Random acts of kindness
Dr Helen Wright
Board Chair, Executive Leadership Coach, International Education Advisor
The petals on the flower in this photo may be curling and fading slightly now, as it gradually wilts in a vase in our hallway, but every time I see it, I smile. For this flower was given to me in a random act of kindness by a stranger as I crossed Dean Bridge in Edinburgh the other day, and I am reminded of this kindness whenever I catch a glimpse of it. And with this smile comes a flood of gratitude, for whenever someone does something unexpectedly kind, it can - and should! - release our gratitude.
Gratitude is a great gift to receive - it lifts the heavy mantle of individuality that keeps us locked into a cycle of thinking that we alone are the ones who can determine our destiny, when in fact in our interconnected world we need to be able to rely on others, and to accept what they have to offer, if we are to thrive. In turn, if we do the same, then together we form a virtuous upward spiral that benefits us all. It is, quite simply, good to be kind ...
Random or not, acts of kindness bring gratitude and joy ... make them part of your day!
Very true Helen, and I bet that stranger had no idea you'd still be smiling several days later from the kindness. Shows how effective it is!