Random Object-Object Lessons - Part 1
? Dan Curtis 2018
It’s time to start another series! The idea occurred to me that business and life analogies could be drawn from random objects. Why? Both for fun and deeper reflection! I know this much: this article is going to R.O.O.L. whilst others D.D.R.O.O.L. (Don’t Do Random Object-Object Lessons).
Today’s random object: The Artichoke
What is an artichoke? Animal, vegetable, or mineral? It doesn’t sing nor scurry about the landscape, so it must not number among fauna. Ignoring its green hue, it hardly looks edible; in fact it resembles the business-end of a medieval mace, and might lodge its spikiness into a wooden plank if thrown with any force. We know maces were traditionally made of metal. With this logic we must classify the artichoke as a mineral.
Now take that dangerous-looking object and process it—mix it with other ingredients like spinach, sour cream, cream cheese, Parmesan, and seasonings—and it results in a savory spinach artichoke dip. Something apparently harmful to humans on its own, when combined with other ingredients makes a perfectly palatable dish. In the same way, an eccentric human being with rough edges, when socialized with people of other backgrounds and abilities can integrate and contribute unique flavor to a collaborative venture. Thus the artichoke is an object lesson in the benefits of workplace diversity.
Did you really think I was going to say we should all pretend to be artichokes and launch ourselves at wooden panels to see if we stick? Ha!
What should be the next random object?
#business #humor #diversity