[RBM] Finding the right decision-makers systematic way!
Marcin Karkocha
Chief Transformation Strategist - how can I help you build value-driven IT strategy?
Based on discussions with some of the people that reads my last two posts about decision-making, I have decided to turn it into an article and expand it into a series, RAPID-based Modernization. #RBM.
The first article will include two posts I have published before - maybe with a bit of additional comments and more examples. Next ones will drive us through more end to end examples and will describe how it can be used from the idea to implementation of the modernization initiative.
Ok, let's start with the most important question in decision-making procedure - who is needed to be engaged to make this decision?
From one side you can think, this is easy - every company, or better most of them have hierarchical structure and there is always someone above us that should make decision. In this case, using such tree we can reach right person to make decision - right, so simple?
Not so simple, I have never seen a company that works correctly using this approach, such model will always make someone not happy and in final company will lose - minimum potential it can create engaging more people.
From the other side, I have seen that lack of ability to make correct decisions struggle most of the cases of modernization processes. There are mostly two cases: no much people engaged, or numerous people engaged in modernization. However, without clear role assignment, especially clear role in decision-making process.
This inspires me to work on some kind of Framework to summarize my experience and to make such process easier. At this moment, I will share with you the first part of this process, which is my interpretation of RAPID framework organized around modernization subjects. In my case, the more proper acronym will be RPIAD as I have revised the order of people that takes role in this process.
This tool helps me find what people engage in which stage and ask - what problems they will have with the subject of this decision.
Then for example: if we consider implementing new platform for CICD, in "I" - "Inform" we can choose Developers, DevOpses, Release Management Team, etc. Then all the people that will have any contact with new platform and that they can have any requirements related with it. However, for example in "P" - "Perform" we can limit this to real users then mostly Developers and DevOpses as they will be final users of our system, and they will be only people that experience is important from usage perspective.
Okay, this is theoretical side of my RPIAD process, now we have to concentrate to find such people. To achieve this, I have simplified a little center of image and put notes for every role in the process.
Now, getting with RPIAD order, you can ask significant questions for each phase.
Then for "R" - "Recommendation" - you can think who will help in recommending and getting acceptance for initiative.
For "P" then "Perform" you can ask who is using it, who will implement it and how this can impact this group of people.
For "I" then "Inform" you can ask who will have any contact with our system and is a potential reviewer or source of information in deciding.
For "A" you can validate what formal acceptance will be needed and finally for "D" you can think who is decision maker - real decision maker!
You can also describe this person engagement into these steps, then you will see what information they will want from your side. Getting this information will simplify the process later on. I will propose you to make few attempts to fill this data and evaluate each time if such person or group must be involved
Where have I been using it?
Starting from modernization processes and making decision what tools, where, what methodology, what changes. Trough process modifications and optimization, into new tool recognition and finally in my case even in sales process to gather knowledge who is needed to buy my product!
I believe having such tool can clarify what you are supposed to do in multiple cases. What did you think about this? Are you ready to try?
Don't hesitate to ask me questions if you have, I love insightful discussions!