A random blog
Suhas Krishnamoorthy
Data Privacy Risk Advisor | Blogger | Speaker | IAPP Chennai Knet Chair
It's been a while since I have published anything and I'm totally out of practice of blogging due to multiple reasons. It is very difficult to get back into the groove and gain confidence to start writing. So, in this random blog, I'll keep it very simple. I just aim to write about the various good things which we need to pay attention to in our life. Seems very dull? Let's see.
Our lives can get so hectic and target driven(be it personal growth or professional) that we often miss to pay attention to small aspects of our life. For example, I do not recollect having a proper and in-depth conversation with my family/friends to be available for those who need me. I also don't recollect when was the last time I saw and enjoyed a proper sunrise or for that matter, the last time I properly had a meaningful conversation with anyone.
So, I decided it is time to pay attention to smaller aspects of life.
While all of the above may seem very simple and straightforward to follow, and we may be partially attending to it, it is essential to be there in the moment and manifest them. While it may take sometime for me to be back to active blogging, I look forward to reading yours. With this final note to this blog, I say thank you everyone for reading this.