Ramadan Kareem......!!!
I would like to share a story whic came across to me yesterday... Dedicated to all Doctors...
This story of a very big Heart Surgeon In India, who does 5-6 open heart sugery almost every day. One fine day he was sitting in his cabin and suddenly parents of small girl child came inside. from the face of the girl doctor could make out that girl was not fine and she was suffering from something very serious.
He checkd her and realised that it was too late and yet they need to do open surgery as soon as possible to take a chance of 30% survival. He asked the parents to take decision and the parents also agreed to take the 30% chance.
The OT was made ready for the girl and doctor just padded her back and said...dont worry child you will be alright. The girl said in return, doctor my mom said that you are going to open my heart..and she says that god resides in heart. If you see him, will you say hi from my side and later will you tell me how the god looks??
The girls question shook the doctor and without answering her, the started the operation. After some time , doctors realised that the girl cannot survive as not a drop of blood could reach the heart. Doctor said, just close the heart , she cannot survive. We have lost her.....nd suddenly the doctor could hear the girls word about seeing god!! The doctor just folded his hands and said "Its only you who can save her"...
Nd After 10 mins.. the other doctor shouted stating" Blood is reaching the heart".
They started the operation again and it was successfull and child lived!!
Doctor realised that he had all the faith i himself and his kowledge, which was then broken by small girl's faith in god.. From that Doctors prays to god before going to the surgery saying " I am small men I have knowledge but still I require your blessings......"
This statement has changed the Doctor completely!!!
Have faith in you...Have faith in god!!!!!
Ramadan Kareem To all Of You!!