Ratha Yatra And Its Symbolism w.r.t. Disability
The Sangyan By Abhishek
Law. Environment. Inclusion. Sustainability. | Ideated, Founded and Curated by Adv. Abhishek Kumar | Working on the Impact of Environmental Degradation on Persons with Disabilities and Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) |
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The representation of disability in Sanatan Dharma and its Itihasa-Purana encompasses the whole spectrum of Hindu Dar?ana depicting persons with disabilities being core and integral parts of the Bharatiya culture and its civilizational values - from the Vamana Avatar (dwarf) from Dashavatara representing Dharma (righteousness) to King Dhritarashtra (blind) from Rishi Ved Vyasa's Mahabharata representing Adharma (unrighteousness).
Lord Jagannath is "Nirakar" having no "Akar" or specific shape of His own. His wooden idols carved out of Neem wood have no legs but two parallel incomplete hands. He has two round eyes. He is black in complexion and does not have ears. All these things bear testimony to His symbolic form. In that respect, Mahaprabhu Jagganath is depicted as 'Disabled' (without limbs) and Lord Saviour of one and all including the most vulnerable and marginalized in the Brahmā??a (cosmos). The literary meaning of Jagannath (Jagat + Nath) is the Lord of the Universe. Wooden idols and Nabakalebara provide the scope to depict the Sa?sāra (cycle of life and death at regular intervals).
Mahaprabhu Shri Jagannathji is accompanied by Bhagwan Balabhadra and Mata Subhadra. The three deities have different colours and symbols. As such Mata Subhadra, the symbol of Prakrti or Sakti has a yellow colour. Prakrti (nature) is the source of all living things and forms, which assumes various colours as they grow and develop, but at the origin are characterised by yellow colour. Bhagwan Balabhadra who is the symbol of pure being or pure indeterminate spirit, has a white colour, which is at the same time the synthesis and negation of all spectral, the veil of mystery which surrounds the Supreme Lord.
Lord Shree Jagannath Mahaprabhu is all-pervading and He combines in Himself all the main five Hindu deities namely Shree Narayana, Shree Rudra, Shree Ganesh, Shree Surya and Shree Durga. When on the Ratna Simhasan of His temple, He is Shree Narayana; during the Nabakalebara ceremony, He is considered as Shree Rudra; during the Snana Yatra, He is conceived as Gajanana, (Shree Ganesh); at the time of car festival, He is taken to be Shree Suryanarayana; while enjoying the divine slumber (Sayana Yatra), He becomes Shree Durga. Thus, all the main deities of Hinduism are considered to have been merged in Him. Thus, He is represented as the Supreme God to Saivas, Saktas, Ganapatyas, Sauras and Vaisnavas.
Ratha Yatra/Jatra, the Festival of Chariots of Lord Jagannatha is celebrated every year. The festival is also known as Gundicha Jatra, Ghosa Jatra, Navadina Jatra, Dasavatara Jatra and by a variety of other names. For the devoted and believers, it is considered the most auspicious occasion. "Rathe tu vamanam drishtwa punarjanmam na vidyate" - A glimpse of the Vamana, the dwarf form, an incarnation of Lord Jagannatha, is sure to ensure emancipation, release from the cycle of birth and death.
May Mahaprabhu Jagannath give us strength and guide our vision in our pursuit of Puru?ārthas - Dharma (righteousness, moral values), Artha (prosperity, economic values), Kama (pleasure, love, care, psychological values) and Moksha (liberation, spiritual values, self-actualization).
Post in Collaboration: Poornamidam | ????????? | ????????? X The Sangyan | ? ???????
Sources and References:
1. Dillip Kumar Samantaray, Lord Jagannath: The Symbolic Concentration [https://magazines.odisha.gov.in/Orissareview/june_july-2007/engpdf/Pages59-61.pdf]
2. Dr. Chitrasen Pasayat, Lord Jagannath: Symbol of Unity and Integration [https://magazines.odisha.gov.in/orissareview/may2006/engpdf/33-36.pdf]
3. Dr. Sidhartha Kanungo, Iconology of Lord Jagannath [https://magazines.odisha.gov.in/Orissareview/june_july-2007/engpdf/Pages105-106.pdf]
4. Mystery behind the idol of Lord Jagannath [https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/why-lord-jagannath-has-no-hands]
5. Nabakalebara – Shree Jagannatha Temple [https://www.shreejagannatha.in/nabakalebara/]
6. Dr. Subas Pani, Rath Jatra Festival [https://rathjatra.nic.in/index.html]
Visual/Image Description [Alt Text]: On a mandala background with two sketches positioned diagonally - the top left is a sketch of the Jagannath temple, and the bottom right is a sketch of Ratha Yatra showing devotees pulling the Rathas in the streets of Puri, Odisha. The centre of the poster features the idols of Mahaprabhu Jagannath, Mata Subhadra, and Bhagwan Balabhadra, followed by text in Sanskrit along with its meaning in English that reads, "???????? ??? ???????????? ???????????? ??????? The conjuncture of love, unity, and devotion is Ratha Yatra." The alternative diagonal space has text - the top right reads "Ratha Yatra" in English, and the bottom left reads "?? ??????" in Hindi. At the top right and left corners, there are the logos of The Sangyan and Poornamidam with their respective mottos.
#SanatanDharma #Hinduism #LordJagannath #RathYatra #Disability #Nabakalebara #Odisha #Bharat #Iconography #BuildForwardBetter #WeAllBelong #LeaveNoOneBehind #NothingWithoutUs #Culture Civilization #Dashavatara #Mahabharata #Vamana #BhagwanBalabhadra #MataSubhadra #MahaprabhuJagannath #JagannathPuri