Ramadan Lecture: 23 (The Qur’anic Concept of Morality)
Prof Dr M Akram Chaudhary
Ex Vice Chancellor/Professor Emeritus, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
In the Arabic language the word: ????? (plural:?????? ) means a permanent habit, a trait and a characteristic of a person --- which ultimately becomes a regular conduct of a person. The conduct of a person, in day to day affairs of life, can be good or bad. Every one of us knows that telling truth, keeping of promises, patience, forbearance and honesty are good habits; whereas telling lies, looting, to be unthankful towards those who did nice with you and miserliness are bad habits. The Holy Qur’an wants to see the good habits as permanent features in the life of human beings. The Qur’an most emphatically ordains the believers:
????? ??????? ???????????? ??? ????????? ????????????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????????? ??????????? ? ????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ???? ? ????? ??????? ????? ???????? ????????
(Allah instructs you to pay back things/duties/liabilities entrusted to you to their owners. And when you judge between people, judge with justice. Allah's instructions to you are excellent. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing). Surah: 4, Verse: 58.
Dear readers! The key word in the above verse is “amanah”: ??????? which means a “trust”. In common usage we take it as “a deposit with someone for a determined period”; while the word: “amanah” encompasses reliability, loyalty, honesty, confidence and deposition in trust. My duties and responsibilities towards society are “amanah” payable by me. The rights of other people, which are to be discharged by me are their “amanah”. In the same way the dispensation of justice, in a court room, is “amanah” of the aggrieved to be paid by the judge. The necessary inference of the above verse is that the authority and administrative control of the rulers and the people at the helm of affairs are not things to enjoy rather they are responsibilities for which they are accountable before Allah.
Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a real embodiment of the above traits and morals; therefore, Allah said:
"????????? ???????? ?????? ??????"
(And you are of a great moral character). Surah: 68, Verse: 4.
In postmodern era when objectivity of moral values is at stake, both at the individual and global level; the Holy Qur’an invites our attention to adhere to the high moral values. In recent times, it appears, as if the Sophists’ philosophy: “Man is the measure of all things” takes hold, both at the personal and international level. The Sophists also taught (in pre Socratic era): “What seems to you right is right for you; and, what seems to you wrong is wrong for you”, abolishing the objectivity of the moral values.
The Holy Qur’an stands for the objectivity of the higher moral values. The Qur’anic emphasis is on performance of duty rather than demand of right. Muslim political thinkers like Abu Rabi’ and Ibn Taymiyyah propounded theories different from Chankiyya of India and Machiavelli of France. The Holy Qur’an has most emphatically persuaded the believers to do justice with the enemies; and, to show humility with the public and kindness particularly while dealing with the old and infants.
The other and popular dimension of “akhlaq” is to be polite and soft with others. The most honored and praiseworthy in the eyes of Allah is that who is more useful and benefactor of the humanity. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is reported to have said: "?????????? ??????????? ?????????" (The best of you are those who are more beneficial for the people). He also ordained the believers to be polite and kind with their family members. The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
"?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? ???? ?????????? ???????"
(The best of you are those who are best for their families; and, I am the best, among you, for my family).
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Student at Islamabad
8 年Sir you were a great vice-chancellor of u.o.s really
Self Employed at Upwork
8 年Asalam ... Sir are you delivering these lectures in Sargodha ?
Professor & Chairman Department of Sociology, Dean Faculty of Social and Behavioural sciences, University of Sargodha
8 年Superb sir in the era of moral decline...
Data Entry-Social Media Marketing
8 年SUBHAN ALLAH Live long Sir (Ameen)
Senior Database Analyst (JDE CNC, ETL, DBA). MS Information Systems, MSc Computer Science, MCSE, OCP, CCNA, and ITIL
8 年excellent post