Rate Filing
Rate filing means any application, notice or other submission filed with or otherwise delivered to any Governmental Authority relating to the establishment of, or modification or supplement to, the rates, tariffs or charges for services or commodities provided by any Company Subsidiary; provided.
The Rate Regulation Division reviews all filings for Personal lines (automobile and homeowners) and Commercial lines (business property, liability, workers' compensation, title, and surety) except life, ocean marine, health, disability, and mortgage insurance.
Various statutes require the Rate Regulation Division to review filings within certain timeframes.
Prior Approval
File and Use
Financial Guaranty and Credit
Workers Compensation
The Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking (DISB) requires all insurers to file rates and rules with DISB for review. The rates/rules must be adequate, not excessive, and not unfairly discriminatory.
All property and casualty filings, except for worker’s compensation and medical malpractice filings, may be submitted under DISB’s “File and Use” provisions. Worker’s compensation filings and medical malpractice filings must be submitted under DISB’s “Prior Approval” provisions.