Raspberry PI 2040 and micropython
I've had some fun and few late nights playing with Raspberry Pi Trading RP2040 MCU using a Pimoroni tiny2040. Taking the #micropython leap
My first attempt at coding mcu's was on Motorola 6800 & then a Z80 in the 80s. I had to wait till to around 2013 when Eclectic Imp came on the seen but using a web IDE the Squirrel langue which was close enough to Javascript for me to get cracking. I built a Granny monitor for mother in law and few friends with elderly parents.
Then I discovered LoRa long range RF but there was very little to NO products to show customers so I designed a sensor/actuator and used Espruino which is a #javascript interpreter for a ST MCUs. and used a LoRaWAN modem (mDot) via AT commands.
What both Squirrel & mcu Javascript have in common is event processing so date arrives at uart you get on.data() called to handle.
I had played a little with #micropython but going from the curly bracket world to Tabs, loops and sleep thing was something a of wee barrier.
I started with nothing but I now have a Bosh BME680 sending data to #TTN community LoRaWAN and then to influxDB & Grafana.
Have to say the RP SDK documentation is very good. I do hope they bring an interrupt handler for UART.irq which the WiPy supports.
The Thonny IDE is very easy to use and I'm going to try a plugin for VScode. There are lots of tutorials for the RP2040/Pico and I learnt a lot of those kind folks who have shared.
I can easily see RP2040/Pico becoming a very popular platform for physical computing and the IoT.