The Raw & Real Series: The Crushing?
Dr. Venus Opal Reese
???? God Made Millions? Business Mentor & Marketing Alchemist ???? Best-Selling Author, Thought-Leader, ???? Stanford PhD creator of “Hot Mess Millionaire”???? 15+ MILLION VIEWS ??on Amazon Prime
Well, I did it … I cut my hair!
And #realtalk: I have not felt this much joy in months!
Finally … finally …
I have arrived!
Allow me to reintroduce myself …
I am Venus Opal. Your artist. Your CEO. Your CCO (Chief Creative Officer).
Your bad ass.
This transformation of my hair is transforming ME, y’all! I feel like a new person. My confidence is up. I feel ALIVE. I feel happy. And Black as f#ck!
I am the hottest thing up in these streets I walk with Happy! #aintafraidtosayit
My hair is curly. Curly! And I LOVE the cut—it’s mohawky. LOVE how it makes my cheekbones pop.
But the thing I love the MOST is the color.
It's so wild! It looks like a flame. And it wasn't even intentional.
Let me explain—because there’s a lesson in this story, too.
When I went to get it colored, I didn’t know that I needed to tell the stylist that I had some black color in it. #hidethegreys
(If you’ve bleached your hair before, then you probably know where this is going …)
When she put on the color, the toner (which is used to calm “the brassiness”) somehow turned my sh^t pink! LOL.
I was not prepared for that. But this stylist was just so good. She didn't trip. She just said, "No, I'm going to fix it." And she did.
And then it got reddish.
And I f@cking LOVE it.
THIS is who I am—a flaming dragon.
It FITS me now. It came from a “mistake” (that wasn’t a mistake, I know now), but it is actually perfect for ME, in all my imperfection. A perfect match.
It reminds me every single day that I AM an artist.
And I’m back to the gym. I’ve got a power-fit body and dragon energy!
It’s hard to put this feeling into words, but I feel FREE. Self-expressed. Bold. Daring. Sexy. I feel like a f%cking rockstar!
Maybe I’ll do poetry readings. Maybe I’ll keep writing and writing and writing. Maybe I’ll take on screenplays. Playwriting.
What I know for sure is that I am surrendering to my destiny—embracing and manifesting my purpose.
I am ready to pour into my artistic self the way I've poured into my business self all these years.
I am taking on my dreams!
The sun has finally come out, everyone.
I’m not crying all day anymore. I’m not mad at anyone.
I'm starting to dream again, believe again, hope again.
I am present with the fact that God is good. God is faithful. God is brilliant. God is just so f!cking cool.
I’m reading a book right now by TD Jakes. It’s called Crush. Hear me when I say “divine timing.”
Check this out:
Referring to his new book, Jakes says, “Life has a lot of ways to crush us. And the reason I wrote the book is that in the process of the crushing, there’s always the gift of wine that flows out of it, that you come out of it stronger and in another form.”
I finally understand. I finally get it.
This whole idea of pruning and pressing and crushing as necessary preparation. That it's required to reach your next level.
I'm over here like, "Okay God. I get it now." And it's so consistent with everything in the Bible. And everything in all the holy books. There's always some kind of break, some tearing up before you reach your next level.
Change is coming. I can FEEL it. I can hear the whispers again. I can see it. I can tell that God is up to something.
I don’t know why it took so long, but I get it now.
And out of this realization—this knowing—I wrote something that I want to share with you now.
VenusOpal is born ...
No, she is not a beautiful butterfly.
No, she is not a phoenix rising from the ashes of life.
She’s a f*ckin’ dragon from the streets.
She’s got a serious edge on her.
She’s Black As F*ck.
She wields truth like a weapon.
She’s in love with the most gangsta nigga that ever was and ever could be—God.
She loves her puppy like you love your child.
She’s known for manifesting millions.
She’s switching lanes.
She now manifests miracles.
If you f*ck with her, for real for real, she will teach you how to do both.
She is the way, the truth, and the light to surrendering to your purpose, embracing your destiny, so YOU can live your authentic and abundant life NOW.
Simply put, she’s her father’s daughter.
In street parlance: she’s a bad b&tch.
She has NO RESPECT for respectability. She is spiritually subversive and biblical based.
She is a hot mess on a good day.
She knows she is a street urchin who God anointed and appointed for those of us who have been hurt, crushed, annihilated by life. We wounded ones don’t fit into the boxes we are supposed to. And we need a new way in, a new way to win, to get real with God by being real with ourselves.
VenusOpal—from the streets to Stanford Ph.D to self-made multi-millionaire—had to lose it all to find herself.
Oh yeah, you should know she’s an artist and into cute, kink, and queer.
She’s a CEO...
... and she BREATHES fire.
It’s nice to meet you (again).
Venus Opal
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5 年Girl your spin on this is inspiring! I've never wanted to do a color that wasn't "natural " in nature, but the way this makes you feel makes me feel like I should give it a go! Flaming Dragon! That's you! I remember you so clearly at the Lifes Purpose Wealth retreat..... "Your million dollar idea is not in your brain.... it's in your pain." So true. And I've shared that quote so many times always giving you credit!
Regional Manager Business Operations
5 年Awesome post! #Blackdragononfire
Housing Justice Consultant
5 年This girl is ON FIRE!