Ray Dalio @ UJA
This morning I had the opportunity to attend a terrific UJA event with Ray Dalio discussing his beliefs as outlined in his book Principals. While there is no replacing the depth of content in his book, I thought I would highlight some of the topics he discussed. Regardless of whether you agree with him or not, he's an absolute intellectual powerhouse when it comes to managing money and life/business philosophy.
3 phases of life:
- Learning and dependent on others
- Working and others dependent on you
- Focusing on helping others
Principals can be coded into algorithms
Successful at failing - what matters is if you learn from pain and reflection
- Must know goals
- Encounter problems
- Diagnose problems and not tolerate them, must find root cause which might be you or somebody else
- Once you know the root cause, must design way around issue
- Move forward
Find the smartest people in the world who disagree with you; how do I know I’m right? Be humble while knowing as much as possible as an independent thinker; idea meritocracy with the ability to disagree well; need to put honest thoughts on the table
Importance of thoughtful disagreement (with an ability to move forward)
Didn’t have a mentor; figured things out by his own trial and error
Israel: “If this was a club, I’d want to join!”; amazing story of entrepreneurship and innovation
Need to determine how you think and your belief set
- Used to be determined more by religion
- Now determined more by individuals
- Need to focus more on principals; different from education
- Don’t know the principals that bind us together as Americans
There are many other people who should write down their principals; examples:
- Henry Kissinger
- Elon Musk
- Jim Tisch
- In any relationship you must determine how to make decisions and how to disagree
- Great collective decision making is better than individual decision making
- Great team decision making leads to better relationships -> evolutionary process to move toward meritocracy; can be delivered better through tech
Not stress testing one’s own beliefs is one of people’s biggest flaws; the more an idea is stress tested the stronger the conviction
Radical truthfulness boundary: making mistakes is okay but not if personal attack
- Very active
- Don’t like the term, multiple ways to approach accomplishing things with money relating to things that matter to you -> needs to be passion driven
- Family activity
- Focused on ocean exploration
- Use principals in philanthropy - have rules and goals