Rather Art than Pills 1
Rather Art than Pills 1
??“Art opens your eyes to three very important realities. Even if you only see one of the three, it can already make you a much happier person. The three of them form an extremely intoxicating happiness cocktail.
Being: - the reality of the world
- other people's reality
- the reality of yourself"
Bridget Watson Payne in 'How art can make you happy'
?About fifty years ago I decided: I'd rather have Gestalt therapy than pills so as not to disappear into a mental institution - like my father - or - like my husband - to become a slave to alcohol. Now that I'm 80 plus and healthy with some ailments but without a medication list, I know that the listen-to-my-feelings ?path I'm taking is right. From client I became a Gestalt therapist and discovered that Gestalt is also an art and realized art can be magic.
?By following this program you will become aware by writing and meditating of your feelings that are playing the leading role in the undercurrent. Feelings are not seriously valued in this society that is head directed.?To be true things have to be scientifically proved. But how can we prove feelings, that are changing all the time. Yet feelings are about our personal reality. By giving signals to our bodies they tell us whether or not we feel ?happy. Being confronted with the language of our feelings seems to make life more difficult to live. Yes, there is pain, yes there is sadness, yes there is love, yes there is longing, yes there is excitement and joy. Yes we can be angry, sexually aroused and anxious. By suppressing all those feeling that don’t make us feel good, we mistreat our bodies and ourselves. Yet it is what we had to do as children and not able to deal with an emotionally overwhelming world. Then it helped us to survive. But now we are stuck in our survival patrons that limit our potential, our power, our strength. We are blessed to have a whole life to reconnect with the treasures hidden in our inner world. Be like an explorer and go for the adventure living your life on a deeper level. ?
Will be continued