Random musing
Before you proceed with your life, there are some things that you need to know. These things will give you an upper hand in life and improve your chances of living your dream life.
Just like me, you might be puzzled about the different calamities in the past few years—something like rains in January. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has been undergoing several changes. From AI to climate change to cold wars. The list keeps piling up.
Therefore, if you’re an entrepreneur, please listen. We both know that the business climate has been changing and challenging since COVID-19. Headwinds have been blowing businesses from all directions. But like every crisis, there comes an opportunity, and you should be keen for one.
For I sniff a big opportunity for anyone willing to be keen.
Think of it this way: the established market consists of giant corporations and small entrepreneurs. Corporations resemble tankers and large ships at sea—MSC Irina. They are established and carry large amounts of goods, services, and value to serve many people.
While you, the entrepreneur, are a small boat with a fairly small capacity and market dominance.
But the one thing you have over the giant corporation's tanker ships is speed and flexibility. You, dear entrepreneur, can do things twice as fast as they can.
Not only can you move fast, but you can also learn from your mistakes quickly.
Aside from being slow, they also have slow decision-making processes. This slows their adoption to new technology, climate, and geopolitics. All these affect their customer relation and buying decisions and therefore, business success. These giant corporations must consult their many shareholders and stakeholders, who hold them accountable, before changing any strategy or tactic.
This hinders them from raiding new markets and opportunities as fast as you can. By the time they realize an opportunity, you have already spun your boat 360 degrees, sped up to the opportunity, filled your boat with value and gold, and repeated your journey seven times.
So with the changing business environment, be on the lookout. Search in silence and be patient with your eyes wide open.
Deeply study your market and take note of every opportunity that’s emerging.
And when an opportunity presents itself, before big corporations can even call for a board meeting to discuss the situation, make your move.
I need not remind you that fortunes favor the bold; therefore, seize the opportunity when you first see it.