RAVEN a new paradigm in privacy, Sustainable re opening and Recovery during and beyond COVID 19
dean goldberg
Co-Founder of The Auxilium Society CIC and / Director and member of The Take A Punt Group
Echo's of the past.
?Nearly 700 years ago The Black Death – as it is commonly called is estimated to have killed 75 million people. One third of China evaporated before the rest of the world even knew what was coming, and by the time that pandemic had finally dissipated, nearly half the people in each region it had touched had succumbed to a gruesome, painful death.
It is estimated that it took several centuries for the world’s population to recover; but the many social changes caused as a result of the appalling death rate were permanent and echo down the years to this day.?The extreme labour shortage that followed the pandemic saw serfs once tied to the land, freed to choose who they worked for, as lords were forced to make conditions better and more attractive or risk leaving their land ?untended. This led to wage increases, and breaking of the ties with the land. This increased the mobility of labour, which eventually led to the collapse of feudalism.
The taste of better living conditions and new freedoms for the poor would not be forgotten. A few decades later, when lords tried to revert back to the old ways, there were peasant revolts throughout Europe. The lower classes maintained their new freedoms and better pay. So many priests had died, during the pandemic that church services in many areas simply ceased. Trust in God, the church and the ruling elite, already in poor standing due to scandals and sleaze, fell to new lows ??as people realized that nothing stopped the spread of the disease or their family's suffering.
A recent study has also found that despite its reputation for indiscriminate destruction, the Black Death targeted the weak and elderly taking a greater toll among those whose immune systems were already compromised.
The COVID pandemic has strong echoes of the past and, although thankfully not as deadly as the Black Death in terms of absolute body count, because of the connected nature of the world’s socio economy today it is none the less traumatic and life changing in ??bringing about what will be long lasting social and economic change, it is no lesser epoch defining event than the Black Death.
The impact of Covid-19 and the response to it over the past 18 months has had devastating effects in all corners of the globe. These effects have been well documented in the media – but the full cost, extent and implications of the pandemic are still to be realised.
The Pandemic has already brought about radical changes, in how we lead our lives on a day to day basis and how and where we do business. COVID has dramatically transformed the whole global socio-economic environment and risk landscape that we were used to back in 2019.
There now appears to be widespread acceptance that we need to be planning for a longer period of living with COVID (even with vaccinations) than originally thought, and that full recovery may take a decade or more to achieve (Oxfam report), with the journey to recovery requiring fundamental shifts in thinking.
The hard reality is that for a true and sustainable recovery to a more normal life, we need global solutions to tackle what are continuously evolving global problems. We are going to require, a full range of interoperable solutions that help remove the fear of COVID, the fear of future pandemics, that provide bio-security and at the same time deal with other risks and issues that have been highlighted by the pandemic, such as data privacy cybersecurity and trust.
In the simplest terms if we really want our workplaces and schools fully open again, our public venues at full capacity, and freedom to travel and socialise at anything like pre-pandemic levels, we need to find ways to prove to each other that we’re unlikely to get each other sick.
We have endured 18 months of the COVID pandemic, which has left individuals, businesses, industries, communities and governments all desperately seeking solutions to move back to having greater freedom, and for ways in which to manage and live with the virus. There is growing frustration and “pandemic fatigue” amongst people who just want to enjoy freedoms and get back to “life as normal” with an emphasis on their personal and community safety.
Vaccinations as a tool were not available back in the 14th century, but today are a ?primary weapon in providing a route to a freer more normal life. However with “full” global vaccination unlikely to be achieved at best until 2023, COVID will continue to circulate as an endemic disease like flu, measles, and HIV for many years. The risk of new variants (as seen with the Delta variant) and the accelerating risk of new pandemic threats (due in part to climate change) are ?causes of concern, highlighting the need for global solutions and reminding ?us that vaccines alone are not a silver bullet solution. The situation is a whole lot more complicated than that.
However imperfect they are, vaccines are central to our ability to manage risk, open up international travel and ease domestic restrictions. As a result there is a focus on how we can prove our vaccination and COVID health status to each other. This is why quite rightly, so called vaccination passports are at the top of the agenda for most governments, businesses and individuals.
Significant debate surrounds vaccine passports and their use, with much of this highly politicised and confused. The subject is highly divisive and seems to place people into two broad camps; a significant minority that assume the pandemic is effectively over, under control, is not real, who may be vaccine hesitant or who don’t want to deal with health verification, because of both the perceived and genuine threats to privacy and liberty; and a majority that recognise the endemic nature of COVID, the need to be preparing for another year (or more) of variants, boosters and continued uncertainty.
In addition there are those that also see the need to deploy a health verification infrastructure to create preparedness and security against future new variants and other threats with pandemic potential.
The Imperatives.
The world is different now, we have endured, we have sacrificed, and we are redefining what is important. We all want to live, we want to reconnect, we want to experience, we want to celebrate, we want to be united and we all want to stay safe.
The immediate imperatives must therefore be to ensure public health in a way that can at the earliest opportunity allow the fullest reopening of society and the economy, to ?restore our basic freedom, and ?permanently remove social distancing and isolation that limit ?our most basic needs as a social animal.??
COVID has shown that life is so much more than just the economy; the absence of live entertainment, sports hospitality and ability to socialise, with friends and family, has had massive impact on our wellbeing. There is plenty of evidence to suggest we are now facing a global mental health crisis. We are in danger of the “cure”, potentially becoming worse than the disease. COVID like the Black-Death has already brought about changes to the very fabric of society, the economy, how we live our lives and what we value.
At the most fundamental level, COVID has revealed how interconnected we all are. It has shown we cannot survive in isolation for long without economic activity and the creation of financial value. Economically the effects of the pandemic are colossal. Studies by Princeton University suggest the global cost of the Pandemic to date to be circa $30 trillion, against $35bn which they estimate would have been the cost of being fully prepared.
The leisure and tourism industries worldwide have seen a collapse in spending of ?50% from over $4.7 trillion to $2.3 trillion, a 75% reduction in global air passengers wiped out $1 trillion revenue in the 10 months to the end of 2020 (World Eco Forum). The Live music events industry saw a loss of $30bn globally; while hospitality and night-time industries have been devastated, being the first to be closed down and last to re-open.
Many businesses have failed or are failing in the face of the pandemic and social distancing restrictions. Many more are desperately seeking new ways of doing business and adapting their business models to survive.
Some businesses are prospering as a result of innovation and the unprecedented digitisation of so many aspects of our lives. ?Online global retail sales have exploded from $2.8 trillion in 2018 to an expected $4.8 trillion in 2021, with $6.4 trillion forecast for 2024. Over 2 billion people are now shopping online, impacting on bricks and mortar sales which in turn are having a direct impact on our high streets and town centres.?Entertainment and media companies like Netflix are booming whilst cinemas and theatres are closing.
The seismic shift in attitudes, changes in consumer behaviour and corporate priorities are here to stay. – Digital restructuring and risk management are now at the top of the agenda in corporate strategies – which are being reinvented and rewritten to account for preparedness.?The result is a quantum leap in digital innovation and adoption, not only to thrive but in order to just survive.?
?Vaccination Passports need to be about more than just health status.
In March 2021 polls showed that up to 87% of travellers would support a mandatory vaccine passport as a solution to allow travel and help in reigniting the global economy. With respect to their domestic use, the support for vaccine passports was lower at circa 70%, but none the less still showed acceptance by the majority, for their use in opening up larger gatherings, sporting and music venues as well as social events.
However while the research data backs the idea that the majority see vaccination passports as a means to get back to a more normal life, 85% of people who ?agreed with their use still had concerns, with the biggest issues being the erosion of privacy, an increased risk of ID, data theft, fraud and the potential for discrimination.
The pandemic has triggered an unprecedented and irreversible shift towards digitisation that is nothing short of a revolution, on a par with the industrial revolution. Businesses have adapted to new consumer demands for digitally enabled products and services in order to remain competitive, creating a whole new digital landscape which is driving innovative technology revenue opportunities.
This digital revolution has also brought with it a “pandemic” in cybercrime; identity theft, phishing, digital espionage and hacking. Cybercrime has quite literally exploded, costing businesses and consumers globally $2 trillion in 2020 (approximately the same as the GDP of the UK), with a 2021 estimate at $6 trillion (125% of online sales) and forecast $10 trillion by 2025 (2/3rds of US GDP), as criminals target individuals as well as businesses. The cost of cybercrime in 2021 will be significantly greater than the GDP of every one of the G7 nations, with the exception of the US were it currently represents nearly 40%.
The current Vaccine Passport landscape
Increasing numbers of countries and businesses are now adopting vaccine passports for travel and are also making them mandatory for domestic use. In response there are many vaccination passport solutions being offered, with most of them working via digital apps that produce a QR code.
If vaccination passports are to be adopted and accepted, then their security and the privacy of the holder’s data need to be paramount. They need to be universally available in a form that does not increase friction or lower security standards, while simultaneously preserving individual privacy and avoiding any practices that are discriminatory. As such all vaccine passports face the same fundamental challenges that any digital Identity driven solution needs to deal with, namely:
??????????????Standards & Interoperability
??????????????Usability – ease and cost of implementation and administration.
?A review of a number of the vaccine passports currently being proposed or being used reveals that they all have significant weakness in common.
The issues that surround these systems tend to stem from the fact that in most cases, solutions have been designed in response to the immediate need for a point solution to fix the problem of verification of vaccination status. All the solutions are for closed or limited ecosystems, typically based on a centralised database of health information and have limited interoperability with other systems.
These “single point”, predominantly enterprise driven solutions are problematic because:
1) They require access to, and /or the transfer of sensitive and private health information, potentially to 3rd parties who may have conflicting commercial interest.
2) Verification of the validity of a user’s credentials and the user ID is not reliable, open to theft of ID, sensitive data and liable to being copied or used fraudulently.
3) There are no common standards for verification. For example even though the EU Green Pass credential is common to all 27 EU states, there are currently 15 different verifiers for that same credential depending on where in the EU you are.?The information and rules?vary from country to country, in Spain ?you will be ?verified as being fully vaccinated if you have previously recovered and been given just one dose of vaccine, whilst in most other jurisdictions full vaccination is only verified once you have had two doses.
4) Data can be legally accessed by the government and/or commercial 3rd parties. This leads to issues and concerns around privacy, data security and above all trust.
Perceived or otherwise these are all genuine concerns that potentially generate resistance and opposition to adoption.
These issues are highlighted in all the leading initiatives listed below.
All of the above have some or all of the following features;
RAVEN a paradigm shift in thinking
RAVEN, which stands for the Real-time Assured Venue Entry Network is NOT a vaccine passport. Instead it provides us with a completely different way of thinking about digital identity and COVID health certification (vaccine passports).
There’s a well-known anecdote about a tourist who is lost and asks one of the locals in the country he is visiting for directions to the capital. The local replies: ‘Well sir, if I were you, I wouldn’t start from here’.
It’s hard to tell at first read whether this anecdote is telling a truth about the idiocy of the local or mocking the “lost” tourist. In one context however there is a certain truth and wisdom in the local’s response, when thinking about how to get to somewhere.
This truth is that it’s often far better to start from a different place, from where you have the best chance of reaching your goal, rather than from where you are.
In respect to RAVEN and COVID health status certification ?by starting from a different place to other solutions that seek to deliver a vaccination credential , RAVEN ?is able to answers all the ?issues that point solutions, like vaccine passports have,?and is so able to deliver a solution that better fits the needs of people, businesses and governments.
Rather than design a vaccine passport, RAVEN was created to be the most secure and privacy-preserving Identity and Access Management (IAM) platform in the world. Delivered via an app, built from outset with the individual at the heart of everything it does, RAVEN was designed to address the core issues of Privacy, Access ?Interoperability and usability that surround digital identity.
In short RAVEN is a new paradigm in thinking about ALL digital ID driven transactions, which empowers any individual to take total control over the access of their personal information and when, where, and with whom they share that information – without ever needing to reveal the underlying data, which lets the individual use RAVEN anywhere that a verifiable identity credential is required, starting with facilitating compliance when reopening all types of venues during COVID.
RAVEN does this by creating and maintaining something we term “Personal Data Sovereignty” (PDS), which is a form of Self Sovereign Identity. PDS is built by creating trusted personal privacy networks, where no one party (not even the individual) has access to personal or sensitive data (i.e. health information). Not the places we visit. Not the government, not even RAVEN. Encrypted partial keys are stored in highly diversified personal data vaults in the cloud, (creating a secure digital wallet) in such a way that only with all parties in a transaction acting together, can a transaction take place. This Multi-Party Authentication Process (MPA) is carried out in real time through patented technology, that not only identifies an individual to an entity; it identifies all parties in a transaction to each other in the same way. RAVEN can be thought of as being like s "Swiss Banker" in each transaction working in the background, in real-time to deliver a user experience that on the surface is seamless and “normal”. When combined with COVID vaccine records, test results, and medical records, it provides RAVEN with a uniquely powerful way to safely get us back together again, with the minimum of friction and maximum Privacy.
RAVEN’s “secret sauce” is that it ?simplifies the user experience and process by presenting every transaction as a simple yes/no dialog, which combined with MPA removes the need for any data to be transmitted across the internet,?stored on a user’s device or revealed to a third party. Data never needs to be removed from the original source of trust. ?
RAVEN is able to interoperate with any system through APIs and/or machine-readable codes giving RAVEN the potential to be integrated into existing ticketing and access systems. In the case of vaccination passports like the EU Green pass, IATA travel pass and apps like those of the NHS in the UK and HSE in Ireland, RAVEN can “sit on top” of these to provide an additional layer of security and privacy, whilst automating the whole process of verification of identity and credentials. This also facilitates the ability for these other “passports" to be built into the process of validating an entry ticket, meaning a user experience is at worst the same as it always was, likely better i.e. the presentation of a single valid ticket rather than having to show a ticket, a vaccination certificate, and/or a test certificate along with ID confirming you are the owner of the vaccination credentials, a secure single step process instead of three (or more).
RAVEN-enabled tickets and/or IDs let every user securely prove their compliance with the health and safety requirements and or any other access protocols of a venue, including age qualifications; disqualifications, criminal records checks etc, with a single scan upon entry that utilises existing gate and entry hardware or can be carried out on?a RAVEN enabled mobile phone (i.e. the RAVEN app is installed on it with verifier permissions) .
RAVEN is not creating any rules or protocols; it is simply providing a tool for Individuals and venues a secure and convenient way to ensure compliance with whatever rules are in place, at any location at any time.
Where a COVID credential is being provided to an individual, as in Ireland (the EU and the UK), the original COVID credential itself can be stored in a private secure vault and used to power an anonymous RAVEN credential. This means that rather than displaying a static QR code, which contains personal identifying information, RAVEN creates a new dynamic personalised QR code, each time the user wishes to use their pass for entry. No information is held on a device, no information is transmitted over the internet, or stored on the RAVEN QR code, as this is ?simply verifying the user is who they say they are (yes/no) and that an ?original trusted credential exists for that individual (yes/no). ?
As no information is stored on a device it means there is no possibility of losing it, having it stolen, intercepted, copied or it being used fraudulently. The creation of a single dynamic RAVEN “token” allows any venue with access to nothing more than a RAVEN enabled mobile phone to easily verify that everyone entering is COVID-safe and compliant with the venues own particular entry protocols. There is no need to change any existing entry systems, no need for any new hardware, no need for special training, no need to know any personal information, and no need to deal with countless pieces of paper or multiple apps.
The ability to integrate and automatically verify any credentials in this way mean that one App – RAVEN – can be used to verify compliance with entry protocols irrespective of where a RAVEN user is from, or what compliance protocols are in force at any particular location and point in time. This interoperability can help pave the way for a political middle ground with regard to vaccination passports: RAVEN makes current systems, safer and more private by being more protective of privacy and freedom than standard vaccine passports. It is easier to operate; it is unobtrusive (working in the background in real-time) allowing users to experience things as being normal, with the added benefits of stopping 90% of all cyber attacks.
By integrating directly into other testing systems and electronic health records, Raven can help support the unvaccinated too, by allowing people who wish to rely on negative test results, exemptions and natural immunity, in addition to proof of vaccination.?By producing a “hard RAVEN token” (a physical ticket or pass) which is as equally secure as a digital token, RAVEN is also accessible for those without smartphones or digital access.
RAVEN has the following features
Standards and Privacy.
RAVEN meets or exceeds all HIPAA and GDPR requirements, and as an IAM system designed to tackle the issues around digital identity it successfully handles the current lack of standards across different systems by working as a unifying system to control access to any other identity driven transactions.
RAVEN is “One App to access them all”
RAVENs ability is demonstrated by the network of partners it has created over the course of the past year that now enables RAVEN, through interoperation with other network members, to provide access to health and vaccination records in real time for over 90% of US residents.?Unlike in Ireland and the UK where there are centralised sources of medical and vaccination records, in the USA there are over 21,000 disparate sources for this information.
RAVEN is the only system?able to provide US citizens with this level of coverage to their medical records (this includes ?the ?Federal Government) and ?is why partners like the International Air Transport Association (IATA) are ?now working with RAVEN to add secure vaccination credentials, based on electronic health records, to their IATA Travel Pass system.?This is a powerful validation of RAVEN by the organization that manages the flow of all of the 900 million people (pre-COVID) who pass through the world's commercial airports every year.
RAVEN’s Interoperability and ability to be integrated directly with ticketing and access systems, mean in the case of the IATA travel pass, RAVEN enablement can increase the utility of the IATA travel pass beyond the airport terminal
As a 100% software solution that brings together existing and future vaccines, diagnostics, testing, and health protocols, RAVEN is easy to deploy and rapidly scalable.
RAVEN in the UK and Europe.
Ireland gives us an interesting and informative case study of current vaccine passport use.
Ireland with a population of circa 5M, since July 2021 has had mandatory vaccination passports in use domestically. They have created an HSE App that utilises the EU vaccine credential from the EU Green pass as its source of truth from which the App is driven.
Whilst the HSE App works, there are several significant weaknesses that have been identified in the system, which impact on its effectiveness and suitability for use as a vaccine passport which also appear in other systems.
The principle weakness in the system is a lack of privacy and security which stems from the fact that the QR code credential from the EU Green pass (the trusted source of truth) that is displayed, either as a hard copy on paper or digitally on a phone, contains and reveals too much information.
It is possible even with a very basic QR code reader to harvest the information on the HSE (EU) credential: Full Name, date of birth, vaccination dates, and batch numbers (this information is in plain language). This information is enough in the hands of a bad actor or cybercriminal with just a little social engineering, to steal an individual’s identity and/or create a fake credential that when scanned would be verified and indistinguishable from the real thing.
Whilst it may be argued that the actual loss of privacy and data involved in presenting a QR code may seem inconsequential, the information revealed does provide a widening of the opportunity for cyber criminals to steal and or create fraudulent credentials and pursue Identify theft. Even if exposure of this basic identity information is considered to be a low-level threat, it remains a real concern; given the single biggest ethical worry around vaccine passports is loss of privacy and data security. An individual’s vaccination status is widely counted as being personal health information and as such, it should remain private.
The ability to create fake vaccine passports that to all intense and purpose would be verified as ?real, represents a ?major ?threat to trust and faith in the whole vaccination passport program and the security of the system.
A further issue is that Ireland welcomes over 11.5 million visitors a year (or it did pre-COVID), so whilst the HSE App may be workable and acceptable for a percentage of the domestic population, ?there are likely to be more than twice as many visitors for whom there is no one system through which to easily verify their credentials. This leads to questions of operability. How can these people be handled in respect to proving their vaccination status? Aside from the complexities of the EU Green pass, how will venues cope with visitors from the US for example where there is no single vaccination credential (and unlikely to ever be one). How can they possibly hope to be able to distinguish the real thing from a fake when there is the potential for more than 21,000 sources of truth?
RAVEN helps with both the above issues, by providing additional privacy, security and utility to the HSE App. Through RAVEN the HSE App can be enabled to automatically discover vaccine and COVID history files, without needing to move any data from source or store it on a user’s device. When combined with the state levels of ID security and privacy that RAVEN provides to the individual, it creates a capability for ?any individual or venue anywhere in the world to be protected by the most extensive bio security, anti-terror and cyber security layer that they will ever touch, without seeing or feeling it, whilst at the same time making that individuals COVID status available in a verified format to any other RAVEN enabled entity or individual anywhere in the world without the revealing any sensitive information.
We have reached a point in the pandemic that thanks to vaccination programs, we are able to enter a different phase of the fight against COVID. We cannot afford to wait any longer to reopen society without risking causing irrevocable damage to the economy, as well as the mental and financial health of populations.
There is a clear argument that some form of COVID status certification has a central role to play in opening up and maintaining safe spaces. But there are significant issues that need to be addressed as to which systems are adopted and how and where they are deployed.
To be effective vaccine passports require mass uptake, respect privacy, be anonymised and secured against data theft and forgery. Incorrectly implemented the potential for vaccine passports to create division, friction, harm and have unforeseen consequences is potentially large. Vaccine passports have the potential to exacerbate inequalities that already exist. The question of vaccine hesitancy creating a two tier recovery, arguments about freedom of choice, fair access to vaccinations, tests and the potential for digital exclusion all need to be fully taken into account.
From the business and individual citizen’s perspective, vaccination passports need to be trusted, providing a positive step forwards in allowing the opening up of the economy, at capacity, increase consumer confidence and be capable of being implemented and operated with the minimum of fuss, cost and disruption.
Vaccination passports whether mandatory or not, should not place an undue burden on a business or an individual i.e. they should not be: too restrictive, too expensive or too hard to use, as this will discourage uptake and put people off of going to venues, particularly those who are in vulnerable groups or because the burden of demonstrating ones status on the door, especially for open access venues like pubs and cafes, is simply too onerous. In these cases vaccination passports will undoubtedly be seen as discriminatory, coercive and a restriction of individual liberties.
Entry, be that to an office, pub, arena, nightclub or national boarder, needs to be as quick, easy and as “normal” as possible, with any vaccine passport verifiable as real, easy to understand and work to a set of standards that allow it to be interoperable with 3rd party systems, without any burdensome ?requirements to change the way a business operates. Most of all it is essential that any form of vaccination passport is Trusted.
Whilst there are now many solutions available like the NHS, HSE Apps, the EU Green pass and the IATA travel pass, there is not any one system that delivers a global solution. The Achilles heel of most systems being the lack of standards and the limited interoperability between systems, as exemplified by the EU Green pass, which despite being common to 27 countries has 15 different means of verification, and the IATA travel pass which despite the potential to cover up to 900 million passengers across the globe currently has no utility beyond the airport terminal.
RAVEN enablement means nobody knows or sees your health information (or any other sensitive data) as there is no need for the information to ever be removed from the source of trust, transmitted over the internet, held on your device or shared with any third party.
No information stored means there is not anything of value to lose or to be stolen. This gives RAVEN total security and assures total privacy.
The fundamental difference between RAVEN and the likes of the IATA travel pass, the EU Green pass NHS and HSE Apps, is that RAVEN started its journey towards a solution from a different place. Its starting point was to answer the issue of securing the ID and privacy of the user, not in providing a point solution for the verification of health credentials in the form of a vaccination passport.
RAVEN places the user at the centre of a platform based network of solutions by creating and maintaining Personal Data Sovereignty. The result is RAVEN provides state levels of data security and privacy to each and every individual user, ?which ?empowers them to use their ID and COVID status to drive transactions securely and with absolute ?privacy. This means RAVEN can be applied to any real world or online transaction that is ID driven, removing the need for passwords, user names, pin numbers and multi factor authentication, and with it the sources of over 90% of all data breaches; seamlessly preventing phishing and other common cyber-attacks, removing friction from online and real life transactions, all the while maintaining absolute privacy.
RAVEN is uniquely capable of providing a societal solution to the issues highlighted by the pandemic, which extend well beyond the immediate public health issues a vaccine passport is trying to solve.
RAVENs ability to interoperate allows it to work with a rapidly growing list of partners across different jurisdictions in a wide variety of industries, helping to pull together the best of the best, to improve privacy and security and extend utility to enable a safer, sustainable, more secure and speedier return to a normal life for citizens businesses and governments.?
RAVEN provides a means to utilise both existing and emerging platforms to build on user uptake, to rapidly achieve global coverage, and help in establishing a series of global standards, and by linking to new rapid multi viral diagnostics establish a worldwide pandemic surveillance capability.
RAVENs architecture allows integration to ticketing systems, EHRs, diagnostic and health credentialing systems to be completed quickly with minimal effort and cost.
One integration into a single ticketing system means that all events using that same system can then be set up as RAVEN enabled events. ?RAVEN allows verification with compliance protocols, to be imbedded into tickets, boarding cards or access badges, negating the need for capital investment in new gate systems, hardware or software systems making it an effective means for seamless efficient COVID compliant entry for any venue that feels just like it used to.
RAVEN helps to remove fear, increase confidence, build trust and accelerate a sustained recovery, with the added benefits of reducing cybercrime and transactional costs.
In conclusion RAVEN represents an investment in future pandemic preparedness, a means to provide state levels of Cyber security to each individual to combat the very real and growing dangers of the online digital world and a way to reduce transactional friction to make all our lives easier. ?RAVEN secures and keeps private, an individual’s Health, Wealth and Digital Self.
RAVEN provides the ability to create a societally driven solution to the problems brought about and /or highlighted by the pandemic, enabling the opportunity to improve on the privacy, security and efficiency of existing systems and the creation of a set of universal standards by interoperating with the likes of IATA, the EU Green pass, NHS HSE and other health-service apps.
RAVEN is a paradigm shift in how identity and access to personal data functions on the Internet. Through the universal provision of Personal Data Sovereignty, RAVEN makes it possible for individuals and organizations to exchange credentials on a peer to peer basis, resulting in an internet identity regime, that is more flexible, orders of magnitude more secure, more private, less burdensome, and less costly than the current status quo, and which is the antithesis of what is currently on offer in respect to vaccine passports.
RAVEN is a revolution in digital identity, privacy, bio and cybersecurity.
If you would like to find out more about RAVEN, and how to become part of the Privacy Revolution please feel free to contact me
Dean Goldberg?
Email:??[email protected]