Raudive Phenomenon & Direct Voice
Metaphysics / Spirit messages
I wish to thank the 'Spirituality and Spiritual Souls' group for accepting me as a member, after feeling confident that I would be the first to be refused. Having few expectations in life I have recently enjoyed several pleasant surprises, not least this one! After being accepted they informed me that membership was only ever offered to vegans. This is a surprise, but I am such.
To introduce myself: I am a single 73 year old heterosexual male (suspected to be one of only four remaining in England) living in Devon. I have been involved with (initially) psychic phenomenon since soon after birth, but it was not until 13 years later that I began my research, which began with reading a book I still own 'Beyond the Horizon,' by automatic writing medium Grace Rosher.
Over the years I explored various psychic / spiritual fields, the usual ones but additionally a few extremely interesting less explored areas. And, I have been blessed to cross a few paths with interesting people both here and in the spirit world.
I very recently wrote on this site about one such person Eva Peron (in spirit), article called 'Evita,' and today I would like to write about another one who, at the time we met, was here on earth namely Leslie Flint. Yes, today is a clearly a name dropping day as if I'm going to write about people why choose the less interesting ones to write about?
First, let me attempt to briefly explain the subjects which I am about to touch on as it would be a poor show to write about possibly new areas for readers without them possibly having any idea as to what I was writing about!
Konstantin Raudive (1909 - 1974) was a Latvian writer and intellectual who developed 'electronic voice phenomena.' Explained simply, he found that by playing virgin reel to reel tapes, spirit voices would appear normally directly onto the tape and occasionally additionally they could be audibly heard in the room.
In the late 1970s my then wife and I advertised in Psychic News asking readers to get in touch with us with a view to potentially joining our home development circle in Nottinghamshire. As a direct result we received a very generous invitation to join the Leicester Forest East Direct Voice Circle (LFE) which I think had then been running for over ten years and had 30+ members. Although forty miles distant what a golden opportunity. Of course we accepted!
Anyway, such is how we discovered the Raudive phenomenon, although of course being an avid reader I well knew of 'direct voice,' and its legend London based Leslie Flint. Leslie was not connected with LFE bar being friends with its founder / leader.
And so armed with a cassette type tape recorder we humbly slipped into LFE, joining all other members likewise armed. Cassette type recorders are not ideal equipment but it would have been bad form for over 30 guests to arrive at someone's home all with full size reel to reel equipment!
From that very first session we began securing Raudive type recordings, and to prove to ourselves that they were real we achieved like success immediately on returning home. Indeed the next day we rose at 4 a.m. excitedly wanting to secure such for ourselves. Having left our equipment ready beside our bed. That evening as we hastily prepared for dinner guests a loud whisper appeared on the tape 'Hurry put the (table) cloth on!'
This is not the place to comprehensively write about Raudive workings but I will explain a few basics: Whilst recordings are essentially crystal clear they are invariably short, on a high frequency, and can be easily missed if one's ears are not experienced enough to instantly pick them up. It takes some practice before one instantly picks up every communication.
After a LOT of practice one's own vibration may be lifted to the point when one is actually aware that spirit has impressed their voice onto the tape. So one then looked at one's watch and made a mental note eg. 'be aware 11 mins. 14 secs. in.'
Several of the communicators at LFE and our home were later discovered to be enthusiastic regular spirit communicators via direct voice / Leslie Flint (more later) for example Ellen Terry. Gee this really is a name dropping session.
Spirit communicators required sound to recyle onto tapes, not silence. Sound was their working material. They loved chatter and laughter!
Finally on the subject of LFE, Some of us (not always the same sitters) heard the spirit whispers as they were placed on the tapes. These were heard objectively as opposed to clairaudiently. Unfortunately that was the sum total of the direct voice we ever heard at LFE. For us at least direct voice was an immensely difficult phenomenon to develop! And we never really got there.
Turning next to 'direct voice.' the world's leading exponent was Leslie Flint who consistently secured very loud and clear spirit voices which were heard several feet away from where he sat. He underwent regular extremely thorough scientific and media testing and no accusation of fraud was ever raised as far as I am aware.
In the late 1970s LFE attended a very large private seance with Leslie at his London home thanks to our group leader. (I forget his real name but Leslie's guide Mickey had re-named him 'Elmer')! The results were literally earth shattering and it was lovely to hear Ellen Terry speak at length after ourselves briefly recording her on tape via Raudive. Certainly my life changed for ever after seeing Leslie at work.
Hopefully I have explained enough to wet the appetite of one or two readers. There is plenty of information out there should anyone care to carry out research on either subject.
My Metaphysics Articles:
Communicating with the Spirit World (19/12/2023)
Opting Out Of Comprehensive Mind Cloning (14/01/2024)
Business Life - Manifesting and Enjoying the Real You (15/012024)
The Largest Computer (22/01/2024)
Everyone Believes in God (25/01/2024)
Evita (27/01/2024)
Raudive Phenomenon & Direct Voice (29/01/2024)
Secret Security Information Re-Posted (30/01/2024)