A rare breed - the Sales Performer!
So many would be Employers, ask us to source that rare breed - the right-fit sales Performer.
All too, often, we are called upon to seek someone with years of experience, in their industry & in sales; the right attitude, & someone who is not a job hopper.
Our standard question to Clients is – “what does your ideal Candidate look like & what do you want them to do?”
Successful selling consists of just 3 basic disciplines.
But even Sellers who do understand but are often unable or unwilling to live by these 3 traits, as it requires self-discipline & hard work to achieve them, & so they remain average Performers at best.
It is only those with the stamina & persistence to LIVE them, who become great sales Performers.
So what are these 3 magical ingredients?
1. KNOWLEDGE – a thirst to learn everything you can about your Customer (& his Customer), & his market, your company & what you can & cannot commit to, your products/services & how they will befit your Customer, your competitor & their strengths & weaknesses, your business seasons, & how to maximize your revenue growth within existing & prospective accounts.
2. COMMITMENT – you only have 540 minutes in a day. Are you committing every using every single minute, to the task of advancing your sales revenue? Do you give your Customer & company your undivided 110%? Successful Performers do that, & more.
3. PASSION – only if you LOVE what you do & have passion for helping your Customer in creating a win-win, can you succeed. No Customer will support a compliant LOSER. But they will happily spend their hard earned money with a passionate WINNER.
Sales is simple & yet not simple at all.
Forget experience, forget tertiary degrees, forget everything else – if a sales person is able to give you these core ingredients, & live by them; grab them!
They are indeed a rare breed!
Happy sales, & sourcing that right-fit sales Performer!