Hatred is a word today that doesn’t belong
Association is appropriate in get along
With that, should come a sing along
Being Black is a satisfice
No suggestions and no advice
Preserver is a fear
Step back, as I don’t want you near
Where there is hope, there is also doubt
Hatred within needs to be worked out
But Justice sees my Race as Guilty before proven
My cries at night are my despair
A world of callus who just don’t care
Being Black is a race that is all wrong
Justice seems too think our Black Race doesn’t exist
It is not dance of twist
It’s raising our hands in unity with the power the fist
Black Lives Matter message is we shall survive
Let me add strive
We weren’t created from a Bee Hive
It was a higher calling from the powers beyond
That is Faith we should be looking upon
Police sees my Race as caution
We must stay in our separate lane
But that thinking is pure lame
How can you kill trying to fit a bill?
Who says one can be the Judge and Jury still?
We are our own resources at will
Respect me
I am what was created you see
I am everything that I was meant to be
Black Heritage comes from our legacy of Achievers who were Believers
The honor of decree of accomplishments with degrees of receivers
But you don’t know me, as my Race is all you see
Integrity is all through our voices
I can fall, but will always get up
You can mock me, but my strength is to continue stepping up
No matter what or how, my ambitions are my style
Your negative thinking won’t change me while
My living goes beyond the mile
You can’t stop what you don’t understand
My Black Race is a sustain in demand
Yes, I am the stature of every Black Woman and Man