Ramadan - Intermittent Fasting- A 360 Overhaul
Halima Mohiuddin FIN, MIS, HCMGT
Campus Dean |Executive Leadership Expert Columnist @ Higher Education Digest?
An Awareness Invitation - Words of Wisdom Series
For The Mindful, The God Conscious, and The Diversity Sensitive Humans
The Fasting month of Ramadam starts for Muslims around the world.
Almost 2 billion of our fellow humans on this planet follow Islam, which is unfortunately also the most misunderstood, misrepresented, and misinterpreted faith.
Despite all of this negative propaganda according to World Atlas, Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world at a remarkable rate of 70 %. How can a faith that has been aggressively distorted to feed political agendas and vested interest or just bring in global media ratings be so high impact that people are accepting it as their way of life at a mindblowing rate?
Think about it, things don't add up now ... DO THEY? ....Nope, not at all.
Anyhow, so almost a quarter of the world's population will be fasting during the upcoming month of Ramadan. Did you know that a Muslim Fast is a unique form of intermittent fasting?
According to a Scientific Report published by nature.com, intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset for four consecutive weeks induces anticancer serum proteome response and improves metabolic syndrome
"Muslim fasting is a unique form of intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset (dusk) without eating or drinking during the month of Ramadan based on the lunar calendar?and has several major unique features:
(1) Fasting is exclusively practiced during the human activity hours from dawn to sunset and is for both eating and drinking, which differentiates the dawn to sunset intermittent fasting from the other forms of intermittent fasting where eating light meals and/or drinking?are allowed during the fasting window;
(2) Although the main meals are at transition time zones of the day (pre-dawn breakfast and dinner at sunset), eating and drinking outside these transition time zones is allowed as long as it is within the non-fasting window;
(3) There is no interventional calorie or energy restriction;
(4) Daily fasting window is in synchrony with circadian rhythm and the earth’s rotation on its axis because the daily fast starts at dawn (the first transition time zone of the day) after a pre-dawn breakfast and ends at sunset (dusk) (the second transition time zone of the day) with dinner;
(5) Monthly fasting window is in synchrony with the moon’s rotation around the earth and lunar phases because the monthly fasting starts and ends when the new moon is sighted (with permission from Baylor College of Medicine)."(Mindikoglu, A.L., Abdulsada, M.M., Jain, A.?et al)
During this Ramadan, world-renowned scholar Maulana Syed Ali Raza Rizvi will be sharing a must watch "Words of Wisdom" from Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib in a short lecture series.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is the door to it".
Regardless of your faith, school of thought, race, creed, or religion, please consider making time for these short clips series full of wisdom. I promise that you will find them worth a listen for multidimensional emotional, intellectual, personal, professional, and spiritual benefits. The following is the first in the series and gives you how important it is to be God Conscious even when alone.
Beware of disobeying Allah in solitude
Please Subscribe to Maulana Syed Ali Raza Rizvi's youtube channel for notifications and reminders for this series which is in English. He is one of the most followed and dearly loved scholars of Islam, by people from all walks of life and faiths. Maulana Syed Ali Raza Rizvi is very highly respected and well-reputed among leaders and scholars of all faiths and his commitment to global peace and justice has been commendable.
A picture of Maulana Syed Ali Raza Rizvi with Cardinal Vincent and Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis at the annual Pope Benedict XVI lecture at Archbishop’s House.