Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses
Photos copyright: Beverly Clarke

Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses

Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses are the hottest tech present this year! They are the latest in “wearable technology” and becoming a fashion statement. Last week quite by chance, I was able to try out and try on a pair of this newest wearable tech.? Let me share with you my insights around Smart Glasses, now that more advanced wearable tech is in the hands and on the faces of everyone!

What are they?

Think of a traditional pair of glasses (spectacles) that you would wear.? Then think of the arm of the glasses having an on/off button. Then think of the two points of your glasses.? One with a camera and the other with a light.? Essentially that is your smart glass. The glasses can be worn as a camera, a recording device, music device for your entertainment or used for messaging.?

Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses, can also be used as sunglasses or as prescription glasses with the added benefits of smart glass and its technology.? In short, think of a smart watch, airpods or any wearable tech.? Use them and charge them up and use them again.? That is how smart glasses work.

A bit about me

Let me share a bit of my background with you.? I am a TechWomen100 Award winner, education consultant, coach, author and speaker. I find tech fascinating and have a curious mind! Now read on about Smart Glasses.? There is more about me at the end of this article!

What do they do?

With smart glasses, for the very first time ever, you are able to capture the world around you exactly as you see the world.? Not as anyone else sees the world, but you as your unique self.

With one click smart glass users are able to take photos.? With a longer hold a user can record video.? Capturing exactly what you are seeing.? Then if you wish to play music, you can also play music through your glasses and amazingly not disturb others around you.? By swiping the frame of your glasses you can adjust the volume.?

A great gadget with image, video and audio capability all built in. Gone are the early prototypes which looked a bit clunky.? This new generation of Smart Glasses, offers you style and comfort.? Top sunglass brand Ray Ban is currently one retailer for this wearable device in collaboration with Meta.

Having spent your day with and through your Smart Glasses, you may be wondering how do you download what has been captured.? To do this, connect to the Meta View app via Bluetooth. The MetaView app should already be installed on your device, and your glasses should have been setup and paired. The day’s imagery will then be downloaded onto your device.


As human beings we will use the tech in ways that the original designers did not think of, unfortunately, some of these ways will not be beneficial.? A few things that sprung to my mind immediately were:

  • Privacy – how do we now prevent a new version of “upskirting”
  • How do we prevent a person going into a public changing room and recording what they see?
  • How do we prevent recording of concerts/cinema shows and other events to protect copyright
  • Are there any health risks, from having even more wearable technology on oneself? Should there be time limits to how much low frequency radiation we expose ourselves to?
  • Could the glasses be used in additional criminal activity?
  • Are Smart glasses yet another gadget being added to the worlds growing eWaste problem?
  • Are they actually needed?

I am sure you will have your own questions, which I would love to hear in the comments. For me, after discussing the matter with family and friends lots of concerns were raised, but then lots of positives.


Beyond being the latest gadget and all in time to capitalise upon Christmas 2023.? What are the possible benefits of Smart Glasses? Below are a few:

  • ?Smart Glasses in Healthcare
  • Underserved groups in society can benefit through increased accessibility – for example through supporting people with visual impairment, and “giving” seeing and hearing support
  • Hands free technology – freeing users up to do other things, for example you can take calls while doing something else. Additionally, with hands free technology, I am curious to see how and if it is adopted in the workplace.? Can Smart glasses change work as we know it and lead to boosted productivity?
  • Richer human experiences, for example, capturing the world exactly as you see it on a second by second basis. This is unlike the way anyone else sees your world
  • Create a video diary of your day and perhaps share this as new content.? Possibly this is a new way of vlogging that we will see emerging, as we will be able to livestream from our very own eyes in every detail

Additionally, as a former teacher, I always think of the educational aspects and how education could possibly be changed/have to adapt.? We have already seen issues around students using smart watches and other recording material in the classroom.? This now extends to areas such as Smart Glasses.

As more functionality is added to Smart Glasses, they can be adapted into classroom settings, enabling students to have a richer learning experience, around collaboration with others, interaction and engagement.? There is perhaps a whole unit of work to be possibly written around embedding Smart Glass into your teaching!

My final thoughts

I am still deciding whether “I need” a pair of smart glasses.? My experience was great, but I am not sure if I want any more wearable tech.? Also the price point of roughly £299 for Ray Ban Smart glasses is a bit steep and a bit more if you have them with a prescription.? I am not sure how this truly helps in bridging the digital divide.? However, there are other smart glasses fast emerging at accessible price points, some saying they are better at audio, better at streaming etc.? I guess the “Smart Glasses” race is wide open and there is not a clear winner at the moment.

Thanks for reading.? Reach out to me today. ?I am always open to new and amazing collaborations.? Feel free to explore my website to gain an understanding of some of my work – such as writing resources, speaking at and hosting events, guest columnist work, authoring my children’s book series, appearing on podcasts and much more!

Copyright: Beverly Clarke (wearing Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses)

#rayban #smartglasses #wearabletechnology #christmas2023 #christmaspresents #christmasgadgets

Ray-ban sunglasses


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Tienda de gafas de sol y graduadas, tanto de forma física en óptica Herradores como en nuestra página web Opticalh.com. Expertos ópticos-optometristas, líderes en el montaje de gafas de todo tipo.

10 个月

Thank you for sharing your thoughts Beverly Clarke. This is very interesting and my first reaction (as a certified geek) is "I want some!". But you are right when you say "need" in quotes. Does anyone need a pair? I think that your lists of considerations and benefits lead into so many other areas that need to be talked about. Law, environment, privacy, and so on. My thoughts? I think that the world can do without more plastic and gadgets but there will be circumstances and settings when they will be total gamechangers. The conversation goes on.


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