RAPTURE/3 World War 2025
Author Tonci Matulina November 22, 2024
Warning - Illumination of Conscience is coming and is a big chance to mitigate the horrors of war. Nuclear war is described in the Bible. The rapture will happen when the first target in the USA is destroyed. I will remind the Japanese lady who survived the atomic bomb blast even though most of the church was destroyed. Lady prayed the rosary at the moment of the explosion and she was not injured, she never got sick and she died in old age. The second example is a military formation where the commander orders every morning to pray PSALM 91. No one soldier died or was injured. The third example is that during the French invasion of Russia, Russian soldiers prayed and French soldiers drank Cognac. Russians win. Russian great leader Tsar Alexander I ordered 70.000 French prisoners to become Russian citizens. (Contrary to fake history Russians did not burn Moscow. French Grande Armée was decimated and Moscow was burned by the NIBIRU meteorite showers) That is how Biblical God answered Russia's prayers.
LADY should be USA President when nuclear war starts. As I mentioned in one of my posts the most safe country is Botswana. (In a later stage some countries in South America - WITH EXCEPTION OF BOLIVIA) Move out from Nato countries as well as from Ukraine,Belarus, as well as from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Damascus, Tel Aviv, Seul, etc.
Author Tonci Matulina November, 2024
In the USA - FEMA CAMPS have barbed wire fences to keep people in a confined area, not to keep something out. Therefore, the barbs would obviously point toward the inside of the fence. In need during tribulation who enters will exit only chipped with an RFID chip (mark of the beast) or will end there.
1. Germany, Belgium, Cuba, the Netherlands, Poland, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Florida. Europe. 2. DISEASE IS ALREADY HERE. It is contagious. 3. A Celestial Body threatens Earth.
Author Tonci Matulina November 13, 2024. For pastors/eschatological lecturers who doubt President Donald Trump: 1. He commenced a peace treaty with Israel. Who is coming after him will RENEW PEACE TREATY ISRAEL WITH MANY for a period of 7 years. That will be One World Government Leader President Obama. 2. Rumors among various Christian lecturers as well as regular public figures that assassination attempts on Donald Trump are fake. That reminds me of a Croatian journalist who reported to the police that he just avoided assassination, and police and local journalists were laughing at him and also said that he faked this attempt. Shortly after he was killed with the bomb. President Trump is in permanent danger of being killed. In one post I explain one documented attempt on him during the time he was first time president. Several hero people (secret service) died defending him. 3. If he has rats in his new team as he had in his last administration/ Yes his opponent is Elon Musk, the person who produces RFID chips to be inserted into the human body. In the Bible known as the Mark of the Beast which will make humans not only robots but will change human DNA to Nephilim which will cause people such pain that will try to commit suicide but will not be able as an RFID chip controlled via 5/6 G mobile phone system and with again Musk Starlink system will not allow exhumans intentions. 4. People forgot that he (Trump) returned Christmas celebration in the White House. 5. Even Christians are talking about his previous life more marriages and his former lifestyle. Those people forgot Jesus' sentence: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. With those critics, all people cast stones at President Trump, his family, and his loyal team. He put his life, his family, and his team at risk to defend the people of America. (USA is Biblical Mistery Babilon and President Trump's role is to save as many souls as he can (in the present/future judgment)
Author Tonci Matulina October, 2024
Alien demons come in various forms. Small as in the pic, like giants or in interdimensional forms like were seen last year in South America or this present year 2024 in Miami downtown, FL USA. People will see them mostly coming in UFOs just after the RAPTURE of all children and Christians. Jesus is coming to evacuate his people. TV will tell you that the missing people were taken by aliens (demons) LEFT BEHIND who believes in aliens may end like a meal. INTERDIMENSIONAL DEMON-ALIENS ARE RETURNING WITH THE ANTICHRIST TO DESTROY AND DECEIVE. One group will act as evil demon-aliens. The second group will act as good demon-aliens. When 100 percent Christian tell them IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST LEAVE - DEMONS WILL LEAVE
Author Tonci Matulina October, 2024
EU is dead. It was a good 25 or more years when the EU was the institution only involved in trading agreements. After the Lisboa agreement, it becomes a political, military, and bureaucratic entity with a dictatorial type of ruling. Remember covid. Georgia like all countries are better off independent of any pact. Remember Sweden during WW2. That same EU/USA is pushing Georgia to make suicide by attacking Russia. I am very sorry for this small Christian country. For those mentioned Maidan Revolution was a Coup d'état paid by the USA in the amount of 5 Billion USD to remove the democratically elected Ukraine president. This American coup led to over 1 million dead Ukrainian and Russian soldiers. (and the destruction of Ukraine) EU sanctions imposed on Russia led to the destruction of the EU economy. The economy is based on cheap energy. Presently EU is importing expensive crude oil/gas from third countries which are reselling again Russian cargo. That is planned with the result of destroying EU and NATO countries to establish One World Government, One money, One Religion(already Bergolio Pope announced World Religion. Very soon many countries will see Blue Helmets commence working as police/military worldwide. Tactics are like usually first destroying the economy and then making a military attack. EU/NATO is an easy target for various reasons. First is that there is no leadership. Second, all reserve ammunitions were given to Ukraine. (the part they use and the part they sell to other countries. Third: EU/NATO does not have a sufficient number of soldiers. (China with other BRICS/allies countries can produce up to 200 million soldiers. The fourth reason is that Russia has very sophisticated weapons and a lot of old arms/ammunition from the Soviet era. Why EU/NATO have no leadership? Because it is planned destruction within.
Author Tonci Matulina October, 2024
Freemasonic plan is dated from the 19th century about 3 WW—that letter I posted as an article. (First and Second are also mentioned in the letter) https://lnkd.in/dnu85Ekh https://lnkd.in/d6s8cmEf The Pentagon has a plan as per General Wesley Clark. In the book?Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, Clark describes the Pentagon's plan to attack seven countries. He mentioned in his BOOK: In the Pentagon in November 2001, with senior military staff officers, we discussed five five-year period in a total of seven countries where the USA would initiate wars- Iraq then?Syria,?Lebanon,?Libya,?Somalia, Sudan,?and finishing off?with Iran. I found later in another book from a military strategy expert that the USA needs to destroy Iran to be able to ATTACK RUSSIA. The Bible also explains this and future wars in concise terms. Russia needs to destroy the EU and America to establish a world government. Biblically all will last 7 years from which 3.5 years President Obama will rule over all nations.
Author Tonci Matulina August 17, 2024
War may spread to Kaliningrad, Russia to Poland etc due to drills in Poland practising future military attacks on Russia, as well as gathering military personnel/equipment and nuclear capable warplanes. (Russian exclave province-Kaliningrad Oblast - located between Poland and Lithuania)
Deep sea fish (appear before megaearthquakes) surfaced offshore California. I think fish were affected by gas what apear before earthquakes. Could be radon, metane, H2S etc.
Author Tonci Matulina July 26, 2024
Without any errors, all events from my article/booklet are fulfilling.
RAPTURE will be carried out when Kamala Harris takes over the presidency of the USA. An additional assassination may take place before the nuclear war.
I suggest that after all, I commenced writing back in 2018 is coming true to print a booklet to have ready in case there is no electricity/internet. When in late 2017 I became sure that comet Nibiru was approaching Earth with nuclear war and all REVELATION calamities I said to myself:
Nobody will put these events all together on paper. That was the heaviest paperwork I ever had to do (NIBIRU COUNTDOWN later I added the word Rapture) I used Biblical and non-Biblical prophecy from all Christian denominations. I knew this must be free from any incorrect interpretation for people to accept as additional evidence that the Bible is correct. Also to explain for example very important RAPTURE and alien/demon doctrine which the Catholic and Ordotox Church are not teaching. Jesus has no obligation to take into rapture adults which not believe in it. For those left behind is important that be aware of alien (demon) deception, as well as some survival options described in the booklet. The number one survival technique is praying and only relying on Jesus Christ.
Author Tonci Matulina April 20, 2024
FULFILLED - article from the year 2018 part of Point 1 (Presently part of 2024 TELL THE RAPTURE SAINTS LOVE LETTERS FOR LEFT-BEHIND II Year of the Red Dragon) 1. Assassination Of a head of state with access to nuclear weapons. Iran – and Israel began to fire missiles at each other. Lady becomes President of the USA.
Capt. Tonci Matulina S.Bc. February 12, 2024
In this edition wanna to point out the prognosis that starts fulfilling:
Bubonic Plague Remedy The Oil of Good Samaritan.
Noah flood's first stage is not fully fulfilled - many coastal countries experience floods during storms.
Other Biblical calamities are happening worldwide. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars rumors of wars, hunger, and meteorites are just in the early stages. Mentioned new/old pestilences commenced in the USA. For Skin disease remedy is Calendula Oil/Cream. For Dengue fever MMS Miracle Mineral Solution (I healed myself and crewmember with this solution) I must suggest consulting your farma doctor, who will not recommend this.
Red color water/clouds like in the time of Moses is or will become highly poisoned therefore need to prepare as much as possible water in containers as well as food. We have to be ready for situations such as the failure of the electrical grid, closed shops, etc. The electrical grid can be affected and burned by our Sun, Comet Nibiru, EMP nuclear detonation in the atmosphere, meteorite explosions/collisions, nuclear war, and nuclear plant explosions.
MARK OF THE BEAST 2018/2022 Author Tonci Matulina
The mark of the beast is a first-class ticket to hell! RFID Chip in the right hand or to the forehead. The Bible has a clear warning for anyone who thinks they can take the mark of the beast and still be saved in God's eyes. Some people don't, or won't, see this dire warning... Do you? Revelation 14:9-11 ~ Whoever takes the mark will be condemned!
EMOTO experiment 26.01.2024 Author Tonci Matulina
Dr. Emoto Masaru Japanese author claimed that human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water. His 2004 book The Hidden Messages in Water was a New York Times best seller. He experimented with water droplets freezing them after exposing droplets to various words, music, etc. After examining frozen water with microscopes discovered that water exposed to positive emotions and love will form sacred, beautiful symmetrical shapes. Water that was exposed to negative emotions will turn into blurry ugly shapes. That explains the negative effect of occult music, and movies on human cells, brain, and health. Christian prayers affect and heal due to prayers' vibrations, returning the human body to its original physical, mental, and spiritual stability by engaging the cell's self-renewal.
Warning 09.02.2024 Author Tonci Matulina
ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE - WARNING. That will happen after NIBIRU collides with another celestial body. Catholic Christian doctrine accepts the resurrection of the dead but does not mention the rapture of all children, (up to 12 years, most of them up to 15 years and 20 years old. Those above 12 years in the condition they are not involved in occult music, drugs/alcohol, All above 30 years old are considered adults and fully responsible) The rapture will occur concurrently when nukes hit NYC and Miami. I was born Catholic but I believe in rapture doctrine, very clearly explained in the Bible, as well as PER present living and confirmed prophets. To be rescued in safe refuge is also a very good option to survive. Our LORD Jesus Christ has NO OBLIGATION TO TAKE in the RAPTURE adult Christians do NOT believe in the RAPTURE DOCTRINE. Holy Mary promised that repentant Christians's property would be protected against calamities. Sea water levels have to start rising at any moment. People living close to the sea are in great danger. (especially America's West Coast after or concurrently with the Vulcanic eruption in South America and/or earthquake/meteor happening in the Pacific Ocean) In prophet John Leary's messages as well as in other charismatic Christian explanations WARNING will happen BEFORE nuclear war. In my articles and Booklet, I did not put a WARNING as well as 3 days of darkness in chronological order. Prophecy can be very much mitigated and nulled if people will cancel looking into fake TV/radio/Internet news, and return to prayers and living under 10 commandments. That is the reason we may expect soon NO ELECTRICITY (dark winter) and new artic winter worldwide as NIBIRU may affect the electrical grid and the SUN. on 10.02.2024 STARTS Chinese year of RED DRAGON. Nibiru in Biblical Revelation 12 is called Red Dragon.
"Hide us"...Not the Sun Author Tonci Matulina 06.02.20
It is Nibiru and we will see that celestial body very very soon. The last time Nibiru was visible was when the French?Emperor?Napoléon Bonaparte's?Grande Armée escaped from Moscow - on 19 October 1812. Moscow was burned not by Russians but by Nibiru's meteorites. Evidence in the letters and records of surviving French soldiers mentioned two Suns during the time Moscow began burning. Russian soldiers may burn some strategic food storage warehouses etc with items there was unable to take during the evacuation/withdrawal of the Russian army/population from Moscow. Nibiru, the Biblical Red Dragon will become visible after 10.02.2024 (The start of the Chinese New Year - called RED DRAGON)Nibiru was discovered by a fake NASA in the year 1983. They even published it in one newspaper. When became clear that NIBIRU would come close to EARTH, NASA denied NIBIRU existence and the US military spent trillions of USD in building underground cities/bunkers. Due to combo calamities earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, meteorites, nukes, etc, those bunker cities will become their thumbs. Revelation 6:12-17 ... kings, princes, generals, rich and strong, along with every commoner, slave or free. They hid in mountain caves and rocky dens, calling out to mountains and rocks, “Refuge! Hide us from the One Seated on the Throne and the wrath of the Lamb! The great Day of their wrath has come—who can stand it?”
Alien-Demons, December 29, 2022, Author Tonci Matulina
Fifty years ago I commenced reading Erich von D?niken's books, in which he claimed that extraterrestrials visited Earth and influenced early human culture. He was the first to put seeds of deception, which was later accepted by Russian American Author Zecharia Sitchin?(July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010)Aliens are fallen angels that produce giants. Demons are the spirits that went forth from the souls of the giants. It is very clearly explained in the Book Of Enoch. Why this information is urgently important - because after the RAPTURE OF ALL CHILDREN, CHRISTIANS, GOOD PEOPLE, TV, AND FAKE MEDIA WILL TELL THAT MISSING PEOPLE ARE TAKEN BY ALIENS.
September 11, 2023
1.??????OCTOBER 2023 – STARTS 7 YEARS OF TRIBULATIONS August 16, 2023 Author Tonci Matulina
2.????????RAPTURE 2024 Addendum August 19, 2023 Author Tonci Matulina
3.????????Project Blue Beam – Serge Monast?August 16, 2023 Author T.Matulina
4.????????Make Your Quinine / OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN / Blessed
Grapes Instruction History and Preparations / Good Friday Oil By Dr.
Betty Martini Web: www.mpwhi.com
5.????????New / Old Pandemics July 3, 2023 Author T.Matulina
7.????????NIBIRU 1.
8.????????NIBIRU EFFECT CO2?June 16, 2023 Author T.Matulina
9.????????Rapture ' Nibiru Countdown – Draft?(First version - 2018) Updated November 2022 and April 2023 Author T.Matulina
10.??????ROLL CALL - RAPTURE - LEFT BEHIND 2023 August 5, 2023 Author T. Matulina
11.??????At the beginning of ... August 12, 2023, Author T.Matulina
12.??????IMPOSTER June 12, 2023, Author T.Matulina
13.??????FATIMA/AKITA, Karol Wojtla, Pope ... Sep. 2, 2023 Author?T.Matulina
14.??????ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE Conchita Gonzales Prophet John Leary
15.??????Occult Practices and Item List
16.??????FROM TITANIC ... 3 WW/ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT November 9, 2022, Author T.Matulina
17. LOOKING INTO SUN SUNGAZING - METOD Hira Ratan Manek September 10, 2023 Author T.Matulina
August 16, 2023 Author Tonci Matulina
In October 2023:
1. Catholic Church Mass will officially change to non/Christian Mass Schisms will occur. Do not attend catholic mass in case you notice a change. As at the beginning of Christianity same at the end – catacombs (Orthodox Mass will remain Christian)
2. No food or very limited depending on the country????????????????????????????????????????????3. STARTS 7 YEARS TRIBULATION OCTOBER 2023-2030/1
August 19, 2023?Author Tonci Matulina
MATT. 24:32 “Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near;
MATT. 24:33 So, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.
MATT. 24:34 “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.
MATT. 24:36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
MATT. 24:37 “For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.
MATT. 24:32 We can assume rapture will happen during the summer season
MATT. 24:33 All signs are fulfilled or close to being fulfilled
MATT. 24:34 Biblical Generation are 70 and 80 years from the formation of
State Of Israel. 1948 + 80=2028-2years=2026(2 years deducted?Biblical year is 360 days Israel birthday is in spring)
Daniel 70 weeks 70(weeks)x7=490years???7+62(weeks)=69x7=483years
(Sultan Suleimani ordered the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls. On the gates was engraved year 945 of the Hiriji Islamic calendar=1539 A.D.+483=2022 // 1538 A.D. + 490=2029+1/2=203O/2031
SEVEN YEARS OF TRIBULATION FROM 2023 TO 2030/31 Tribulation starts with all these events described and in the year 2029 comet Apophis will hit Earth on April 13, 2029, according to Prophet Thomas Horn
1. Yitzhak Kaduri earned a reputation after predicting the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. His Prophecies of the End time. In 2005,108-yr-old Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri Proclaimed he knew the name of the Messiah and he wrote that he met the Messiah in a Vision! Messiah will come:’ When there will be elections but there will not be a government.” Israel THAT PROPHECY WAS FULFILLED????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2. Pastor, Prophet, and Healer William Branham and his EndtimeVision and Prophecy?(from 1933) Women will be Leader or President of USA when the USA will be in war.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????3. Sister (Mother Clare) (Liebesbriefe von Jesus - Loveletters from Jesus) Events before rapture-Dome Of The Rock destruction, War, Comet/Meteorites Nibiru, Earthquakes,etc????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????4. Illumination Of Conscience – Warning prophecy from Garabandal has to be fulfilled when Pope returns from Moscow (Pope will return from Moscow September 2023) I.O.C. WARNING WILL OCCUR BEFORE THE RAPTURE OR DURING THE 3WW
Project Blue Beam / Serge Monas
August 16, 2023 Author Tonci Matulina
Serge Monast (1945–December 5, 1996), was a Canadian investigative journalist. He is the author of Project Blue Beam, which explains a plot to facilitate a totalitarian world government by replacing religions with a new-age system using NASA technology. He was called a conspiracy theorist.
We witnessed today that he was correct. Monast died young. Well, like many others, he drinks tea before sleeping.
Conspiracy theory is a term invented by the CIA after they organized President John F. Kennedy's assassination.
NASA and the UN have begun to produce highly advanced technology. Using it, the entire Earth will see a simulation in the sky. In cooperation with the Antichrist, simulate events that will unite humans on Earth under a single religion under the framework of the Blue Beam, to achieve a "New World Order, One World Religion."
We need to stick with the Bible. Excerpt from article Rapture, Nibiru Countdown - Draft?(First version - 2018) Updated November 9, 2022 and April 2023
During the WARNING ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE event, the waters of Noah's flood will be everywhere. (Jesus Christ said that end-time events would be like those during the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah-Nibiru meteorites). Nibiru meteorites will not be a present danger during WARNING –IOC???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Very shortly after Pope returns from Moscow we will experience WARNING - ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE – Nibiru and a comet will collide and a Cross will appear in the sky, and all people will see all the errors they carried out during their lifetime. The truth will be revealed to all people including children above the age of 7. Nibiru due to its collision will return to its closest position to Earth after 3,5 years in the middle of tribulation. IOC-WARNING CAN happen ANY TIME during the war.
Assassination Of a head of state with access to nuclear weapons. Iran – and Israel begin to fire missiles at each other. Lady becomes President of the USA. Destruction of the Dome of the Rock, terrorist cells are active worldwide. The point of no return?DO NOT LEAVE HOME; KNEEL AND PRAY FOR LIFE - PSALM 91, Rosary,?Earthquakes/volcanic eruptions, floods, and tsunamis, PEACE AND SAFETY THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTIO = nuclear war starts, ?????????????????????????
Jesus will appear in the clouds and the saints will be raptured/
The antichrist group will take (and they are already taking volunteers to take chip-1999) an RFID chip in their right hand or/on the forehead “The biblical mark of the beast” The RFID chip will change their DNA, and consequently living (Chipped) will envy the dead. They will search for death, but it will elude them. Unthinkable pain is caused by a chip implanted into the body, which will release another DNA into the bloodstream, and this will begin to permanently change and transform the victim's DNA into what was once called a Nephilim. This process cannot be reversed. There is the technology to keep people alive through the chip AND it will not allow them to die. The LEFT BEHIND Christians/people will have to flee into the wilderness, (IN CASE they were not invited into safe REFUGES)?and never report their existence to any government. Their survival will depend on continuous prayer. If any people in the group decide not to pray, they must be left with some food and water, but with no indication of the direction where the group is heading. Great revival of Christianity.?The demons disguised as aliens will show up AS good and bad demons/aliens.
Make Your Quinine / OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN / Blessed Grapes Instruction History and Preparations / Good Friday Oil
By: Dr. Betty Martini Web: www.mpwhi.com
HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE (HCQ) 1. Rind?(outside peel) of 2 to 3 Lemons
2. Rind (outside peel) of 2 to 3 Grapefruits
Take the peels only, place them in a cooking pot, and cover them with three (3) inches of water above the peels. You can use a metal lid if that is all you have. Place the pot on your cooking surface and simmer the peels for two (2) hours. Do not take the lid off the pot until it completely cools down, approximately one (1) hour. Take one (1) tablespoon every two (2) hours to bring up the phlegm from your lungs. You can add honey to sweeten it. After you feel better, discontinue.
OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN Heavenly Message from St. Michael the Archangel to Luz De Maria on February 6, 2020 (Please refer to Luz De Maria’s website for more info and message in total. Anna Marie has asked that we reprint the formula to make the Oil of the Good Samaritan for protection against VARIOUS diseases. We want all to be protected and healed from various sicknesses!) Ingredients:??The 5 Pure Essential Oils and a Base Oil
1. Cinnamon Oil 2. Clove Oil 3. Lemon Oil 4. Rosemary Oil 5. Eucalyptus Oil
Base Oil: You can use one of three base oils (The ratio stated on the message says the ratio needs to be 1 measure of pure oil to 5 measures of base oil). All five Essential Oils mean 25 measures of base oil.
? Olive Oil ? Almond Oil ? Mineral Oil Preparation:
Mix the 5 pure Essential Oils with your base oil in a glass bowl (not plastic) with a wooden spoon until it is mixed well. Try not to expose the oils to direct sunlight also wear gloves (if you choose). You should test the mixture on your arm to see if you react to any of the oils (it is suggested to wait 25 minutes).
If your arm turns red, wash it off with water. If your arm did turn red, then it is suggested that you add more base oil. Also, make the oils quickly and try to prevent the oils from evaporating or volatilizing. These oils are known irritants so do not place any of these oils directly on your arm or body!
Dosage Application: Gently shake the container with the oils in it, to make sure you mix it up carefully. Apply by rubbing a small amount on the following areas of your body: ? Temples ? Throat ? Behind your ears ? Underarms ? Abdomen ? Joints ? Full foot sole?
Purifying Air: ? Use a diffuser by placing a few drops in the diffuser
? Spray in the air by placing a few drops in a spray bottle ? Boil water in a pan with a few drops in the water ? Place 3 or 4 drops of mixed oils on a handkerchief, mask, and cotton balls and place over the mouth
Blessed Grapes Instruction History, Preparations?
Although the source of this blessed grape instruction and prayer is unknown, some attribute it to the Blessed Virgin Mary through an Italian woman, sometime after 1930. 1.75 liter of brandy covers about 3 big bunches of green grapes, which can be stored in twelve 12 oz. canning jars. The blessing of these grapes is transferred from one of the original grapes to the others, now making each grape the Mother grape. These grapes can now be passed on to others so they can make their sustaining supply. Everyone should try to have at least 180 grapes per person (6-month supply.) One grape per person a day will sustain you for the whole day. At the time we are to go into hiding and will be without food, the miraculous sustaining grapes will be our food. These grapes are NOT TO BE SOLD. Cut the grapes with scissors, trying to leave a little piece of the stem on each grape. The brandy used should not be a fruit or berry brandy; use Christian Bros. or B&W Brandy. The large bottle will cover about 200 grapes. Document dated September 15, 2012, Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Prayer #1 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Eternal Father, we invoke your spiritual assistance; that with this liquid soap, we will be able to wash these grapes from spiritual and physical impurities; that these sustaining grapes, which we will use in the latter times, will be cleansed from evil influences, evil surroundings, or evil impurities. As we wash these grapes, please make it possible that all your graces will be able to penetrate these grapes. We will now wash these grapes in a solution of mild Ivory soap; rinse the grapes well, until there is no soap residue on them. Once cleaned and rinsed well, we will sprinkle with blessed Holy Water. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Oh God, grant that this Holy Water will be endowed with Divine Grace to drive away devils and to cast out diseases.
Grant that these grapes, which are sprinkled with this Holy Water, may be freed from everything unclean and delivered from what is hurtful, that threatens the health, safety, and peace of all of us present now, especially the dwellers in this house; be banished by the sprinkling of this Holy Water, so that the health of body and soul which we seek by calling upon the name of Jesus and the blessed name of Our Lady, Miraculous Madonna of the Roses, may be guarded from us all. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Prayer #2 Act of Contrition: Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pain of hell, but most of all because I offend thee my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
Our own Guardian Angels…PRAY FOR US… St. Benedict…PRAY FOR US… St. Scholastic…PRAY FOR US… St. Rita…PRAY FOR US… St. Claire…PRAY FOR US… St. Gerard… PRAY FOR US… St. Lorenzo Ruiz…PRAY FOR US… St. Phelomena… PRAY FOR US… St. Catherine Laboure…PRAY FOR US… St. Theresa the Little Flower… PRAY FOR US… St. Peregrine… PRAY FOR US.
Now we will invoke our dear Mother of many Titles: Our Lady of Lourdes…PRAY FOR US… Miraculous Madonna of the Roses… PRAY FOR US … Our Lady of Rosa Mystica…PRAY FOR US… Our Lady of Fatima...PRAY FOR US… Our Lady of Grace…PRAY FOR US… Immaculate Conception… PRAY FOR US… Our Lady of Medjugorie… PRAY FOR US… Mother of Perpetual Help…PRAY FOR US… Immaculate Heart of Mary…PRAY FOR US… Our Lady of Guadalupe…PRAY FOR US… Our Lady of the Snow… PRAY FOR US… Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal…PRAY FOR US… Our Lady of Mt. Carmel…PRAY FOR US… Our Lady of Refuge… PRAY FOR US… Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…PRAY FOR US. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Prayer #3 St. Michael, St. Raphael, St. Gabriel; Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph; Miraculous Madonna of the Roses, bless our grapes. Since these grapes will become the healing medicine for all of us during the dark times which will be coming soon, pray: 7 “I believe in God”, 7 “Our Father”, 7 “Hail Mary”, and 7 “Glory Be.” We now lay before your feet, O Lord Jesus, the wine which will become Holy Wine with your blessing. These grapes that we are presenting to you now, Eternal Father, will become the original grapes that every one of us here present can now touch to other grapes, which we preserve through your blessing for the latter times. Eternal Father, when we will be made to choose between defending our faith or the material things of this world, we have to choose to defend our faith, so we need your strength, your blessing, and your spiritual graces. Since we would like to follow your commandments Oh Lord, we would rather be martyrs than have our hands marked with the mark of the beast. We are preparing now for the time when the choice will be presented to us. So dear Father, through the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Miraculous Madonna of the Roses, bless our grapes so they now become miraculous sustaining grapes of the latter times. We present these to you now for your blessing, and through this blessing of yours we will be invoking your strength for special perseverance, that as we go into hiding, we will be able to proclaim to the world that in our journey of faith, we’d rather have you with us, than go to the other side. So please bless these grapes and wine so that you can be with us when the time comes to leave this place. We now bless the wine with the Sign of the Cross. This brandy, which has now been blessed, will be used to preserve the grapes and has medicinal value for the coming diseases. We will now make the Sign of the Cross on each grape while invoking the Holy Saints and the Holy Souls to join us in blessing these grapes.?
St. Joseph…PRAY FOR US… St. Francis of Assissi…PRAY FOR US… St. Padre Pio…PRAY FOR US… St. Jude…PRAY FOR US…?
?St. Anthony…PRAY FOR US… St. Martin de Porres… PRAY FOR US… St. Bernadette…PRAY FOR US… St. Michael…PRAY FOR US… St. Raphael…PRAY FOR US. Final Prayer In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Miraculous Madonna of the Roses, bless these grapes. Eternal Father, with this wine originally from San Damiano, please bless this wine to now become a HEALING WINE.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. We thank God for giving us the grapes, and to be able to know about these things. Eternal Father, Holy Virgin Mother Mary, Holy Infant Jesus, St. Joseph, and all the Saints and Angels in heaven, we give thanks for this great grace that you have given a select few of your children, that we come to know all these secrets of heaven for our protection and our nourishment, and our healing when the time comes that we would need them. And, you let us know these things early enough to be able to make the preparation. Thank you so much Eternal Father, thank you, Blessed Mother Mary, thank you very much. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.
Good Friday Oil
For Healing, Protection & Deliverance (Updated April 2022)Items Needed 1. Blessed icon, image, or statue of Mary, Mother of God 2. Extra virgin olive oil (blessed by a priest if possible—optional) 3. Glass or stainless-steel container to hold the olive oil (flame from wick may melt plastic) 4. Pure cotton wick or pure cotton material rolled into a wick (see length requirement below) 5. Small metal lid to place a small hole in it (you will thread the cotton wick through it) 6. Matches or lighter (place by the bowl with olive oil before 3 a.m.)
7. Syringe or pitcher to move oil from a large container to the original olive oil bottle or smaller containers 8. Paper and pen to keep track of the number of prayers you are saying 9. Labels marked “Good Friday Oil” to place on finished bottles or jars
MUST BE COMPLETED before 3 AM GOOD FRIDAY MORNING (Roman or Orthodox Rite) Advance Preparations ? All must be done in front of a blessed icon, image, or statue of Mary, Mother of God. ? Use glass or stainless-steel containers that can hold heated extra virgin olive oil. ? Do not mix different oil in the same container, use the same brand of oil for all containers. ? You can use a large glass mixing bowl or a large stainless-steel soup pot. ? Soak the cotton ball wick or the cotton cloth in the oil. ? Using a cotton ball, slowly unroll it with your fingers and twist it tight so it stays in one piece. ? Make sure your cotton ball or cloth has a long tail, the length of your container’s bottom. ? Place a small-sized hole in a small metal lid, large enough to place your wick through it. ? You can use a jelly, pickle, sauce, or any other lid that is metal and you can punch a hole in. ? Place the unrolled cotton ball thread or cotton cloth through the small hole in the lid. ? Tie a knot on top of or bottom of where your cotton thread goes through the small hole. ? If you tie a knot on top of the lid, this may help stabilize your cotton wick to stand up inside the lid. ? Drop the lid into the glass bowl or stainless-steel pot, so the wick falls to the bottom of the bowl or pot. ? The lid will float on top of the oil, it should not sink to the bottom. ? You can squeeze any excess oil out of your cotton ball wick so it can be lighted with a match. ? Your cotton ball wick will begin to burn down, but not go out. It will stay lit during prayers. ? The wick should be long enough to burn the whole time it takes to pray the prayers below. ? When finished saying your prayers, use a syringe to transfer blessed oil into smaller containers. ? You can use a liquid pitcher or anything with a spout to transfer oil into smaller containers. ? You can transfer into mason jars or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. ? If you want to ship your oil to a friend using the postal service, you need to indicate you are mailing a liquid item. Place your plastic bottle into a zip lock bag and place it into a crush-proof box so it is not crushed during the transportation process. ? Label your Good Friday Oil bottles so they are not confused with other oils you may have. Specific Prayers to be Recited ? After lighting the candle at 3 am, begin praying the following prayers: ? Apostles Creed 33 times in honor of Jesus’ 33 years on earth.
? Hail the Holy Queen 7 times in honor of Mary’s 7 Sorrows, or the Salve Regina 7 times in Latin. This recipe was given by Our Lady for healing, protection, and deliverance during her apparition at the Holy Mountain of San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico, from 1899 to 1910; and St. Joseph gave it to St. Andre Bessette of Canada from 1845-1937.
New / Old Pandemics
July 3, 2023?Author Tonci Matulina
Last month (June 2023) I dreamed of a single big rat (probably over 100 kilos, grey-colored fur) staying on the right wing of the entrance door of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of St.Anastasia, in Zadar, Croatia, EU.
The Church door was closed and there were no persons around.
From the rat body around 15 wooden square bars arise from body-like stalks similarly positioned like spikes on virus drawings. Rat was not afraid, or injured as wooden bars are symbolic. A rat can symbolize death - the Black Death. Rats can transmit various known and unknown diseases. Historically - bubonic plague-Black Death.
The Black Death was a 14-century pandemic that struck Europe and Asia. The plague spread into Europe with rat ships. The Black Death kills more than one-third of the European population.
Spread by a bacillus (Yersinia pestis) from person to person through the air, as well as through the bite of infected fleas that have fed on infected rodents. It spreads to chickens, sheep, goats, cows, pigs, etc
A historical remedy for prevention is the use of Good Samaritan Oil, known also as Thieves Oil.
In the year 1413 during the pandemic, four arrested thieves were prosecuted.?The judge offered them clemency if they explained how they avoided getting the infection while stealing around the city. They were perfumers with knowledge of how to make a mixture of essential oils which will protect them by rubbing it in their hands, and ears.
The mixture contains five essential oils plus carrier oil:
clove, lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus, cinnamon oil, and carrier oil as based oil could be any cooking oil. It will be excellent if all oils are blessed in church before mixing. FIND DETAILED EXPLANATION ABOVE.
May 22, 2023 Author Tonci Matulina
(Addendum 08.07.2023)
Sea surface temp. rises - in the last 82 years + 0.69 degrees Celsius
Sea surface temp. rise?- in the last 7 MONTHS + 0.50 degrees Celsius
And why? Because NIBIRU on its approach to Earth has activated submerged volcanoes, heating the oceans and melting the ice at the North and South Poles, as well as activates Fountains of Noah's flood which pumps waters of deep and, along with melting ice, has caused sea levels to rise. The higher evaporation means there is more water in the atmosphere, leading to more rain, flooding as well as storms around the world. NOAH WATERS ARE BACK and the sea rises in THIS PRESENT YEAR 2023. Due to my eschatology research, I predict up to 1o meters rise of sea level in the first stage and later up to a maximum of 3oo meters.
REVELATION, "JONAH RETURN TO NINEVEH" NOAH FLOOD AND METEORITES?????(older article on the same subject) Revelation 16:8-9
Author Tonci Matulina
"Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the Sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God, who has power over these plagues, and they didn't repent and give Him glory."??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????NIBIRU, RED DRAGON is closing to Earth causing tectonic shifts and volcanic eruptions (submerged volcanic eruptions as well), consequently raising sea temperature, and melting the Antarctic and Arctic ice. That produces higher sea levels abnormal evaporation more rain and floods and all other effects on the weather. Concurrently we're entering a new Maximum Solar cycle that lasts 10 to 11 years. Maximum temperatures that we can expect in this and the following years. The worst will be when Nibiru turns red and becomes visible as a second sun. Then droughts, famines, pestilences, and other catastrophes will occur worldwide if we don't turn away from our evil ways.
The ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE (collision between Nibiru and another celestial body) is the last chance for people to repent and accept the Bible and the Creator to mitigate the punishment.
The biblical story of Nineveh GIVE AS HOPE:?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh; he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat down in the dust.?7 This is the proclamation he made in Nineveh:
“By the decree of the king and his nobles:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Let neither man nor beast, cattle nor herds, taste anything; let them neither eat nor drink. 8 Let men and animals cover themselves with sackcloth. Let all of them call upon God urgently. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. 9 Who knows? Maybe God will soften after all and turn away from his fierce anger in mercy so that we won't perish.”
10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their wicked ways, he relented and didn't bring upon them the destruction he had threatened."
Author Tonci Matulina???May 24, 2023
On 12 June 2014, I was working on a Jack Up Drill Rig when researchers (not related to the company I was working for) searching for gas and oil discovered a reservoir of water deep beneath the Earth’s surface three times the volume of all the oceans. They called Discovery:?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
NOAH’S WATER (I lost documents containing more information) because that was another piece of evidence that the Bible is a real historical book.?Fake media never paid attention to this amazing discovery. Then relating to this subject:???
There are around 170 large terrestrial so-called meteorites impact craters on our Earth's surface. That is another LIE. Those so-called impact craters (where are meteorites?) ARE SURFACE FOUNTAINS OF THE DEEP also known as fountain geysers. New Zealand is well known for its geysers.??????????????????????????????????????????????In the present time, all Biblical prophecies are fulfilling and will continue with stronger earthquakes; Noah's water/floods very deadly pestilences, drought, famine, etc.????What is not yet fulfilled on a global scale? Asteroids and nuclear war.
Asteroids in Genesis 19:24-25?Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.
I described a DEEP IMPACT asteroid (WORMWOOD from REVELATION 8 -NASA called asteroid Apophis) In my article RAPTURE, NIBIRU COUNTDOWN Apophis will be visible within 2 years (2025) with a regular telescope. President Donald Trump's space force was founded due to Apophis. (NASA-Hebrew to deceive of course is not telling the truth about its trajectory)
Already recently one house in the USA was destroyed by a small asteroid. Some small already fall in the Indian Ocean etc
For example, there are 17 Near-Earth objects (NEOs) presently approaching the Earth (7 to 200 meters) - May 24 to May 31, 2023, https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/
The current number of discovered NEAs on the risk list: is 1491 Where is the Bible predicting nuclear war?
1 Thessalonians 5:3 King James Version
3 ”For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape ”
Sudden destruction MEANS NUCLEAR WAR?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Flood like in the days of Noah This hole on the video clip is actually:
”FOUNTAINS OF THE DEEP” - Genesis 8:2??“Fountains of the great deep?” Genesis 7:11.??There is also some information from Alex Williams: ”Drowned from below”
The article suggested that water from minerals in the earth’s mantle may have been the source of some of the water of Noah’s Flood.
Author Tonci Matulina June 16, 2023
Co2 emission is a lie from the deep state and their acolyte's fake media. The reason for all calamity is the approaching of NIBIRU described in books by Zecharia Sitchin. (Sitchin also was mistaken about the ORBITS duration of the rogue comet around our Sun) According to his translation from Sumerian tablets orbit is 3600 years. NASA discovered this comet (wrongfully called a planet) in the year 1983. (Planet 7x work by researcher Gill Brousard will give a very good explanation)
That is wrong - the correct RED DRAGON elongated orbit duration is less than 360 years.
Sumerian anti-civilization called this comet Nibiru. Other civilizations have different names, like Destroyer, Catchina, etc. In Biblical Revelation 12 is called RED DRAGON. Very soon it will be visible as a second moon. Later as a second Sun. In the meantime, Nibiru WILL collide with another celestial body and will form a cross in the sky. That event is called ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE.
Many people may die from fear.
Presently water levels will rise everywhere, like in times of NOAH.
However, when I was collecting material about the Noah global flood, I discovered that part of Brazil was not fully submerged by water. That is the reason Brazil has an Amazon rainforest so unique, it connects with pre-Noa flood flora and fauna. (Soto/science explains this phenomenal flora-fauna miracle with the invented ice age which never covered Brazil) At present Co2 lies and all former lies, are covering up the real history book - the Bible.
I mentioned this as an example that some places on EARTH may remain dry. As Nibiru is closing we will face- meteorites(tsunamis), stronger earthquakes, floods at sea/lands, volcanic eruptions, no electricity, no food water, etc.
My article Rapture Nibiru Countdown gives more details.
Rapture ' Nibiru Countdown – Draft
2018 Autor Tonci Matulina
(First version - 2018) Updated November 2022, and April 2023
"True lovers," who are also waiting and longing, but are doing all in their power to bring all mankind to Jesus. Their lamps are still full. they pray for the nation and the world, EXPECTING Jesus to hear them and grant leniency and mercy. These are the ones Jesus is eager to have with Him in Heaven. They are the ones who are holding back the Rapture…
Just as the man of sin began his reign in America by allowing babies to be cut into pieces in their mother’s wombs, the first act of righteousness would ban the practice and begin the steps to ban abortion in America forever. What heavy judgments would be removed from this country were that to take place? What peace could be established at her borders? Can Jesus bless and protect a nation that slaughters innocent children? Surely cannot. Put an end to this killing practice, which would lift the severe judgment on this land.
2023/4 – 2030/31
(During the 7 years of tribulation /It is not clear when/ due to the Act Of God the three days and nights of "an intense darkness" will cover the whole earth. The only light will come from blessed beeswax candles. Person/s who out of curiosity, opens a window to look out, or leaves his/their home, will die on the spot. During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary, and beg God for mercy)
After Jesus' life, this is the second greatest event in history that may have happened before the nuclear war. The correct procedure for predicting future events means that we have to be stand-by/ready anytime and any second if we want to be raptured.
During the WARNING ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE event, the waters of Noah's flood will be everywhere. (Jesus Christ said that end-time events would be like those during the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah-Nibiru meteorites) To be clear Nibiru meteorites will not be a present danger during WARNING -IOC
Very shortly after Pope returns from Moscow we will experience WARNING - ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE – Nibiru and a meteorite will collide and a Cross will appear in the sky, and all people will see all the errors they carried out during their lifetime. The truth will be revealed to all people including children above the age of 7. Nibiru due to its collision will return to its closest position to Earth after 3.5 years in the middle of the tribulation.
Period of seven years of tribulation.
1. Assassination Of a head of state with access to nuclear weapons. Iran – and Israel began to fire missiles at each other. Lady becomes President of the USA
2. The destruction of the Dome of the Rock, terrorist cells will be activated worldwide. Point of no return MOMENT to REPENT DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE; DROP TO YOUR KNEES AND PRAY FOR LIFE – PSALM 91, ROSARY. Earthquakes/Vulcan eruptions, floods, and tsunamis will spread everywhere.
3. Nuclear war starts. NYC, Miami, FL, etc It will involve America, Europe, Middle East. Comet will hit/graze Puerto Rico which will trigger a mega-tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean. Debris and gasses traveling with Comet will do much of the damage. It will survive past the Earth. Millions will be killed.
4. Jesus will appear in the clouds and the saints will be raptured, Jesus will be seen during the Rapture. He will not set foot on the Earth, The greatest event in history - this evacuation – the rescue mission. There will be no more doubt that Jesus Christ is Lord and that the Bible is true and correct. When Jesus, was LEAST expected HE would come? That was meant to be a hint, that contradicts what people say about knowing the appointed times. Only Godfather knows the date and time, we can predict the season. Our prayers can mitigate the severity of events and delay the date to save more people.
5. NYC After being nuked / will be wiped out with the mentioned mega-tsunami. (1970 NYC LEGALISED SATANIC abortion, then in the year 2020 LEGAL BECOME LATE ABORTION 9 months old baby)
6. The other USA (and elsewhere in the world) cities will be destroyed, Yellowstone eruption… Hell on Earth. No one knows the gravity of what’s coming. The learning institutions are known to keep them dumb and programmed, to be empty and dumb to what is to transpire. This is not what Jesus wanted for His children on Earth.
-Peace and safety – 7-year Peace treaty renewed and signed
This is not what HE planned, not at all. No, He had planned a paradise for His people, He had to give reign to free will because free will carries consequences and all must learn through consequences to call upon Jesus and choose Him above and beyond the learning institutions and the pop culture of their generation.
Deep in people's consciousness, Jesus left His calling card of love and warning. They’ve gone unheeded and supplanted by the glitter of culture.
The antichrist group will take (and they are already taking volunteers take chip-in year 1999) an RFID chip in their right hand or/on the forehead “The biblical mark of the beast” The RFID chip will change their DNA, and consequently living (Chipped) will envy the dead. They will search for death, but it will elude them. Unthinkable pain is caused by a chip implanted into the body, which will release another DNA into the bloodstream, and this will begin to permanently change and transform the victim's DNA into what was once called a Nephilim. This process cannot be reversed. There is the technology to keep people alive through the chip AND it will not allow them to die.
The LEFT BEHIND Christians/people will have to flee into the wilderness, (IN CASE they were not invited into safe REFUGES)?and never report their existence to any government. Their survival will depend on continuous prayer. If any people in the group decide not to pray, they must be left with some food and water, but with no indication of where the group is going.
7. Great revival of Christianity.
8. ”I have come in my Father’s Name, and you received Me not: another shall come in his name, and him you will receive.” John 5
9. The demons disguised as aliens will show up AS good and bad aliens.
10. At this time there will be two groups of those who were left behind.
One group will fully believe in Jesus (as many of their friends and family members already have been ruptured, especially children, as they are still completely innocent) and the second group will be those on the side of the antichrist, governments, and the UN.
11. The building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem is completed. Obama will visit Temple and after 3.5 years, Peace is broken.
12. NIBIRU RETURNS (This is 3,5 years after the collision described under 1. Warning) “Red Dragon” (as Second Sun) from Revelation 12 will appear in the sky from the west. Pope will escape from Rome.
13. On April 13 2029 Apophis will hit America (Wormwood from the revelation 8???And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;)
CERN – OPENING THE BOTTOMLESS PIT Aurora Borealis, shifting of continental plates, landmass movement, global earthquakes, and devastating tsunamis. Israel will be attacked by Iran and a coalition of nations led by Obama Biblical GOG Israel army will resist for 3 days. After seven years of tribulation, Jesus will return to earth to win against the Antichrist’s army.
Now Jesus’ one thousand-year reign will begin.
The following physical evidence would be sufficient in a court of law to prove that the bible is correct
1. The formation of the State of Israel as was predicted in the Bible.
2. The bones of giants have been discovered on all continents
3. Jesus’shroud
4. The astronomical part of Revelation 12 on 23rd September 2017 was visible (for the first time in six thousand years) from Jerusalem – there were twelve stars above the head of the constellation Virgo (nine stars of the constellation Leo and three planets: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Astronomically all celestial bodies are visible from the Earth, in the sky, we call stars. Under the legs of Virgo, at that moment, was the Moon, and under Virgo’s left shoulder was the Sun. Jupiter was in a retrograde moment in the virgin's womb for the duration of nine months and Jupiter exited the womb or “was born” on the date mentioned above. During the “birth” of Jupiter, the Red dragon appears to devour the newborn child, but God raptures the child into heaven (this child represents the saints who will be raptured). Because of this astronomical event, we know that Nibiru – the Red Dragon – was approaching the planet Jupiter in September 2017.
5. Beginning Of the destruction of Damascus: Fate Of Damascus
6. Waters of the Euphrates River have decreased significantly
Some of the events in my childhood:
When I was a boy, I was woken by my mother and she was fastening my shirt buttons. She told me that my father was returning from fishing and that we should go to meet him on the pier, I responded by saying “Yes, I know. He caught two boxes of red scorpion fish and two…” (I didn’t know the word for lobsters at the time). After the conversation we left, and I saw my father around one hundred meters from the pier, and he brought the entire catch onto the quayside, and there were two boxes of red scorpion fish, and nothing else; no other fish. And on the top of these two boxes of red scorpion fish, there was one black lobster on each box, exactly as I had said to my mother when I woke up.
Once, when I was with my brothers and my sister, and we were visiting the home of some friends of our parents, and at the time they had no washing machine, there was a big grey pot on the fire prepared for washing. The pot was over the fire, and to increase the temperature there was a cable with a coil, submerged in the water. I pulled the cable, and all of the hot water cascaded down and splashed me on the head, body, and left hand. I fell to the ground, I couldn’t see anything, but I heard panic all around. I was put on the table; I knew that egg whites were being mixed from the shouting between those around me. I felt a rush of relief, and the pain I felt was drastically reduced when this poured onto me. They did not know that the best first aid would have been ice-cold water.
Then my parents were called, and they rushed me to the emergency room which was only several hundred meters away from our friends’ apartment. About fifty meters from the emergency room, I no longer felt any pain. I was clinically dead; and from above (around two floors high) I watched my parents rushing me to the ER, my father carrying me in a blanket. I was floating horizontally looking down. When I looked ahead, I saw a building, which as I would discover some years on, was the maritime school I later completed.
The entirety of my conscience, mind, and reason was working normally, even though my body was clinically dead. I thought to myself “If you haven’t given up, I will fight to survive and remain within my body. I did not blame my parents for not running (for they were indeed rushing).
August 5, 2023 Author Tonci Matulina
Matthew 25:1-4.
“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.”
Matthew 24:40.
“Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left”
RAPTURE ROLL CALL/HEADCOUNT???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The current population of the World in 2023 is 8,045,311,447, rounded to 8 Billion for example calculation. All signs are fulfilled and we can expect the rapture to take place in the present year 2023.
According to the Bible half of the population will be raptured in the beginning of 7 years of Tribulation. (PRE-TRIB RAPTURE DOCTRINE) Shortly before the rapture, the resurrection of the dead will be carried out. Left Behind people will witness broken/open graves.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????4 Billion people will be taken ALIVE INTO AIR to meet Jesus Christ.
RAPTURE will involve all children up to the age of 12.
Many - 12 to 20 years. (What will disqualify them to be raptured? occult music like heavy metal, techno, rap, drugs, alcohol, lust ...)
The same applies to ages 20 to 30 years. We older than 30 years are fully responsible for our actions and have sufficient time to notice in which satanic environment we live as our country is called; KINDOM OF HEAVEN
4 Billion will be left behind - 2 Billion - the antichrist group will take and they are already taking (first volunteers take chip-1999) an RFID chip in their right hand or/on the forehead “The biblical mark of the beast” RFID chip will change their DNA, and consequently living (Chipped) will envy the dead. They will search for death, but it will elude them.
Unthinkable pain is caused by a chip implanted into the body, which will release another DNA into the bloodstream, and this will begin to permanently change and transform the victim's DNA into what was once called a Nephilim. This process cannot be reversed. There is the technology to keep people alive through the chip AND it will not allow them to die.
The LEFT BEHIND Christians/people will have to flee into the wilderness, (IN CASE they were not invited into safe REFUGES) and never report their existence to anyone.
TV/Media will tell to left behind that aliens took the people up. Aliens are demon aliens. They are spirits of dead Nephilim. Nephilim was born out of fallen angels and human women. (Book of Enoch and Bible) Spirits from dead Nephilim we call demons or demons/aliens. They can take any physical body when they appear in our dimension. They can be nice-looking or ugly. They can enter into the bodies of regular humans and even children when our errors/sins give them the permit to enter. Mostly they will enter alcohol/drug/lust addicts, as well as other humans involved in crime and/or slander, etc. We can notice very easily when the demon is inside the human host. During a fraction of a second, we will see fully dark eyes in people taken by demons. Alien demons mostly like to get victims around red lights houses, places where drugs are involved, criminals, bars, corrupt courts, etc. REAL GUARDIAN Angels whom God sent to rescue Lot and his family appear as regular humans. You can feel demons in other humans for example if you suddenly feel cold when they approach you.
Christians who 100 percent trust in Jesus Christ have no problem handling situations with demon aliens or other dangerous attackers or animals. Christian needs just to scream; IN THE NAME OF LORD JESUS CHRIST LEAVE. Demon-aliens, criminals, or animals will leave immediately.
Christians in these last days can also heal other people; IN THE NAME OF LORD JESUS CHRIST BE HEALED. (This is the last day's healing procedure and the patient does not need to be Christian or to believe in Jesus Christ. This is opposite to the procedure described in the Bible when Jesus himself was healing people) For healing and self-defense you have to raise your right hand toward danger or patience and tell those sentences above mentioned from your HEART.
That means that you are fully focused on that wish within your heart and with your love you are connected to Jesus who will perform healing or defend from danger. For healing, you need to repeat until completed. One time per day. For healing, you can place your right hand on the patient's shoulder.
The healer may accept a fraction of the patient's suffering and, therefore, needs to fast, walk barefoot, and wash into the water after the healing procedure.
All this information together with Rapture Nibiru Countdown is impossible to find.
The beginning of Christianity is the same as the beginning of the end
August 12, 2023 Author Tonci Matulina
Prosecution of Christians resumes in Ukraine and just commenced in the USA as per info from Dr. Taylor Marshall.
President Trump warns Catholics that the FBI is after them. Puppet so-called president Biden is pro forma catholic. Biden's boss is the present shadow US president and former US president Obama.
He is also the future President of One World Government.
Barak Obama is on the top of the World Chain Of Command. The second in command person comes from the Orsini family who is called Grey Pope, followed by Black Nobility Roman aristocratic families who sided with the Papacy.
The above-mentioned families are real owners of BlackRock, Inc., The Vanguard Group, Inc., and The Institute for the Works of Religion - Vatican Bank, which is a financial institution inside Vatican City.
Those 3 organizations are from the USA and Italy. There are more in the UK, the EU, and China. China is presently a country that attracts capital. Those 3 companies plus a couple of others control all big companies involved in media, pharmaceuticals, food, energy, arms production, etc
Next in the chain of command is the Jesuit Black Pope Military Vatican wing. The third Pope in line is White Pope who is PR(Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an imposter who was installed by the CIA. He is behind the LGBT agenda, behind one world religion. Bergoglio insults God The Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Mary.??????????Saint and Last Pope Benedict XVI were forced to resign to avoid drinking tea before night).
Well-known wealthy persons like Bill Gates have a special status as he is Obama's youth friend from Chicago.
Kissinger's puppet Klaus Schwab is PR for One World Government and he is pursuing his father Hitler's naci dream of enslaving humanity based on Francis Galton's method.
Based on this information we know for sure that the Roman Vatican church is not protecting even Catholics anymore as well as the Catholics-based doctrine for life which was given by Biblical God at conception and can be taken only by God. (Not including extreme events war etc.) All USA Christians Protestants, Evangelists, etc know that destruction to the USA and the EU is closing (allowed within and with a Trojan horse standing by) as the USA is Biblical Babylon and Babylon whore is Rome.
7 years of tribulation will start this year 2023 in October.
We will see the Illumination Of Conscience and the assassination of a leader as I already mentioned in my article Rapture, NIBIRU COUNTDOWN. Prayers for Christians in Ukraine, for all soldiers, and civilians who died and were wounded in Ukraine, as well as in other countries like Russia, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Israel, and other countries involved in calamities.
Author Tonci Matulina 12.06.2023
1. Pope Benedikt was forced to resign because of Vatican Bank's funds and return to traditional mass. His removal and installation of Jesuit Francis were ordered by Barrack Obama who is a present shadow president and future OWG President.
2. Sister Lucia was replaced by the actress, which is possible to detect by comparing early and older photos of Lucia. Pope John Paul II was lying about 3rd secret. On one occasion in Germany, in a private conversation, he reveals the real 3rd secret. However, Pope John Paul:
A) Took over the pontificate after Pope John Paul I was jabbiran for the same reason Pope Benedict was forced to resign.
B) He never consecrates Russia correctly as was requested by the Holy Mary from Fatima. Even fake Sister Lucia after the second attempt of consecration lied that God The Father accepted consecration.
C) He was involved in working in Auschwitz during the Second World War.
D) He invited pagans to the church which is the beginning of the procedure to bring soton into the church which, presently is in progress by an imposter not elected but selected Pope Francis.
Since 1978 for sure we have two and only two saints POPES:
1. Saint Pope John Paul I (33 DAYS POPE) He drinks tea.
2. Saint Pope Benedict XVI. He receives a jab.
When I saw the picture of the dead Pope Benedict XVI my first idea, the impression was it was not him. Maybe he is still alive and a prisoner of the Vatican, the same as the above-mentioned fake sister Lucia.
BUT WHEN Pope Benedict’s secretary said that he destroyed all paperwork as requested by Pope Benedict XVI I knew the secretary was lying and the late Pope Benedict even very old was killed because of his criticism towards Pope Francis.
A 190-page book of essays by the late Pope Emeritus has been published, according to his orders, three weeks after his death.
This means that the original text was altered and that was one of the motives for the murder. Another reason is that Soton wants to kill and deceive.
If I had to choose which apparition is real and not of demonic origin from this TWO mentioned in the video, I would choose THE OPTION THAT POPE BENEDIKT apparition NOUN IS REAL.
What are the reasons?
1. We have two killers - the first one who gives the order - Francis, and Assassin - the secretary.
Until the secretary is alive we have witness. Then presently mafia needs to get rid of the witnesses and confuse people with fake apparitions. Any recordings of that event prove nothing. Same as TV moon landings were not evidence that people were on the Moon.
Moon landing deception was for people to start admiring science and American culture and to prove that there was NO Biblical firmament and that the Bible was not correct.
In this present time, Biblical prophecies are unfolding around us, we are living witnesses of tribulations and birth pangs commenced in various countries. Catholic CHURCH is a Biblical Babylon whore and her son is the USA, and they both are falling and the Catholic Church will divide into a satanic church and a real Christian church which will need to go back to catacombs.
FATIMA and AKITA, Karol Wojty?a, Pope Benedict XVI and Ugly-Coming Home
September 2, 2023?????Author Tonci Matulina
The popes in Rome deliberately did not consecrate Russia as St. Mary of Fatima had requested. There was even a lie from the Vatican or directly from the fake Lucia dos Santos that Pope John Paul II Russia's consecration was accepted by God the Father.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Pope Francis is the last pope. In reality, he is an impostor, false prophet, liar, etc. The nuclear war is described in the Bible.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The war is reset to form a world government. It will begin this year after the assassination of a leader of a country armed with nuclear weapons.
(There will be an ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE - COLLISION of comet NIBIRU - Biblical Red Dragon with another celestial body - better before the war than during the war. The atmospheric pressure caused by the celestial bodies will fully open the wells of the deep and we will be confronted with Noah's water. We witness the first stage of the Noah water caused by the activation of the submerged Vulcans, which led to a higher temperature of the seawater that subsequently presently melting the North and South Pole ice, which we see as floods worldwide)
Lucia dos Santos was also a prisoner of the Vatican because she did not communicate with people without permission and supervision. She can't be the original Lucia dos Santos. (The real Lucia warned the popes for decades that a proper consecration of Russia was necessary, contrary to what imposter Lucia said)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Comparing old and recent pictures Lucia's teeth are different. (Did she have major teeth work?) The second lie Lucia dos Santos was involved in was that Poland would not be involved in the Third World War.
(This was her 'prophecy' during the tenure of Karol Józef Wojty?a, who was Pope from Poland)
In the present time, in September 2023, this does not look realistic. In the end, I hope that Lucia, (real or false) was correct in her prophecy, about Poland.
Conclusion- The real Lucia was replaced to not reveal the real Third Fatima Secret, and to stop asking popes for Russia consecration, etc. Real Saint Pope Benedict XVI Emeritus, the last Pope admits that the Third Fatima Secret was actually – the same as the Akita prophecy.
“The first message received by Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa (JAPAN) on June 6, 1973, was a call for prayer and sacrifice for the glory of the Father and salvation of souls. The second message, August 3, 1973, was for prayer, penance, and courageous sacrifices to soften the Father's anger.
The third message on October 13, 1973, the actual anniversary of the final visions and miracle of Fatima is as follows: "As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms that will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops, and the priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres. The Church and altars will be vandalized.”
Third Secret of Fatima
One of our readers from Portugal sent us the facsimile of a handwritten text that could be the text of the Third Secret of Fatima. This unsigned text supposedly was written by Sister Lucy in her Convent of Tuy on September 1, 1944, or April 1, 1944 - it is not clear whether the number indicating the month is 9 or 4. The fingerprint of Sister Lucy was placed on the bottom of the page as a guarantee of its authenticity. Some unidentified person who had access to this document released a photo of it very recently. We are posting this facsimile below for the perusal of TIA readers. It is followed by a typed text in Portuguese and our English translation of it. We do not assert that this is undoubtedly the true Third Secret. We post it as an invitation for our readers to discuss it and seek the opinion of experts to find out whether this document is authentic or not. Sadly, there is a hypothesis that should not be excluded: If the date is April 1, then some priest or even bishop might be playing an April Fools' joke, spreading an adulterated text to amuse himself. This would be a sin against the Second Commandment, we believe, since it would be taking the name of God's Blessed Mother in vain. But, in these times of post-councilor lack of seriousness, TIA has already experienced something of this kind (click here). Even though, on the one hand, we make these reservations as a measure of prudence, on the other hand, we believe that this text has in its favor the appearance of truth. That is to say: Regarding its content, it is a description that certainly matches the reality we are witnessing today: the radical changes that were installed in the Church by Vatican Council II and were universally spread in the last 45 years; If it would have been revealed before 1960 by John XXIII, it could have prevented an enormous part of this crisis; Regarding its form, it corresponds to the other two previously revealed parts of the Fatima Message and brings them to a coherent close; It is a complete text in itself, with an introduction, principal explanation and conclusion; It is clear and accessible either to the children who received it or to any adult - ignorant or learned - as a message of the Mother of God normally would be. These are, in our opinion, sufficient reasons to make this message accessible to the public. Before presenting the document, let us establish a presupposition for the discussion. As it was well demonstrated by Dr. Marian Horvat, we believe that there are two Sisters Lucy: One, the serious and reserved nun who received the messages, and another, the superficial and extroverted nun who posed with conciliar Popes during their visits to Fatima. We think that the handwriting of the last Sister Lucy will probably not match the one in the letter below. Any comparison of texts should be made with those of Sister Lucy at the time she was at Tuy. A.S. Guimar?es, editor
Tuy 1 de setembro de 1944 ou 1 de abril de 1944
JMJ Agora vou revelar o terceiro fragmento do segredo: Esta parte é a apostasia na Igreja! Nossa Senhora mostrou-nos uma vista do um indivíduo que eu descrevo como o 'santo Padre', em frente de uma multid?o que estava louvando-o. Mas havia uma diferenca com um verdadeiro santo Padre, o olhar do demonio, este tinha o olhar do mal. Ent?o depois de alguns momentos vimos o mesmo Papa entrando a uma Igreja, mas esta Igreja era a Igreja do inferno, n?o há modo para descrever a fealdade d'ésse lugar, parecia uma fortaleza feita de cimento cinzento com ángulos quebrados e janelas semelhantes a olhos, tinha um bico no telhado do edificio. Em seguida levantamos a vista para Nossa Senhora que nos disse Vistes a apostasia na Igreja, esta carta pode ser aberta por O santo Padrre, mas deve ser anunciada depois de Pio XII e antes de 1960. No reinado de Juan Pablo II a pedra angular da tumba de Pedro deve ser removida e transferida para Fatima. Porque o dogma da fé n?o é conservado em Roma, sua autoridade será removida e entregada a Fatima. A catedral de Roma deve ser destruida e uma nova construida em Fatima. Se 69 semanas depois de que esta ordem é anunciada Roma continua sua abomina??o, a cidade será destruida. Nossa Senhora disse-nos que ésto está escrito, Daniel 9, 24-25 e Mateus 21, 42-44
English Translation
Tuy September 1, 1944, or April 1, 1944
JMJ Now I am going to reveal the third fragment of the secret: This part is the apostasy in the Church! Our Lady showed us the individual who I describe as the 'holy Father' in front of a multitude that was cheering him. But there was a difference from a true Holy Father, his devilish gaze, this one had the gaze of evil. Then, after some moments we saw the same Pope entering a Church, but this Church was the Church of hell; there is no way to describe the ugliness of that place. It looked like a gray cement fortress with broken angles and windows similar to eyes; it had a beak on the roof of the building. Next, we raised our eyes to Our Lady who said to us: You saw the apostasy in the Church; this letter can be opened by the Holy Father, but it must be announced after Pius XII and before 1960. In the kingdom of John Paul II, the cornerstone of Peter's grave must be removed and transferred to Fatima. Because the dogma of the faith is not conserved in Rome, its authority will be removed and delivered to Fatima. The cathedral of Rome must be destroyed and a new one built in Fatima. If 69 weeks after this order is announced, Rome continues its abomination, the city will be destroyed. Our Lady told us that this is written,[in] Daniel 9:24-25 and Matthew
Conchita Gonzalez, Prophet John Leary
August 3, 2023 Author Tonci Matulina
Warning (Illumination of Conscience) 2023 Collision - Comet Nibiru with other celestial bodies will produce a supernatural event. WARNING will happen this year 2023 (Earlier September 2023 to Latest December 2023)
Conchita Gonzalez, (GARABANDAL SPAIN) says this regarding the Warning:?????The Warning comes directly from God. It will be visible in every part of the world, no matter where we live. It will be like an interior realization of our sins. Believers as well as unbelievers, wherever they are at the time, will see it and feel it. Oh! Yes, the Warning will be very formidable!
In the 1960s, Conchita said, "These events will take place when I'm an old woman." The Virgin Mary purportedly told her the date of a forthcoming and stupendous miracle. Conchita must indicate this miracle eight days in advance. According to her testimony, the Warning will precede the miracle. Interestingly, Conchita was born in 1949;
Fr. Rick Wendell was wealthy and morally free-wheeling until the day he saw his life as God sees it:?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????I saw all the sinful events of my life up through the present moment. It was an illumination of conscience, an experience more intimate and vivid than a movie, more realistic than a 3-D image; and I had the sense that God was there, somewhere behind me, watching everything. I was aghast to learn the implications of my sin, and how my actions or inactions were so much bigger than one single event and had a ripple effect on others across time and eternity.
Messages from Jesus to John Leary February 19, 2023
Jesus said: “My people, you heard an excellent homily from the deacon at Mass about your preparations for Lent that starts this Ash Wednesday. Daily prayer, possibly daily Mass, and frequent Confession are indeed part of your way to show your love for me. In Lent, you will be adding fasting and abstinence from meat on Fridays and Ash Wednesday. You may also want to add some spiritual reading to your sacrifices of not eating sweets and fasting between meals. Lent is a time to put more focus on me and less focus on your earthly desires. Your ultimate goal is to be with me forever, so you will not need any earthly things then. I love all of you, and I want you to love me as well.”
February 4, 2023: (Memorial Mass for Rosemarie R.)????????????????????????????????Rosemarie said: “I thank all of you for coming to my Memorial service. I love all of my family and friends. I also thank everyone who helped drive me to various places. You know how I walked to places when I could? I love the Lord so much and I always wanted to be with Him whenever I could. Now I am with him forever.”???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a sign of weakness when your military was ordered to hold off shooting down the Chinese spy balloon until it was over water. You also need to stop arming the Ukraine and sending arms to Taiwan which is in more danger from China. You are facing more threats from China than from Russia. Be thankful that this balloon did not send an EMP bomb that could destroy your electric grid. It is hard to prevent wars, but your military needs to be ready for attacks from both China and Russia. Pray for peace through strength. Be ready to come to my Refuges if you see World War III coming. I will protect you and provide for your needs at my refuges.”
January 29, 2023, Jesus said: “My people, I gave My sermon of the Beatitudes as I blessed the people with My words. Your priest spoke of being happy as all Christians should be happy that you have been blessed with faith. I want all of you to be blessed and center your lives around Me. Learn from your mistakes and make an effort to do better in your lives. Be a good example to your children by bringing them to Sunday Mass. Show Me how much you love me by your daily prayers, your attendance at Mass, and your hours of adoration.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been controlled by the one world people, especially in your finances. The central bankers took over your money in 1913 when they used dollars to promise to pay back any debt. Later, you saw the removal of gold that backed your dollar. Again, you saw your silver-backed dollar removed from circulation. Soon your dollars will be eliminated from circulation in favor of a digital dollar that can track how you spend your money. Those people, who go against your socialist leaders, will soon have no money when their accounts are taken down, and your dollars will become worthless. This will lead to the mark of the beast that I warned you not to take. Once the evil ones threaten to kill you if you do not take the computer chip in the body, I will call my faithful to my refuges and you will see My Warning. Have your backpacks ready to flee to my refuges where My angels will protect you. Have no fear of the evil ones since you will be safe at my refuges where I will multiply your food, water, and fuel. I will cast the evil ones into hell and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”
January 28, 2023: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, this boat with the apostles and myself represent my Church led by St. Peter. The storm struck fear in my apostles who thought we were going to drown. The apostles awakened me from sleeping to tell me of their fear of drowning. I called to the storm: ‘Peace; be still’ and there was a great calm. Then I scolded the apostles for their lack of faith that I would save them. The apostles still did not understand My Divinity and My power as God the Son to control nature. So it is with my faithful that you can call on me to help you with your everyday problems. I call on you many times to have trust in me and my angels to overcome your fears. I will see to your necessities in this life, but you need to ask in prayer for me to help you.”
Jesus said: “My son, you remember when I called you to have your prayer group have a practice run of 24 hours at your refuge? I also had you do four more practice refuge runs both in the warm weather and in the cold weather. Each time you had a practice run, you learned more about how to provide for your people using all of your preparations. You used no electrical lights from your grid, and you used your dried foods and made bread. You did not use your natural gas heater or your oven. You did use your rechargeable battery-powered LED lanterns for light at night. With some electricity being provided by your solar panels, you were able to recharge your batteries. You used kerosene burners and your wood fireplace to heat your house. You baked bread in your propane Camp Chef and you used your well water to drink and wash. Because having your practice runs taught you how to survive independently, I would like all of my refuge leaders to have one or more practice runs to see how you could repeat what My son has done. You think you can be prepared, but making practice runs will help you when the real tribulation will come. The fact that I am asking people to be ready in practice runs is another sign to you that you are getting close to the Antichrist’s takeover. Trust in Me and My angels to protect My people and My refuges, as well as how I will multiply your food, water, and fuel. Be ready also to have Perpetual Adoration around the clock, and you will assign hours for your people day and night. During the tribulation time, your priest or My angels will provide daily Holy Communion. You will place a consecrated Host in a monstrance for your Adoration. Pray that your families will be converted to the faith after the Warning during the conversion time, so they can be saved and allowed by My angels to enter My refuges.”
Occult Practices & Items List
August 20, 2023?Apostolate of the Green Scapular
This occult checklist was prepared by Missionaries of the New Evangelization and we are republishing it so you can identify any occult practices you are not aware of, or items in your home that are cursed by demonic activity. Rid your life, your home of these items and your family will find peace after Sacramental Confession.
1.????????Acupressure 2. Acupuncture 3. Alex & Annie bracelets 4. All Harry Potter (Wiccan) 5. All Disney (Masonic) 6. American Gil Dolls 7. Amulets 8. Animal Totems 9. Anime 10. Astro-travel (trafficking) 11. Astrology Horoscopes 12. Automatic Writing 13. Bioenergetic Field 14. Biofeedback 15. Body-lifting (levitation) 16. Card Reading 17. Chain Letters 18. Chakra Therapy 19. Channeling 20. Charlie Charlie 21. Charms of Protection 22. Charting 23. Chi, Ki, Qi, Prana 24. Clairvoyance 25. Crystal Ball Reading 26. Crystals 27. Cupping Therapy 28. Curanderos 29. Dragon Ball Z 30. Dream Catchers 31. Dream Interpretation 32. Drumming Circles 33. Dungeons & Dragons 34. Edgar Cayce 35. Egyptian Obelisk 36. Energy Healing 37. Enneagram 38. Evil Eye 39. Feng-shui 40. Fortune-telling 41. Freemasonry 42. Gaia Worship 43. Heavy Metal Music 44. Hypnosis 45. I-Ching 46. Incantations 47. Indian Drums 48. Iridology 49. John Edwards Medium 50. Kabbalah 51. Kachina Dolls 52. Kokopelli 53. Labyrinth 54. Light-as-a-feather 55. Long Island Medium 56. Lucky Horse Shoe 57. Magic 8-ball 58. Magick 59. Magnet Therapy 60. Mandalas Reflexology 61. Medicine Wheels 62. Mental Telepathy 63. Naturopathy 64. Necromancy 65. New Age Music 66. Numerology 67. Obeah 68. Occult Video Games 69. Ouija Board 70. Palm Reading 71. Pendulum Swinging 72. Pokéman 73. Psychics 74. Qi gong/Chi Kung 75. Reiki 76. Reincarnation 77. Ritual Body Piercing 78. Ritual Tattoos 79. Rosicrucian 80. Runes 81. Santa Muerte 82. Santeria 83. Satanic Music 84. Satanic rosaries 85. Satanism 86. Scientology 87. Séance 88. Shamballa Bracelet 89. Shiatsu Massage 90. Silva Mind Control 91. Spirit Guides 92. Spirituality Smudging 93. Superstition 94. Table-lifting 95. Tarot Cards 96. Tea Leaf Reading 97. Therapeutic Touch 98. Trafficking Witches 99. Transcendental Med. 100. Univeral Life Force 101.Voodoo 102.Warcraft Games 103.Water Witching 104.Wicca/Witchcraft 105.YinYang 106.Yoga (Hinduism) 107.Young Living & doTerra Oils Occult Practices & Items List
While helping a family in California whose son, around 17 years old, was being lifted in the air and thrown across the room repeatedly, we discovered they had many satanic rosaries in their home. The young man was taken several times to the emergency room, but the family had a hard time explaining where he received such abuse. Even their local priest told the boy that demons were not picking him up and throwing him across the room and that he was suffering from mental illness. If your priest refuses to believe there are demons in the world, report him to the Bishop! I have found so many satanic rosaries in good Catholic homes, given to them from very holy shrines or church bookstores! If you discover any Catholic establishment offering these demonic rosaries, tell them. If they refuse to remove them, then report them to the Bishop! Wake up Catholics/Christians, Your house has been invaded by many demons, but you can recognize these rosaries! Look carefully, look for the snake behind Jesus’ head and a sun with rays coming from the sun! The satanic rosary below is a glow-in-the-dark
November 9, 2022 Author Tonci Matulina
History or conspiracy?
At the time of its completion in 1911, the Olympic was the world’s most luxurious and largest liner. It could carry more than 2,300 passengers.
In September 1911 during its fifth commercial voyage, the Olympic collided with the HMS Hawke near the Isle of Wight, southern England. The judgment of the court ordered that both parties pay their own damages.
White Star Line could not afford to pay the cost of repairing the Olympic.
White Star Line Chairman, J. Bruce Ismay Harland and Wolff Owner, Lord Pirrie Chief Designer of Titanic, Thomas Andrews Owner of White Star Line, J.P. Morgan came up with a plan…
The plan was simple, switch Olympic with her sister ship Titanic, and sink it to claim compensation. No one would know they had swapped the ships except the management and including crew-members (all well-paid to keep mouths shut) if you looked at the ships when they were alongside each other you would not know which ship you were looking at.
(In November 1910, six men – Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip, and Paul Warburg – met at the Jekyll Island Club, off the coast of Georgia, to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system)
The main opponents to W.W.I and the establishment of the USA Fed were John Aster, Isador Strauss, and Benjamin Guggenheim. All three of them very wealthy and influential individuals were invited for a cruise on an Unsinkable ship.
-Titanic sank on 15 April 1912 and the ship sank those three mentioned heroes.
-Congress passed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act - legislation that created the current Federal Reserve System.
-The road to the I World War is clear. Needs Russia to become involved in the war to easily carry out a coup d'état - removal of the Russian Tsar – probably the main investor in USA Federal Reserves. Russia will be converted to a communist dictatorship country.
-Great Depression (1929) The government soon came to regret the freedom it had granted the Federal Reserves. FED is a private institution that prints and borrows money. (small private banks, the government, etc.) FED artificially and intentionally used Contractual Clauses that obliged small banks to return funds and/or change their Prime Rate (Interest)- Small Banks unable to financially float in the new environment went for bankruptcy. FED-related private companies take over Banks for fractions of their values as well as they do with many company shares/ownership.
That is the reason in the future - You Will Own Nothing (And Be Happy)
-W.W.?2 target was to achieve total control of mainstream media, banks, the movie industry, pharma, etc., and to spread communist regimes, to establish the UN as the basic organization for future NWO.
-W.W.3 which already started to achieve its agenda and to destroy Christian countries, establishing One World Government with One person in charge, one military (UN blue helmets) RFID chip to pay or buy, one religion, etc.
September 10, 2023 Author T.Matulina
I started looking at the Sun in the year 2007. I start with 10 seconds and increase by another 10 seconds every day. So if we were to watch every day without skipping, it would take 270 days to get to 45 minutes. Then you can watch 45 MINUTES for a couple of days and START reducing it by one minute every day until you reach 15 minutes. When it goes back from 45 minutes to 15 minutes, you can just walk barefoot or watch every day for 15 minutes or both, etc.
If it is raining or cannot be practiced, then on the next occasion, 10 seconds will be added to the last day of viewing. When you reach 45 minutes of looking at the Sun, all the blood in the body is exposed to the Sun, because during 45 minutes all the blood passes through the eyes. During this procedure, it is necessary to drink at least one to two liters of water per day, along with soups, etc.
The water must be solar water - put it on the window in the morning so that the bottle and water are exposed to the sun's rays. (ONLY GLASS transparent and colorless BOTTLE and cover with a GLASS bicchierino to prevent insects from entering. PLASTIC AND ALUMINUM MUST NOT BE USED BECAUSE THEY ARE TOXIC - WITH MONOMERS AND ALUMINUM THAT DISSOLVE IN WATER. Solar water is a healing liquid itself and reduces appetite as well. Bicchierino is used instead of cork because it enables the evaporation of various harmful elements from the water)
It is also very important to pray the Our Father non-stop or the rosary and/or some other Christian prayer.
WATCHING, SOLAR WATER, PRAYER, AND THE FOURTH CONDITION for achieving a full synergistic effect is walking barefoot on sand, earth, and stone for up to 1 hour a day, preferably before and/or after looking at the Sun.
Thank God for sending Mr. Manek to return this precious knowledge to us.
During the sun gazing procedure in the year 2007, my eye spontaneously healed. I have 3 layers of sclera (white of the eye) that were cut.
The injury was 10 or more years old and I had constant burning and redness of the eye as well as poor vision in that eye. When I achieved about 15 minutes of looking at the Sun, my injured eye was healed. I felt a light stabbing in my eye for about 40 seconds, before healing was completed.
The procedure requires standing on dry, preferably dry and fine sand. On the day of healing, I sprinkled some water on the place I stepped on, and that was the first time that both my feet were on wet sand, which dried quickly, but I guess a good grounding was established. (So the complete healing of the eye took place when I looked at the Sun every day for up to a period of 15 minutes, which takes about 90 days)
This was proven in his experiments by the Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto that words/music/sounds and emotions cause changes in the molecular structure of water.
Here, the prayer of Our Father and/or the rosary causes a beneficial effect on the water in the body in synergy with the sun's rays that enter the body and soul through the sun. Staring at the Sun and praying, along with complete treatment, also cleans the pineal gland, which the greatest genius Nikola Tesla called an antenna for communication with God.
The physical pineal gland or spiritual third eye is polluted by additives, and chemicals in food and cosmetics. Its blocking is also affected by fluoride in toothpaste, which is also highly carcinogenic. Staring at the Sun also makes you lose your appetite if you follow the above rule.
FIRST EDITION September 10, 2023, Author Capt. Tonci Matulina S.Bc Master Mariner Unlimited Silba # 514, SILBA Croatia, EU In my professional career, I was a captain of passenger ships, tankers, and cargo ships, a pilot mooring master, a floating accommodation barge master, a bunker barge master, etc.
‘Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.’