Rant 796: Train Wreck? Toast? You Choose
Copyright ? 2024 by Richard L. Hermann
Note: I will be talking about my most recent book, Eminent Riparians: Biographical Sketches of Finger Lakes Luminaries and Leading Lights, at the Little Lakes Community Center in Hemlock, New York, on July 10 at 7:00 PM. If you are in the area, come on by.
The unmitigated disaster of Joe Biden’s performance was evident less than 30 seconds into last night’s debate. A President who had only to meet the lowest bar ever posited for a candidate debate could not do it. The first indicator was his voice. OK, so he had a cold. His vocalization is not exactly strong and resonant when he is healthy. It was painful to watch. He should at least been given some lozenges and tea by his staff before coming on stage.
But his cold was only the beginning of this Titanic of a disaster. When he wasn’t speaking, and the camera focused on him, he looked like a deer caught in the headlights—slack-jawed, a blank stare, Methuselaic. Frail, feeble and confused is not a good look for someone who wants to tackle the world’s toughest job, a daunting task at any age. Biden appeared even older than his 81 years, while Trump appeared younger than 78. The Orange Menace is a consummate (expletive), but comes across as a vigorous (expletive).
No matter that his unworthy opponent lied every time he opened his mouth. The vast majority of voters who tuned in likely don’t realize that. Moreover, they got no help from the CNN debate moderators, who never bothered to fact-check the Great Falsifier. By lamely thanking the prevaricator for his responses and moving on to the next question, they left the impression that the outrageous BS he spouted was acceptable. They were guilty of tacit endorsement of Trump’s smears, deceits and libels. Also, note that it took Tapper and Bash 45 minutes to get to a question about a convicted felon who tried to overthrow the government! There was a desperate need for performance-enhancing drugs all around.
All of Biden’s detailed, well-documented preparation for this big moment was for naught. He blew the opportunity and may well have blown democracy and the rule of law for all of us. I don’t think that after this debacle, he can recover. I fear he is destined to lose this election and take down the rest of the Democratic Party’s candidates with him. I don’t envision any possibility of rehabilitation after last night’s dismal performance.
The only hope is that he will drop out of the race (I have been calling for him to take satisfaction in his accomplishments and move on for what seems like an eternity) and be replaced by someone from the deep Democratic bench who can give the Mango Molester a serious challenge: Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, Wes Moore, Raphael Warnock perhaps?
There is too much at stake to allow this to continue. Sadly, it’s time to go, Joe.
Dick Hermann
June 28, 2024