Ransome BPRR Turning Roll (#3671)
Andrew (Andy) Kamashian, CEA
President at BendmakUSA and Southern Fabricating Machinery Sales, Inc.
15 TON Ransome BPRR Tank Turning Roll with Idler Set, 36" Height From Floor to Top of Wheel (Includes 8" Riser), New Hand Pendant Control.
- Electrics: 460 Volt, 3-Phase
- Wheels: 20" Diameter 6.5" Face
- Turning Capacity (Set): 45 Tons
- Roller Surface Speed: 1.25 to 50.3 IPM
- Set Down Weight Capacity: 15 Ton
- Diameter Capacity: 5" to 8'
- Variable Speed: 1.5 to 59 IPM
- Weight Capacity (Set): 15 Tons
INCLUDES: Idler Set, 36" Height From Floor to Top of Wheel (Includes 8" Riser), New Hand Pendant Control.
***We strongly encourage personal inspection of all pieces of used equipment***
***All Price, Location and Specifications Subject to Change without Notice***
NEED MORE INFO? Call 813-444-4555 or email us at: [email protected] or VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: WWW.SOUTHERNFABSALES.COM