The rats have taken charge of the granary: An analysis of the 2024 Zimbabwean National Budget.

The rats have taken charge of the granary: An analysis of the 2024 Zimbabwean National Budget.

Some years back in the village (kwaGutu), my grandmother who was considered to be the best and master farmer in the village invited the whole village to process the harvest (kutsikisa nekupura mhunga nerukweza) and simultaneously celebrate the great millet and rapoko harvest she had gotten at the end of the day. Mbuya (Grandma) got almost 50x50Kgs of produce-that was unheard of in the village. Jealousy folks in the village would be heard saying-Mbuya vaDheyo (short of Grandma of Deogracios) vane divisi, which loosely translate to: she has a herb which she uses to steal crops from other village fields.

This was not true! Mbuya, going down the memory lane, always wake up early in the morning (kubata jongwe muromo, kumuka hwaNdambi) get her hoe and weed the fields till midday. When she could not finish field-work, she would hire workers from the nearby villages to work in her fields and pay them with groceries. Everyone within our family liked Mbuya. In that season, we thought that we wont have food challenges but Mbuya forgot to do one important thing-to clean the granary before putting the produce. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

I am writing this article remembering the good work my grandmother did to the family-she believed in education and that education can shift the economic or social state of families. Out of her there are Physicians, Pharmacists, PHDs, Chartered Accountants, Teachers, Headmasters, Marketers, Engineers, Data Scientists etc. In addition, I am motivated by the Economic challenges many Zimbabweans are facing due to bad policies which favors the few corrupt whilst milking the poor majority. In this article you can assign who is ''Mbuya vaDheyo'' and who are the ''rats''.

This article seeks to distill the loopholes and the strengths of the budget which was published by Minister of Finance, Professor Mthuli Ncube yesterday, 30th of November 2023. It is important for the citizens to understand the the numbers and the priorities which the Minister has made. In this article, i am also taking note of the submissions of Fadzayi Mahere Professor Professor GIFT MUGANO (Ph.D) , Former Minister TENDAI BITI and Prechard Mhako .

Soon after the announcement of the budget, Mr, John Panonetsa Mangudya (Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor) chuckles and speaks: Hehehehe,today’s budget shows us that money is difficult to get (FDI) from outside(the country).So we have to look for money from within the country. This money has to come from the people and channeled towards the government coffers for the purposes of dams, roads and so on ,and so forth. This is because money is tight out there, even that money we got from SDR (Special Drawing Rights from the IMF) which we were given at 0% is now attracting an interest of 4.2% which means it’s gone very expensive. Don’t think it’s free money, there’s nothing for free, that’s what’s happening.

Is the Reserve Bank Governor s submissions honest and relevant to what many are crying for in Zimbabwe? The answer is NO! People are aware that the government of Zimbabwe has been and continuously allocating money into ''special'' ministries where it siphons these funds for personal usage-The military, the industry, the health-care and some funny ministries. Citizens should not forget what happened during the Covid-19 when the procurement of medical utilities was supposed to be done. 60 Million dollars was looted by Minister Obadiah Moyo and his surrogates and was never recovered. This scandal is known by many as the Drax Scandal.

The Drax Scandal represents the least cases of corruption recorded in the ''tea-pot country''.

What really transpired?

It emerged that the company involved, Drax International, had invoiced government US$28 for disposable masks whose wholesale price is under US$4 from reputable local suppliers.

The inflated invoice triggered sustained public outrage forcing the government, who had initially denied that payment had been made, to take action. A parallel Interpol investigation, triggered after US$2 million was paid to the company’s newly opened account in Hungary, has put to rest government claims that no payment had been made.

To add embarrassment to scandal, Drax, initially said to be registered in Switzerland, then in the UAE, seems to be a fraud orchestrated by Delish Nguwaya, a known career criminal who has a record of extortion, armed robbery, cocaine possession and impersonation of a law enforcement agent.

Let us go back to the National Budget issue.

This is a summary of the National Budget downside.

  • Do you want to buy a coke? There’s a new tax for that.
  • Do you own a home? There’s a new tax for that. 1% house value.
  • Do you want to travel out of town? Toll gate fees have more than doubled.
  • Citizens need a new passport? The price has gone up to $200.
  • Do you drive a car? Fuel levies have increased.
  • Do you need to register a new car? The fees have gone up.
  • Do you keep a safe deposit box? It can now be raided by ZIMRA.
  • Are you a civil servant? Your $300 Covid allowance is now taxable.

Home owners are wailing because of the crazy Wealth tax which is a 1% tax applied to every house/mansion which has a value of above 100000 dollars. The challenge is that the Government is refusing to pay municipal rates to local authorities. Currently, Government is the biggest debtor in most councils as it is owing the City of Harare $25BN, City of Bulawayo $18BN, City of Masvingo $3BN and Chiredzi Municipality $500M. They use council services but refuse to pay. The same Govt is imposing a “wealth tax” on homeowners for simply breathing in their homes. No service. No rational basis. Nothing but the desire to inflict pain therefore the Budget is anti-people and It’s a mess.

To add perspective: A tax free threshold is meant to give relief to those who earn low wages so that the poor can have a bit more disposable income. In the proposed Budget, the tax free threshold for employees has been set at a miserable ZWL$750,000. At the market led exchange rate, this means that any person earning more than US$75 will have to pay income tax. If you apply the official inter-bank rate, it means that any person earning over US$129 will have to pay income tax. This means that the lowest paid workers who earn a basic, insufficient wage of US$150 will be liable to pay income tax. What is the justification for imposing tax on the poorest workers? Does this not defeat the purpose of the threshold? The situation will get worse as the ZWL$750,000 is eroded by inflation. The poorest of the poor will be taxed on their meagre income.

In addition to that SMEs have been affected in this budget in this way: The Value Added Tax threshold has now been reduced to US$25,000 from US$40,000. In simple terms, this means that any small business that makes an average of $2100 per month or more will now have to register for VAT. The impact on a small business is that they will now have to increase the cost of their goods by 15% to enable them to collect the VAT. The impact on a consumer is that the cost of goods will go up by at least 15% to accommodate this tax. The impact overall is that demand will go down because the prices are too high. Spending will go down and the economy will become even more comatose than it is now. The VAT tax rate is at 15% despite calls from business for it to come down to 14,5%. In a country where unemployment exceeds 85%, it is grossly irrational to propose a budget that taxes those trying to run a small business for survival. The entire budget is anti-people. It’s a mess.

Finally, According to Mthuli Ncube’s presentation, Zimbabwe’s international debt exceeds US$17bn. This means a large chunk of the wealth tax and other extortionate taxes we will pay will go towards paying interest on our debts, especially the expensive ones owed to Afreximbank and China. Not much will be left for public health, education, water and sanitation as well as food security. The citizens will be saddled underfunded basic services, which leads to more suffering. The Minister regrettably said precious little about how the debt crisis will be resolved.

In Conclusion, I told you that my grandmother forgot to check the granary before stocking her produce. Six months down the line when Mbuya wanted to sell Rapoko to get school fees for us, as she opened the granary there was a rat celebration feast. The rats had scaled down all the kilos. This is what happens when corruption, thievery, unaccountability, ruthlessness becomes the value system of a nation-Some work and some loot!

We are kindly, as young people, asking our leaders just to spent the billions they have looted and leave the little for the kids. This reminds of the late great maestro, Simon Chimbetu. In his songs, Africa inaliya and Vana vaye (those children), he laments and ask his brother to remember bringing bread for his kids, respectively.

Dear Professor Mthuli Ncube and President Emmerson Dambudzo Munangagwa remember vana vaye!

Innocent Madanhire

Harvard Kennedy School

Massachusets, USA.

JLaxton Biti, Fadzayi M and Chad Mhako.


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