020 - )

? Steering Committee, ECPR Standing Group on Human Rights & Transitional Justice (2020 -)

? Board member, ISGAP (2020 - )

? Affiliated Researcher, Management School, Queen’s University, Belfast (2021 -)

? Member, Scientific Advisory Board of the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University (2021 - )

? Associate senior researcher in the Middle East and North Africa Programme (MENA programme), Swedish Institute of International?Affairs, Stockholm (2021 - )

? Member, Hedley Bull Book Prize jury (2021 - )

? Advisor to The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2021-2022)




Oxford University Alumni Association (1992 - ); International Political Science Association (IPSA) Study Group on Democratization in Comparative Perspective (1993 - ); The Israel Association for Canadian Studies (1995 - ); The UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the Screen (1998 - ); International Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy (2001 - ); Institute of Communication Ethics, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom (2005 - ); Institute of Applied Ethics, University of Hull (2007 - ); Association for Israel Studies (2008 - ); Association of Internet Researchers (2008 -); The Internet Society (2008 -); Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Alumni Association (2008 - ); Chevening Alumni Alliance (2010 - ); Fulbright Alumni Association (2010 - ); European Association of Israel Studies (EAIS) (2011 - ); Centre for End of Life Studies, University of Hull (2013 - ); Salzburg Global Seminar (2015 -); Council for Academic Freedom and Academic Standards (2020 - ); Society for Applied Philosophy (2020 - ); PEN (2020 - ); ECPR (2020 -); ICON-S (2021 -); International Society for Development and Sustainability (2022 -);





? The 21st Century Trust (1994-2012)

? Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2022 -)


Editorial and Advisory Boards:


Ethical Space: International Journal of Communication Ethics.

European Journal of Analytic Philosophy.

International Journal of Smart Security Technologies (IJSST).?

Israel Studies.

Journal of Media Ethics.

NIU Journal of Social Sciences.

Pain and Therapy.

Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review.

Science and Engineering Ethics.

Siberian Law Review.?

Open Journal of Philosophy (2011-2015, 2021).

Medicolegal and Bioethics (2010-2016).

Modern Management Forum (2017-2019).




? Middle Eastern Shores (poetry, Hebrew, 1993)

? The Boundaries of Liberty and Tolerance (1994; Hebrew 1994, 2nd ed. 1999)

? Speech, Media and Ethics (2001, 2nd ed. 2005; Turkish 2003)

? The Right to Die with Dignity (2001)

? Euthanasia in the Netherlands (2004, 2005)

? The Scope of Tolerance (2006, 2007)

? The Democratic Catch (2007, Hebrew)

? Voyages (poetry, Hebrew, 2007)

? Confronting the Internet's Dark Side (2015)

? Just, Reasonable Multiculturalism (2021)

? The Republic, Secularism and Security (2022)

? Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (forthcoming).

? Euthanasia in Belgium (forthcoming).



? Basic Issues in Israeli Democracy (Hebrew, 1999);

? Liberal Democracy and the Limits of Tolerance: Essays in Honor and Memory of Yitzhak Rabin (2000);

? Medical Ethics at the Dawn of the 21st Century (2000);

? Challenges to Democracy: Essays in Honour and Memory of Isaiah Berlin (2000);

? Moral Dilemmas in Medicine (Hebrew, 2002, 2004);

? Israeli Democracy at the Crossroads (2005);

? Israeli Institutions at the Crossroads (2005);

? Public Responsibility in Israel (with Asa Kasher and Ori Arbel-Ganz, Hebrew, 2012).



Published more than 300 articles and book chapters in the fields of political science, law, Israeli Studies, philosophy, ethics (business, media, medical), education, sociology, and history in journals and books in many countries, including Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Africa, The Netherlands, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States. Some of them were also translated into other languages, including Chinese, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Spanish and Turkish.


Courses taught (selective list):

- “Bioethics – End of Life Decision Making”;

- “Boundaries of Freedom of Expression: Practical and Legal Aspects”;

- “Boundaries of Freedom of Expression: Theoretical Aspects”;

- “Comparative Politics” (core);

- “Hate, Violence and Pornography: Legal, Political and Ethical Considerations”;

- “Human Nature, Society and the State” (core);

- “Is There A Limit? Violence and Crime on the Internet”;

- “Key Skills in Politics” (core);

- “Media, Violence and Pornography”;

- “Political Thought from Plato to Marx” (core);

- "Terrorism, Media and the Internet";

- “The Arab-Israeli Conflict” (core);

- “The Internet Revolution”;

- “The Right to Die with Dignity and the Right to Live with Dignity”;

- "The Theatre of Terror: Relationships between Media, Terror and Government";

- “Themes in Media Ethics” (core);

- “Themes in Medical Ethics and Law” (core);

- "There Is A Limit: Violence and Pornography in Communication and the Internet".

- “Peace Building in Israel and Palestine”.


Scholarships, Awards, Research Grants (of $5,000 or more), etc. (since 1984)

·??????The Dean’s Scholarship, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University (1984-1987) ($20,000).

·??????St. Catherine’s College Post-Graduate Scholarship, Oxford University (1987-1990) (£15,000).

·??????Rothschild?Avi Chair Foundation Grant (1988-1991) (£15,000).

·??????Post-Doctorate, Department of Political Science, Bar-Ilan University (1991-1992) ($70,000).

·??????The European Project, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Volkswagen Foundation (1992-1998) (1,500,000 German Marks);

·??????The Van Leer Medical Ethics Think-tank (1995-1998) ($30,000).

·??????Faculty Enrichment Award and two Research Awards granted by the Canadian Government, to conduct research in Canada on the right to die with dignity, ethics in the media, hate speech and Canadian constitutional law (Summer 1995, Summer 1998, Summer 2002) ($10,000).

·??????The Yigal Alon Scholarship (“Milgat Alon”) (1995-1998) ($250,000).

·??????Grant, The University of Haifa, to organize and international conference in memory of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (January 1997) ($30,000).

·??????British Council Chevening Scholarship, media ethics research. All Souls College residency, Oxford. Sponsor: Professor GA Cohen (offered for 12 months; took 3 months - August-October 1997) (£5,000).

·??????Grants, Stifterverband fur die Deutsche Wissenschaft; The British Council; TEVA, and The Israel Cancer Association, Medical Ethics at the Close of the 20th Century (January 1998) ($7,000).

·??????Israeli Ministry of Science (1998) ($35,000).

·??????Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa (1998-1999).

·??????Israel Ministry of Science (2001) ($8,000).

·??????Dutch Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences Scholarship (summer 2002) ($5,000).

·??????Man of the Year Award 2003, awarded by The American Biographical Institute (December 2003).

·??????USA-Israel Cultural Fund, The American Embassy, Tel Aviv (2006) ($5,000).

·??????The 1970 Trust, England (2006) (£6,000).

·??????Grants, toward the publication of Public Responsibility in Israel (2009) ($15,000).

·??????Grants, for the Middle East Study Group (2013) (£70,000).

·??????AHRC Research Network: Crossing Over – New Narratives of Death, PI Dr David Kennedy (2013-2016) (£33,000), https://www2.hull.ac.uk/fass/english/research/research-themes/modern-and-contemporary-lit/projects/crossing-over-network.aspx

·??????The 1970 Trust, England (2013-2016) (£9,000).

·??????Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) Fellowship, St. John’s College, Oxford ($7,000) (July-August 2018).

·??????Grants, The Swiss National Science Foundation (2016-2017-2018) (€10,000).

·??????The Israel Institute Research Grant (2019) ($8,000).

·??????NIH Research Grant (2020 - ) ($11,000).

·??????Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC (2022) ($30,000).

·??????Olof Palmes's Guest Professorship, Lund University (2023) (SEK 1,737,000).



Visiting Appointments

? Fellow, The 21st Century Trust, London (1994 - 1998) ($10,000).

? Visiting Fellow, the Hastings Center, New York (to work on my books on media ethics and medical ethics, January-February 1994 and March 1999).

? Visiting Scholar, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford (August-October 1997).

? Visiting Scholar, Philosophy and Medical Ethics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Summer 1999).

? Residency Fellowship, The Rockefeller Foundation Center, Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Italy (February 2002). https://www.rockfound.org

? Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Manitoba School of Law, Winnipeg (January 2004).

? Residency Fellowship, The Bogliasco Foundation, Liguria Study Center in Bogliasco, Italy (Fall 2005). https://www.liguriastudycenter.org/

? Visiting Scholar, O?ati International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Spain (May 2015).

? Fellow, Salzburg Global Seminar, Salzburg, Austria (September 2015)

? Visiting Scholar, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Universit?t Basel, Switzerland (October-November 2016).

? Visiting Professor, Nirma University, Institute of Law, India (January 2018).

? Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, University of Zurich (August-September 2018).

? Distinguished Visiting Professor to the Faculty of Laws, University College London (UCL) (2019) (£8,000).


I have raised more than $3.5 million in grants, private money, scholarships and fellowships.



Politics, arts, sports.


Web: https://portal.research.lu.se/en/persons/raphael-cohen-almagor; https://www.cmes.lu.se/raphael-cohen-almagor

Web: https://www.hull.ac.uk/faculties/staff-profiles/raphael-cohen-almagor.aspx

Web: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/person/raphael-cohen-almagor


Amazon Author Page:




Blog: Israel: Democracy, Human Rights, Politics and Society, https://almagor.blogspot.com


Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael_Cohen-Almagor;



LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/almagor35/


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfJ-5R_qTmFF-eTHs5i5AJA/videos?view=0


SSRN Author Page: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=293806


ResearchGate Author Page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Raphael_Cohen-Almagor/publications


Academia: https://hull.academia.edu/httpwwwhullacukrca


Twitter: https://twitter.com/almagor35


Further information:





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