Random Thoughts And Other Musings

Random Thoughts And Other Musings

I recently contracted the coronavirus, now almost three months ago.?The first five days were touch and go for me.?I am almost 100% well again, thanks to the good folks at a Wellness & Integrative Medicine Clinic in Soquel, California.

My journey to health offered me almost two weeks to reflect and ponder topics that have occupied my thinking over the last two years or so as we dealt with the coronavirus, its variants, and a very uncertain future.?My musings focused primarily on what constitutes value, critical thinking, human nature, relationships, experts so-called, and simplifying the complex.?

Here are the random thoughts that occurred to me, augmented by three simple disciplines that may add value to the lives of my readers. None of my comments should surprise anyone because they are not new or startling. However, as with so much of worldly wisdom or good advice, it often bears repeating.

Random Thoughts

These random thoughts are just that. I have listed them in no order of priority, but just as I wrote them down.

1. All value in life is completely subjective. That is true whether we are talking about stocks, precious metals like gold, cryptocurrencies, or even real estate. Nothing has intrinsic value but life itself.

2. Never take or accept anyone at face value. The only exception to this standard is our immediate family, that is, our parents and siblings. Once we move outside that narrow circle, the odds dramatically increase that the individuals we are dealing with do not have our best interests at heart and are operating behind a reasonably opaque mask.

3. Learn to rapidly distinguish bull**it from the truth and vice versa. And most of what we see around us is just that, bull**it. Ideally, we should learn this skill in high school, certainly no later than the university.? Sadly, too many people never learn this most important skill of all.

4. Man (and woman) are not perfectible in this world. Society has been trying for five or six thousand years to do so but has been unsuccessful. Just open your eyes, raise your antennae, and have a look around you.

5. Human nature has not changed over the course of recorded history.??The seven deadly sins are still with us: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth (Laziness), and Wrath (Anger).

6. The eighth deadly sin is the love of power and the grasping after absolute power.? Again, sit and observe those who have achieved power in our world today, whether political or economic.?The results are terrifying to behold.

7. People who pretend to expertise are not really experts. There exist very few experts in our world, and most of them are wrong most of the time, regardless of the field.

8. Learn to apply Ockham's Razor to almost everything in life. Always choose the simplest explanation when evaluating any situation. Put simply: if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck.

Three Life Disciplines To Improve Your Life

1. Become a lifelong reader and read deeply about history.

2. Study philosophy and begin your study with the Ancient Greeks, the Stoics, the Roman philosophers, and the Chinese Sages.

3.?Study and master human nature as deeply as possible.?A deep understanding of human nature will serve you well during your lifetime and almost ensure you a life of happiness, joy, and positive results.

Quotes To Ponder

"We receive three educations, one from our parents, one from our schoolmasters, and one from the world.?The third contradicts all that the first two teach us."—Montaigne

?"Learn from the world.?It is the only teacher that has no ax to grind."—Unknown

"From this instant on, vow to stop disappointing yourself. Separate yourself from the mob. Decide to be extraordinary and do what you need to donow."Epictetus


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Cordial regards,

Andrew J Guinosso



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