Ramping up progress towards net zero through cleaner fuels and energies
International Civil Aviation Organization
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For states to fully decarbonize their aviation sectors, a variety of enhancements and innovations will be needed, encompassing the optimization of operations, the implementation of new technologies, and the deployment of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), lower carbon aviation fuels (LCAF), and other cleaner energies.
At ICAO, governments have agreed to work towards achieving a net zero global aviation sector by 2050. Research undertaken to support this decision shows that meeting the fuel and energy challenge holds the greatest potential, accounting for around fully half of the needed emissions reductions.
Producing and deploying these fuels in required volumes however will be a massive undertaking, requiring close cooperation between governments, aviation sectors, and the financial community.
A global framework for these fuels and energies is seen as particularly crucial to success, particularly in terms of fostering investor confidence.
Here, ICAO is playing a leadership role in fostering the consensus that will be needed to support such a framework, which is expected to emerge from the upcoming Third ICAO Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels (CAAF/3).
Following the 2023 ICAO Stocktaking on Aviation in-Sector CO2 Emissions Reductions and Pre-CAAF/3 Policy and Finance Consultation event earlier this year, ICAO Council President Salvatore Sciacchitano opened consultations on the event's outcomes this morning.
"Our focus this week will be on how to progress towards possible inspiring and ambitious CAAF/3 outcomes, including an ICAO global framework for aviation cleaner energy that will set the ground for aviation’s cleaner energy transition. This transition is key to the future of our sector," Mr. Sciacchitano declared, underscoring the importance of the discussions in terms of setting the stage "for result-oriented discussions at CAAF/3 in November."
The President underscored that "ICAO’s highest priority is implementing the long-term global aspirational goal for international aviation of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 (LTAG)," and that "high priority was reflected in the Organization’s various activities throughout the year, both by the Secretariat and by the ICAO Council, as we prepare for CAAF/3."
The ICAO pre-CAAF/3 Outcomes Consultation is taking place on 25 and 26 September as a hybrid event, with in-person and virtual participation. Views and inputs on possible CAAF/3 outcomes have already been expressed by governments and organizations in the form of 'submissions', which have been posted on the event website.