RBA Cash Rate History
Averages are an important statistic
David Warner has played in 112 Test matches and had 205 innings. His average run score is 44.60. He is judged highly on an average of 44.60 runs per innings
Glenn McGrath played in 124 Test matches and 243 innings. His average for each wicket was 21.60 runs. He is judged highly on conceding 21.60 runs per wicket
When we look at the above RBA Cash Rate Table, our current cash rate of 4.35 appears to be below average. Our expectation is that over time an average will be met. It is for this reason I would not have been surprised had an RBA decision been made yesterday to take us closer to average. Because irrespective of short term hoopla and media attention, over the longer term (whether 10, 20 or 30 years in the future) we are likely to get closer to average