Ramit Sethi's Keys to a Rich Life

Ramit Sethi's Keys to a Rich Life

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Ramit Sethi’s Keys to a Rich Life

We sat down with Ramit Sethi, the host of hit Netflix series ‘How To Get Rich’ and New York Times best selling author, who’s made a stellar career teaching the financial literacy skills that school systems often overlook.

Contrary to the belief that discussing emotions around money is a sign of weakness, it's important to recognize and manage these emotions for financial well-being. Here are the key points we took away from chatting with him:

Embracing the Emotional Side of Money

Money is more than just a transaction; it's emotional. We all feel emotions about money, and that's perfectly normal. The key is to develop the skills to manage these emotions effectively. It's a journey we all undertake.

Changing Perspectives on Money

Shifting your worldview about money is crucial. For example: an entrepreneur who sees convenience as a top priority in spending. Understanding and challenging these perspectives can open doors to a healthier financial mindset.

Unpacking Your Rich Life

Discovering your "rich life" involves asking questions about your spending priorities. For instance, if dining out is a passion, consider what it would look like if you quadrupled your spending on this activity. Such questions prompt multidimensional thinking and can lead to surprising insights.

Tax Philosophy: Striking a Balance

Taxes can be a complex matter. Striking a balance between optimization and not letting the tax tail wag the dog is essential. A thoughtful approach involves leading by example and embracing the privilege of contributing to the community through taxes. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to lower your tax bill —> That’s where we come in.

Looking Beyond Taboos

Breaking financial taboos is an ongoing process. From discussing the taboo of home ownership to challenging assumptions about money, we encourage open conversations. Remember, there's more than one path to financial success.

Evolving Money Mindset

Reflecting on personal financial growth, it's evident that the journey involves continuous learning. From a humble beginning to managing larger sums, adapting to change while staying level-headed is a testament to resilience.

Money is a tool that enables us to live the life we desire. Let's continue exploring, learning, and embracing the emotional and practical aspects of finances.

Are you an entrepreneur, investor, or just want to level up your money game? We just posted our full length interview with Ramit Sethi which offers practical advice and strategies for mastering the psychology of money. Watch the full thing here: The Money Mindset for Rich Living: Ramit Sethi?

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How to Pay Less in Taxes in 2024 (For Business Owners)        

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